work song

[wɚk sʊŋ][wə:k sɔŋ]


  • His latest piece of work was by a song he heard on the radio .

    他最近的 新作是由收音机中的一 的激发而产生的灵感做成的。

  • We to Shakespeare 's works carefully exploring the result which pondered had discovered Shakespeare 's work be called a song to express the human self-sovereignty will characteristic encyclopedia .

    我们对莎士比亚的作品,精心探索,思考的结果,就发现了莎士比亚的 作品,称得上是 歌唱,表达人类自我主权意志特性的百科全书。

  • Yamyipo folk song includes mountain song work song long song custom song and sutra praying .

    央移谱民歌包括山歌(牧歌)、 劳动 、爱情歌、风俗歌、颂经调等。

  • A work song is a piece of music closely connected to a specific form of work either sung while conducting a task ( often to coordinate timing ) .

    号子”指一种与某样工作紧密相关的小调,经常是在指挥工作进行的时候唱的,有时候唱 号子是为了协调工作节奏。

  • This work entitled POLAR LIGHTS . The whole song is using an accordion variable damper and a variety of playing techniques in order to show the audience a picture of a beautiful music .

    作品标题为POLARLIGHTS&极光,全 利用手风琴变音器的多种音色及丰富的演奏技法,为听众展现了一幅美丽的音乐图画。

  • The work song is one kind is following the folk song which directly works sings produces in the work and for the fatigue duty has the intense life breath directly music disposition rough heroic firm powerful .

    劳动 号子,是一种直接伴随着劳动进行歌唱的民间歌曲。它产生于劳动,并直接为劳动服务,有着强烈的生活气息,音乐性格粗犷豪迈、坚定有力。

  • Now we know what an antiphonal work song is like .

    我们见识到了 劳动 盘歌

  • Allen 's basic advice is to get paid multiple times for the same work : write a book or a song or license an innovative idea and collect royalties for years ;

    Allen的基本意见,是要付出多次作同样的 工作:写一本书或一 ,或许可有创意的想法和收取版税多年;

  • Likewise in his work Fading Out Song Jianshu was still dealing with the existence of self .

    同样,在 作品《淡出 中, 宋建树还是在处理“我”的存在的问题。

  • And his work history of dramas from song to yuan dynasty is a succeed practice that combined textual research of history to literature .

    而《 宋元戏曲史》一 则是王国维运用历史考证法与文学批评相结合的成功之作。

  • Through analyzing the fuzzy phenomenon in the original work of The Book of Song and three translations of it states that literary translator should make full consideration and application of fuzzy to make the translation and the original text achieves the best connection .

    通过对《 诗经 原作以及三种译本的模糊性特点的分析,提出译者在文学翻译时要充分考虑并运用这一特点,使译文和原文达到最佳关联。

  • I am afraid of missing out on a creative idea because of lack of time . I would die without my work . I 'm reborn every time with my new song and new album .

    我怕因为缺少时间而丢了创造性的想法,我因我的 新歌新专辑而重生。

  • The last part is about the relations between nowadays Jiangxi Confucian Temple and Jiangxi Confucian education system in Song Dynasty which is including the relation between temple and education and temple study exploratory work of Jiangxi Confucian education and some Confucian in Song Dynasty .

    第三章分析江西 孔庙 宋代江西儒学教育的关系,包括庙与学、庙学与书院的关系、宋代江西儒学教育兴盛的原因以及江西儒学人物。

  • His work Song of Yunnan elected to PEP eighth-grade language the next volume of the book .

    作品《云南的 歌会》被选入人教版八年级下册语文书。

  • In their work Song Dong and Yin Xiuzhen confront broad social issues through an intense focus on gestures and actions that are deeply personal in meaning .

    宋冬和尹秀珍将他们的 作品聚焦于身体的姿势和动作,同时正视社会现象,探讨这些现象对自身的特殊意义。

  • Being able to work with him with this song is great .

    能跟他一起 练习 真的太好了。

  • Out are questions on leadership and management style to be replaced by ones on what you would do if your work was cancelled for three hours or even what song best expresses your personality .

    有关领导力和管理风格的问题不流行了,取而代之的是这样的问题:如果有三个小时不用 工作,你会干什么?甚至是这样的问题:哪 最能诠释你的个性?

  • Memoriam to be is a jazz improvisation-style work based on the Chinese Guqin song Memoriam as a principle of idea framing .

    《酒狂再》是以古琴 酒狂》为构思原则创作的爵士即兴式 作品

  • This paper is based on the work from the following several aspects of the song dynasty to overall preliminary evidence system : firstly to introduce various types of evidence of song dynasty not only its inspection system .

    本文拟在已有 著作的基础上着重从以下几个方面去全面的浅析 证据制度:首先着重介绍两宋多样的证据种类,而不仅仅只是其检验制度。

  • What is the Bourgeois Right in the Distribution According to Work & Consulting with Doctor SONG Chao-long

    何谓按 分配中的资产阶级权利&兼与 宋朝龙博士商榷

  • A rhythmical work song originally sung by sailors .

    最初起源于水手的有节奏的 劳动 号子

  • Through the study on some ancient literature the system of engineering management including quality schedule work and material in Song Dynasty is explored .

    该文试图以有限的文献资料,对 宋代营造中的质量责任制、进度控制和工料 关防等工程管理制度进行探讨。

  • He insisted on poetry writing poems insist on the busy work in the state of song about life adhere to the poet 's view that the value of life .

    他坚持对诗歌的热爱,坚持动笔写诗,坚持在繁忙的 工作中思考生活中的 诗歌状态,坚持以诗人的视角发现人生的价值。

  • There should be a kind of internal motive force for the completion of the work Shuihu that is to make Song Jiang 's image successful .

    《水浒》的成书应当有一个内在的源动力,那就是对 宋江形象改造的成功。

  • If the macaques keep up their good work perhaps the military will consider commissioning a love song for them as it recently did for its aircraft carrier .

    如果猕猴一直能出色 完成这一 工作,也许中国军队会考虑给它们创作一 赞歌,就像最近他们给航母创作赞歌一样。

  • The song we joined them singing is an antiphonal work song .

    我们刚才参与的就叫 劳动 盘歌呀。

  • What is the longest you 've gone without sleeping to work on a song ?

    你为了一 ,最长时间不睡觉 工作是多久?

  • According to the anthologies and appraisements of Sao we analyse carefully the work of the discrimination in the Song Dynasty and expect to have a distinct-to the concept of the Sao style .

    本文从宋人对《骚》类作品的选评出发,对 宋人《离骚》辨体的 工作 了一个较为细致的梳理,以期达到对宋人《骚》体观念有一个清晰的认识。

  • With his diligent work Song Taizong made himself a knowledgeable monarch who put much emphasis on culture which stimulated the development and prosperity in culture and education of Song Dynasty .

    宋太宗 勤奋 学习、刻苦读书,将自己成功地塑造成为好学好文、重视文化的君主,促进了宋朝文化教育的繁荣发展。

  • The direct report of this one characteristic in real work namely when close Shi Song anticlimactic .

    这一特点在实际 工作中的直接反映,就是 时紧时松,虎头蛇尾。