work data set

[wɚk ˈdetə sɛt][wə:k ˈdeitə set]


  • The main work and conclusions are as follows : ( 1 ) An experimental system consisting of raising control ignition testing and data acquisition system was set up .

    主要 工作和结论如下:(1)自行设计了一 哈特曼粉尘爆炸实验装置系统。

  • From the Data Explorer view drag the work items data set to the data cell in the new column .

    从DataExplorer视图中, 工作数据拖拉到新列中的数据单元中。

  • Three sets of A / D channels work in parallel and an automatic channel switching and an automatic data output logic are set up DMA data transfer mode are used to transfer data in the system .

    为了提高系统的测试速度及精度,采用三路A/D通道并行 工作,并配有通道自动切换及 数据自动输出逻辑,数据传输采用DMA方式。

  • Parallel program executed on many data elements has two characteristics . First most of the parallel work focuses on performing operations on a data set . The data set is typically organized into a common structure .

    对于这类能够在数据元素上并行执行的程序,具有两个特点:一是并行 任务大部分集中于一个 数据 上执行操作,该数据集通常有相同的数据结构。

  • To make the editors work the iWidget should declare the data types of the items in the item set .

    要使编辑器 工作,iWidget应该声明项目 集中项目的 数据类型。

  • This paper has done the following work around this field : 1 . The structure of digital video is complicated and different from traditional data based on characters . It is essential for video retrieval to set up a rational video data structure model .

    数字视频结构复杂,不同于传统的字符型 数据,对视频检索而言, 建立一个合理的视频数据结构模型是必需的。

  • But the PAM can work well with large data set . To solve the problem this paper shows an Approximated Linear Clustering Method ( ALCM ) and proves that the complexity of the new algorithm is O ( n ) where n is the number of data set .

    本文针对PAM算法不适应大 数据 的缺点,给出一个近似的线性时间聚类算法( ALCM),并且从理论上证明了该算法复杂度为关于数据集个数的线性时间复杂度。

  • You could join the enumerations data set to the work items data set but that might be unwieldy if the work items data set is also joined to another data set .

    您可以将枚举数据集合加入到 工作数据 集合中,但是如果工作项数据集还加入到了另一个数据集中,那么这可能会更加方便。

  • To calculate a work item 's status we need to create an Iteration data set .

    为了估计一个 工作项目的状态,我们需要创建一个Iteration 数据

  • The work items data set still shows all of the work items that are associated with each user regardless of the team area of the work item .

    工作数据 显示了所有与每一个用户相联系的工作项,而不管工作项的团队区域如何。

  • After data preprocessing and included work completed each record need a scientific data coding as identifier by set a unique serial number .

    当数据预处理和收录 工作完成以后,需要进行科学的 数据编码,为每一条记录 设置唯一的序列号作为标识。

  • The test results show that the above two methods work the same . But from the current test data set the former has better performance than the latter .

    实验结果表明,上述两种方法 取得了一定的 效果,从目前的测试 数据 上看,前者要比后者具有更好的性能。

  • Most work what the thesis did as follows : First by analysing four type of data information what DICOM exchanged with HL7 the thesis explained the mechanism of information communicating between HIS / RIS and PACS and set the DICOM / HL7 gateway .

    本文主要作了以下研究 工作:(1)通过分析DICOM和HL7进行交换的四种 数据信息阐述了HIS/RIS和PACS之间进行信息交换的机制, 建立了DICOM/HL7网关。

  • In the deep sea the test and control system for mine elevating is to test and control kinds of work data of the rigid tube and the mid-transfering barn and to coordinate each performing set .

    在深海中,扬矿测控系统主要检测与控制扬矿提升管道与中继仓的各种 工作 参量,协调各个执行机构的 作业

  • In SQL terms this merge calls for an outer join which matches each row in the work items data set to the single row in the states data set with a matching state ID.

    在SQL术语中,该合并会调用一个外层联系,它会将 工作数据 集合中的每一行,与状态数据集合中的单个行使用匹配状态ID来匹配起来。

  • As a large amount of data is produced in the clinical work in the United States and other Western countries relevant departments collected information data at different levels for different purposes and made reservation plans and set up corresponding computer database management system .

    在临床 工作中,由于产生大量数据资料,美国等西方国家各个相关部门实施不同层次和不同目的信息 资料收集、储备计划并 建立了与之相适应计算机数据库管理系统。

  • To get the sub work items we need another data set named Inner Work Items .

    为了得到子 工作项,我们需要名为InnerWorkItems的其他 数据

  • Scheduler work area data set

    调度程序 工作数据

  • Restoration of Landfills Implementation Programme scheduler work area data set

    堆填区修复工程时间表调度程序 工作数据

  • The text is under this environment taking some national defense engineering as to practice the work background to integration type the data platform set up the data integration in the platform etc. the problem carried on a research .

    本文就是在这样的环境下,以某国防工程为实践 工作背景,对整合型 数据平台的 构建,平台内的数据集成等问题进行了研究。

  • The main work is listed as below : ( 1 ) Research on exploiting and implementing data parallelization of dynamic programming and based on SIMD instruction set .

    基于 SIMD指令 的动态规划算法 数据并行性开发与实现研究。

  • Thus the ITERATION_ITEMID should be configured as a parameter for Iteration with the parameter value sourced from report parameters or the Top Work Items data set .

    因此,ITERATIONITEMID应该配置为迭代的一个参数,该参数值来源于报表参数或者Top WorkItems 数据

  • In the Data Set Name field type a name for the data set such as Work Items .

    Data SetName区域中,为数据集输入一个名字,例如 WorkItems。

  • Drag the parent work items data set to the report and add an extra column in which to show the child work items .

    将上级 工作数据 集合拖拉到报表中,并添加一个额外的列以显示下级工作项。

  • Again through massive reading related fundamental researches and so on research work article statistical data as well as network summarizes a set to have the pointed feasible design method .

    通过大量阅读相关的研究 著作、文章、统计 资料以及网络等理论研究,总结出一 有针对性可行的设计方法。

  • Non-Party people have become thoroughly familiar with the Common Programme so they can quote copiously from it and present valid arguments when discussing work and policies . A simple data dictionary can be set up increasingly popular .

    党外人士把共同纲领背得烂熟,在讨论 工作和政策时,能够引经据典,充分说理。简单的 数据字典可 建立在索引卡片上,但计算机化的数据字典已经变得日益流行了。

  • Engles once said the philosophy of each age as a particular realm of work dividing is all preconditioned on some given thought data inheriting from its harbinger from which it set out to be used as the premise .

    恩格斯说过:每一个时代的哲学作为 分工的一个特定的领域,都具有由它的先驱者传给它而它便由以 出发的特定的思想 资料作为前提。

  • The research work is represented as follows . 1 . Projection Pursuit is applied to explore the potential structures and characters of the multi-dimension data through projecting the high dimensional data set into a low dimensional data space while retaining the information of interest .

    这一学术 思想倾向与投影寻踪在保留感兴趣信息的前提下,把高维数据 投影到低维数据空间来 分析的核心思想不谋而合。

  • The key points of work warehouse are expatiated . In order to get the data set immediately and reduce the operation of I / O to data server most of data set which are used frequently are disposed using the technology of data cache .

    阐述工作仓库的设计要点,运用数据缓存技术对一些频繁使用的数据集进行了处理,以达到及时获取 数据和减少对数据服务器I/O操作的目的。