


  • In the lexis and grammars part it discusses the features of word-building morphology and syntax with providing a lot of language materials .

    词汇和语法方面,通过与普通话的对比着重论述了 平阳 构词特点和词法、句法特征,并摘录了大量的语料。

  • The essay reviews each their origin then analyzes their instance particularly in ancient Chinese word-building combined with its usage and diachronic development .

    对每一个词缀,先追溯其来源,再结合其用法和历时发展详细分析它们在古汉语中的 构词情况。

  • Chapter Three describes the word formation mainly introducing the word-building types and the features of the loan words .

    第三章描写 仫佬 中词的构成。主要介绍了 仫佬语的 构词 方式和各类借词的形式特点。

  • They have a more distinct value in the research of the developmental history of Chinese lexicon and word-building and these data can also be taken to explore the morphological structure of ancient Chinese .

    释文》有近 一半 辨析 音变 构词的,它们对汉语词汇发展史和 构词 的研究有更为突出的价值,还可以利用这些材料来探索上古汉语的形态构成。

  • We discuss the word-formation and word-building of the subordinators in the Middle Ancient and review the subordinators from their stability and expansibility in diachronic perspectives .

    对中古汉语主从连词的构词法和 词法进行讨论,并从历时的角度着重从稳定性和发展性两个方面考察中古主从连词。

  • Distinct times and imbalance of word-building characterize the adverbial suffixes in Du Fu 's poems .

    杜甫诗中的副词词尾具有鲜明的时代性和 构词 能力的不平衡性。

  • Positive Transfer of Chinese and English Word-building Universals in the Acquisition of English Words

    汉英 构词共性及其在英语词汇习得中的正迁移作用

  • This says that additional compound words occupy fair shares in language communication and it was an important word-building in the Tang Dynasty . 2 .

    这说明,附加式合成词在语言交际中占据了相当的份额,在唐代已经成为一种非常重要的 构词 方式

  • Facing the Morpheme Teaching Method the morpheme and word-building study is also the contents of this paper .

    面向语素教学法的语素与 构词的研究也是本文讨论的内容。

  • This table gives the syntax function collection of each word-building mode and the probability of each syntax function .

    在构词模式语法功能信息表中,给出了每个 构词模式的语法功能以及语法功能的 分配概率。

  • Cyber language gradually became one kind of new language variety which has a particular way of word-building and has its own features in sociolinguistics especially in register .

    网络交际语逐渐成为一种崭新的语言变体,该 变体有独特的 构词方式,在社会语言学的语域方面有着自身的特点。

  • As an important part of Hui dialect the notional word has unique characteristic compare trom putonghua in word meaning word-building and etymology .

    徽语实词作为徽语的一个重要组成部分,在词义、 构词 特点以及词源上与普通话相比,有其独特的特点。

  • By comparing with English affix and derivation with the effort on in-depth rethinking about typical affix quasi-affixes and word-building of Chinese the author believes that neither typical affix nor quasi-affixes is affix in western linguistics .

    本人在充分对比英语词缀与派生 构词 后,重点对现代汉语中所谓的典型词缀、类词缀及汉语 构词 进行了较为深入的反思,认为典型词缀和类词缀都不是西方语言学意义上的词缀。

  • Based on college students'low English level the paper puts forward three effective vocabulary-teaching methods : classification word-building and association during the teaching of English .

    立足于专科学生英语基础较弱的实际,在实施英语教学的过程中,在对英语词汇教学进行简要的分析之后,提出了归类法, 构词记忆法和联系 三种有效的词汇教学法。

  • The First Panorama in Research History of Chinese Word-building & A Review of A Study of Chinese Word-building ;

    汉语 构词 研究史的第一幅全景图&评《汉语的构词法研究》

  • This article tentatively cards the history of the one hundred more compound words and analyses their structural styles one by one . This investigation accumulates a few materials for the study of Chinese history and word-building . 2 .

    本文的 主要 创新 之处 体现以下几个方面:1.本文初步梳理了百来个合成词的产生和发展的历史,一一分析其结构方式,为汉语史和 构词 的研究积累了材料。

  • The word-building mode is used for this .

    本文 主要 利用 构词模式来解决这一问题。

  • Quasi-affixes which emerge and participate in word-building in a large amount affect deeply the contemporary Chinese vocabulary system .

    当代汉语中,类词缀的大量产生和广泛参与 构词,深刻地影响到汉语词汇系统。

  • Reduplication is an important word-building means of modern Chinese which has been highly academic attention .

    重叠是现代汉语的一种重要的 构词手段 丰富的重叠式 作为 方言的 主要 特征之一,一直倍受学者重视。

  • This text has two parts make morphology and word-building carry on overall investigation and analyse to Chinese herbal medicine name meanwhile carried on the deep discussion to name motivation and culture characteristic of the Chinese herbal medicine .

    本文从 构词 词法两个角度 切入,对中草药名称进行了全面的考察与分析,同时,对中草药的命名理据及文化特征进行了深入的探讨。

  • Realize this basic goal must further investigate basic structure and characteristic of Chinese word & Word-building and analyze Chinese and similarities and differences of other languages on word-building in term of comparing with thus offer the theoretical foundation for vocabulary teaching of foreign Chinese .

    要实现这一基本目标,就必须深入研究汉语词语的基本结构及特征& 构词 ,并从对比的角度分析汉语同其他语言在构词法上的异同,从而为对外汉语词汇教学提供理论依据。

  • A Comparison of the Word-building Ability between Chinese Characters of HSK Graded Outline and Chinee Characters Used in Korean Education

    《汉语水平汉字等级大纲》中的汉字与韩国教育用汉字 构词能力的比较

  • This article summarizes the common ways of guessing the word meanings according to transliteration general knowledge word-building and context clues etc.

    文中概述了阅读理解中常用的猜测生词词义的方法,包括根据词音猜词、普通常识 猜词利用 构词 猜词 利用上下文关系猜词。

  • The chapter also studies the word-building and the word-constructing .

    本章还对晚清新词的 词与构词特点进行了研究。

  • Eary Chinese word-building refers to the word-building on the initial stage of the development of Chinese vocabulary .

    早期汉语 词法是指汉语词汇发展的自生阶段的造词法。

  • Study of this issue is important although there is inadequacy in previous work because it is not only referred to our understanding of modern Chinese word-building but also further impact on the understanding of the nature of Chinese .

    虽然我们对词缀问题的研究存在很多欠缺,但该问题的研究却十分重要,因为它关系到我们对现代汉语 构词 的认识,也更进一步影响到对汉语本质 特点的认识。

  • The word-building ways mainly consist of homonym overlap metaphor metonymy abbreviation loanword or explaining a word in another way .


  • This paper attempts to analyze the phenomena of sexism in English from six aspects such as appellation words word-building idioms and its main causes .

    认为历史、社会、社会 经济 社会 地位生理与心理因素是造成这种歧视现象的主要根源。

  • Chapter 3 has a linguistic analysis from the following three aspects : morphology word-building and origin of the vocabulary ;

    第三章从语义和词形、 构词、词汇来源三方面对 北海 白话词汇进行语言分析, 揭示其特点;