work assembly

[wɚk əˈsɛmbli][wə:k əˈsembli]


  • This paper introduces the software and hardware composition and operation principle of the Machine Vision system and operational mode and work flow of the assembly line . It explains the application of the Machine Vision Technology in intelligent recognition of the old meters .

    介绍了机器视觉系统的软硬件构成和工作原理以及 别线运行模式与 工作流程,阐述机器视觉技术在回收电度表智能检别中的应用。

  • It 's positioning precision is ± 0.1mm and it can identify the shape of work piece realize the assembly task automatically .

    其定位精度可达±0.1mm,并能识别 工件的形状,自动实现对不同形状轴孔的插 作业。

  • Because of the standardization of American cooking the American cook are like workers who work along the automatic assembly line .

    由于烹饪的规范化,美国的厨师就像 工作在自动 流水线上的工人一样。

  • This Paper discusses the general procedure and method of work study on assembly line through a radio recorder assembly line instance .

    本文以收录机 装配流水线 工作研究为例,讨论了 工作研究在流水线上应用的步骤和方法。

  • With the development of robotics the robots are used as assembly tools in FMS . How to make robot work well in assembly and the assembly sequence planning will be the urgent problem to solve we face now .

    随着机器人技术的发展,其中以机器人为装配工具的柔性装配&机器人 装配及其装配规划,日益成为制造自动化中急待解决的问题。

  • Installation refers to the erection work including assembly connecting and placing the parts to its position according to the design drawings of all the Contract Equipment .

    “安装”指按照合同设备的设计图纸进行 组装、连接和零件就位的安装 工作

  • I hate the monotony of work on the assembly line .

    我痛恨在单调无味的流水 装配线上 工作

  • Roy : You can study alchemy as you wish or work in the assembly being a captain .

    罗伊:自由研究炼金术,或是你可以决定到 军部 工作,等级是少校。

  • The pallet information model based on analysis of pallet design is established . The basic function and the work flow in the assembly centre is clearly described .

    在托盘设计分析基础上建立了相应的托盘模型,明确了 中心的基本职能和 工作流程。

  • This function since it calls itself makes very good use of stack frames . Let 's look at how the factorial function would work in assembly language ( enter as factorial . s )

    这个函数,从它调用自己开始,就很好 使用了 堆栈帧。

  • Thanks to difference of producing process and operation time to different product on mixed-model assembly line production sequencing problem of mixed-model assembly line must be considered in order to guaranteeing regular work of mixed-model assembly line .

    由于混流生产线上不同产品所需的加工工序和作业时间存在差异,为了保证 混流生产线的正常 运转,混流生产线必须考虑投产排序问题。

  • Hui Wing Mau behalf of the Council work report to the General Assembly .

    许荣茂代表理事会向 大会 工作报告。

  • It has also gravely obstructed the work of the general assembly .

    他们的行径还严重干扰了 联大 正常 工作

  • Back home my grandmother raised their baby and went to work on a bomber assembly line .

    在后方家中,外祖母养育着他们的孩子,并在一条轰炸机 流水线工作

  • She seemed content to work on the assembly line .

    她似乎乐于在 装配线上 工作

  • The experimental platform is applied to teaching can help students master the test in the actual work platform assembly commissioning maintenance and repair and the failure to find such points .

    该实验平台应用到教学中有利于学生在实际 工作中掌握试验平台的系统 组装、调试、维护和维修及故障点的查找等。

  • No gas work is required for assembly or for possible later extensions of the switchgear .

    装配或可能在后来扩展开关柜时无需气体 作业

  • This paper illustrates the constituents of work states of flexible assembly workstation through that of motorcycle engine .

    以摩托车发动机 装配工作站为例,介绍了回转式机器人柔性 装配工作站的组成,并给出了柔性装配工作站的 工作方式。

  • Assembly Digital System ( ADS ) is a management system of assembly work for aero-engine assembly factory .

    装配数字化系统是为某航空发动机 装配厂开发的装配 作业管理系统。

  • A new assembly diagram is created for each module you create which you work with using the assembly editor .

    系统将为您创建的模块生成新的组装图,您可使用 组装编辑器来 编辑此图。

  • We have to accept the monotony of work on the assembly line .

    我们不得不忍受 配线 工作的单调。

  • An expert system with Fuzzy-Petri-Netz as knowledge basis is employed to work out operative assembly plans . Moreover with the dimly formulated technological experiences used the decision fixed to the reality could be secured .

    为了制定现行的 装配计划,采用了以 Fuzzy-Petri网络为知识基础的专家系统,该系统运用了模糊表达的技术经验,能确保决策与实际情况相符合。

  • He work on the assembly line at the local car factory .

    他在本地汽车制造厂 装配线上 工作

  • This rules-based repetitive work occurs most frequently in clerical jobs-particularly back office work & and in assembly line work .

    这类“有规律可循”的重复工作最常见于一般事务 工作,尤其是办公 事务以及 装配线工作。

  • All the research work in this paper will offer reference model and theory supporting for further design and research work of fast fuel assembly in SCWR mixed core .

    本文研究为今后的混合堆快谱区 组件设计与 研究提供参考模型与理论基础。

  • Ad Hoc Committee on the Improvement of the Methods of Work of the General Assembly

    改进 大会 工作方法特设委员会

  • The algorithm presented in this paper can be used in work of robot assembly and object tracking .

    该文提出的算法可应用于机器人 装配及目标跟踪中。

  • Then you 'll have all the resources to create sophisticated threaded programs that model work crews assembly lines and more .

    到那时,您将拥有了创建复杂线程程序所需的全部资源,那些线程程序可以模拟 工作人员、 装配线等等。

  • Section three is about the spread of new ideas in Jiangsu Province . The popularization of education and awakening of elites ' rights conscience led to the active preparatory work for a Provincial Assembly .

    第三节,介绍了新思想在江苏省的传播,教育的普及程度以及由此而带来的绅民权利意识的觉醒,为江苏 咨议局的筹备和 运作中民间参与主体的积极性作了背景准备。