work screen

[wɚk skrin][wə:k skri:n]

[计] 工作荧光屏

  • You can take a free copy of a work and throw it on a screen .

    你可以得到一件 作品的免费拷贝并显示在 屏幕

  • Choosing the proper UI model is key to making the application work on the small screen .

    选择适当的UI模型是让这个应用程序 能够适应小 屏幕的关键。

  • Measures to improve work efficiency of impact screen in cement industry

    提高水泥行业 振动 工作效率的措施

  • This article introduces the multi-single-chip microcomputer work in large LED screen system to ensure the perfect images displayed in the large screen .

    着重介绍了LED大 屏幕显示装置中,各单片机联合 工作的方法,从而确保LED大屏幕显示装置画面的完整性。

  • The filtering channels of single-plate double-position unit may work alternately contributing to quick screen change-over easy production and simple maintenance .

    单板双工位过滤通道交替 工作,换 迅速,便于生产及维护。

  • The work principle of the technique of screen printing and screen printing for plunger with D10 coating and the flow process of graphite coating of screen printing for plunger were introduced .

    介绍了丝网印刷技术以及运用D10涂料进行活塞 丝网印刷技术的 工作原理以及活塞丝网印刷石墨涂层的工艺流程。

  • Design games to work well across multiple screen sizes .

    设计能够跨多样式 屏幕 运行的游戏。

  • The works in the form of language includes the following aspects : the content theme of the works the composition of the work rules modeling features screen black white and gray relations and the color of the screen processing and more .

    作品形式语言具体包括以下几个方面:作品的内容题材、 作品的构图法则、造型特点、 画面黑白灰关系及画面色彩的处理等。

  • The eject key does not work when the windows welcome screen is displayed .

    显示windows欢迎 屏幕时,弹出键不 工作

  • Hollywood star Nicole Kidman was presented with Australia 's top civil honor on Friday for her work on the big screen as well as her efforts to promote women 's health .

    好莱坞影星妮可·基德曼因为电影业和女性健康运动所做的贡献,于周五(13日)获得了澳大利亚政府授予平民的最高荣誉 勋衔

  • Single-chip Microcomputer Work United in LED Large Screen System

    屏幕 显示装置中多单片机的 联动

  • There is even a special App store built for apps that might work on a 1.5-inch LCD screen - in other words almost no Android apps currently available .

    这款手表电话的研发者甚至设立了一种特殊的应用程序商店,为这种液晶 只有1.5英寸的产品提供专用程序。换句话说,目前几乎所有的安卓手机程序都无法 适用于该产品。

  • Clicking this button allows you to work with slides or to share your screen .

    单击该按钮,您就 可以使用幻灯片或共享您的 屏幕

  • Fonts that work together well in print don 't necessarily work on the screen since the anti-aliasing makes them unstable and shaky .

    在印刷版上配合很好的字体设置,在 屏幕 显示未必如此,因为抗锯齿让字体变得摇摇晃晃不稳定。

  • Authorware Work Entire Screen Display Control Technique

    Authorware 作品 全屏显示控制技术

  • Her great work on the screen resulted in her accepting an invitation to join the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences placing her among the ranks of those able to vote on the Academy Awards .

    由于在 电影 出色表现, 章子怡还曾受邀出席美国电影艺术与科学学院的评选,为奥斯卡的候选电影及演员投票。

  • The students work with activities on their computer screen and wear a headset and microphone to talk to their tutor .

    学生们在电脑 做题,并戴上耳机和麦克风与他们的导师交流。

  • The paper discusses the process control and work mode of the Metro Platform Screen Door .

    给出了地铁 屏蔽门运行流程与 运行模式;

  • But avoid overly stressful projects before bed which may cause you to toss and turn with worry . And don 't work on anything with a screen within an hour of bed : Studies show the blue light in screens can lead to fitful sleep .

    但是避免在睡前去想压力很大的项目,这样做可能会让你辗转忧虑。而且,睡前一小时不要 对着 屏幕 做事:研究显示屏幕辐射出的蓝光会让睡眠断断续续。

  • The performance of their work force to stay on the screen is not only itself but more the meaning of the screen can not see the cultural heritage and the potential strength of the national spirit at work .

    他们 作品的表现力不仅仅是停留在 画面本身,而更多的是画面内涵的文化积淀和看不到的潜在民族精神力量在起作用。

  • If you need to do some quality assurance work on some data or screen a stack of job applications you need uninterrupted silence and in some workplaces the only places to get that are conference rooms .

    如果你需要处理一些数据上保证质量的 工作,或 浏览一堆工作的申请,你就需要一个不受打扰的安静的地方,而在一些公司,唯一能够符合要求的就是会议室了。

  • According to the demands of scientific work the scintillation screen and scientific grade CCD are studied the driving circuits and refrigeration circuits of CCD and the quick data acquisition circuits for long distant as well as its software using the EPP mode of computer are designed .

    结合科研 工作中对内视仪性能的要求,研究了闪烁 和科学级CCD的性能,设计了CCD的驱动电路、制冷电路和微机EPP方式远距离数据快速采集电路和相应软件。

  • The paper details the camera calibration three-dimensional reconstruction based on coded structured light geometric correction and other related algorithm design on this basis we have basically achieved the detection and correction work of the soft screen projection .

    该论文详细介绍了摄像机标定、基于编码结构光三维重建、几何校正等相关算法设计,在此基础上实现了对软 投影的检测与校正 工作

  • The more cognitive work required to screen out unwanted input the fewer cognitive resources remain for the task at hand .

    脑部要动用更多的认知能力来 排除不需要的信息,用于手头 工作的脑部认知资源就会减少。

  • Without becoming a nuisance use every opportunity to maintain open communication channels with your boss and keep your good work on their radar screen throughout the year .

    在不惹人讨厌的情况下,利用所有的机会来保持跟老板的顺畅沟通,让他们 一年到头都能 看到你出色的 工作

  • Almost all the existing research work about multi-frequency vibrating screen focus on the mechanics principle and experiments however there is little information about the conveyance law of solid particles on the working screen surface .

    目前对复频振动 研究主要集中在其工作的力学原理和实验上,而对于复频振动 筛分过程中,筛面上固相颗粒运移规律的研究甚少。

  • If you have a work item that needs a screen capture to illustrate the work needed you can attach it .

    如果一个 工作项需要 屏幕抓图才能阐明需要的工作,还可以附加该 屏幕 抓图

  • From the beginning of the film development to the abundance of types of film work on the screen violence has been accompanied by the century development of filmdom .

    从电影发展之初到如今 银幕上各种类型电影 作品百花齐放,暴力一直伴随着电影的百年发展。

  • The application needs to be fully resizable and must work well in other screen configurations but the interface should be optimized for full-screen use instead of the less common cases .

    但它必须为全 屏幕使用进行优化,而不能为其他较少间的情况进行优化。

  • Translation of the words of a foreign opera ( or choral work ) projected on a screen above the stage .

    外国歌剧(或 合唱)歌词的翻译,投放到舞台上方的 屏幕