work task

[wɚk tæsk][wə:k tɑ:sk]

[经] 工作任务

  • Complete the G2G work task with Party A within the term of validity of the contract ;

    责在合同有效期限内与甲方共同完成g2g 工作 任务

  • Design of Talent Training Scheme by Taking True Work Task as Carrier

    以真实 工作 任务为载体的人才培养方案设计

  • To fulfill the eco-biological restoration work careful researches studies on the natural conditions pollution situation and biological and landscape problems are needed and advanced and proper technological methods should be selected to fulfill the work task step by step .

    认为该地区实施生物&生态修复应当认真调查研究,区分河涌自然条件、污染程度、污染类型和生态、景观问题,筛选先进、适宜的技术,循序渐进地 开展 工作

  • Developing Party members among students is an important work and task for the ideological and political education of the students of higher vocational colleges in this new period .

    大学生党员组织发展工作,是做好新时期高等学校大学生思想政治教育 工作的一项重要 内容 任务

  • For the application of μ Clinux it is a important work task to design the device driver .

    对于μClinux的应用来说,编写设备驱动程序是很重要的一个方面的 工作

  • If a particular type of operation is performed often the frequency of the corresponding task can be increased to reduce the amount of work each task has to perform .

    如果有一种特定类型的操作经常执行,那么相应任务的频率可以增加以降低每一 任务必须执行 任务的数量。

  • From full-time teachers ' aspect include the heavy work task and heavy pressure ; from part-time teachers ' aspect include it is hard for them have energy to teach .

    从教师层面包括专职教师 工作 任务重、心理压力大;兼职教师存在打工心理,对民办高校教学很难投入精力。

  • Action orientation teaching method is a kind of thoughts and methods guided by vocational educational teaching which is oriented by action or work task .

    行动导向教学法是以行为或 工作 任务为导向的一种职业教育教学指导思想与方法。

  • Concerning a multi-robot system which may include the identical or non-identical mechanical structures many different synchronization patterns such as external synchronization and mutually synchronization are adopted to achieve their work task .

    针对具有相同或不同机械结构的多机器人系统,可以采用外同步、互同步等策略完成同一 工作 目标

  • The paper introduced the design plan technical index and main points of computer net system of Shanxi Communications Design Institute also proposed its work task etc.

    介绍了山西省交通规划 勘察设计院计算机网络系统的设计方案、技术指标和主要特点。

  • The Dream : This one is marked by anxiety over not being ready for a big presentation event or work task .

    梦境:这个梦境通常是对某个重要任务没有准备好而表现出来的焦虑,比如某个重大的展示、活动或者 工作 任务

  • At the same time following the training model of improving specialty ability some problems of the instructors ' extracurricular work task greatly increase and there should be scientific research projects supporting undergraduate students ' involvement will appear .

    同时指出了此种提高专业技能培养模式中存在着指导教师业余 工作量大幅度提高,学生参与科研小组需寻求科研项目支撑等问题。

  • One thinks that the curriculum of vocational education is one type of formal discipline and another thinks that the organization of the curriculum of vocational education should be based on work task .

    关于这一问题形成了两种截然不同的观点:一种观点主张要把职业教育课程建立成形式学科,另一种观点则认为职业教育课程内容应当以 工作 任务逻辑 中心

  • However a survey found Chinese college students physique level of the existing nots allow hopeful sports work task is arduous worrying .

    然而种种调查发现,中国大学生的现有体质水平不容乐观,体育 工作 任务艰巨,形式堪忧。

  • In modern mechanical system which is composed of several parts need synchronization coordination and cooperation to accomplish the unified work task .

    在现代机械系统中,由多个部分组成的系统需要同步、协同和合作来完成统一的 工作 任务

  • With the work task as carrier students are guided to complete knowledge learning and skills training .

    工作 任务为载体,引导学生在工作情景中完成知识学习与技能训练。

  • This is a popular concept on the Internet these days-the state we enter when we are completely focused on the work or task before us .

    这是当今互联网上一个很流行的概念-是一种当我们全身心投入眼前的 任务工作时所进入的状态。

  • Conclusion The physiological loads of the drivers may be increased under the influence of work time work environment work task and mental state during training at sea .

    结论受作业时间、作业环境、 作业 任务和作业心理等因素的共同影响,驾驶员海训中生理负荷加重。

  • And implementation of the important organ is the court and therefore is judgment Therefore strengthening the minors ' judgment in the field work task is arduous justice and a long journey .

    因此,加强未成年人在审判领域的司法维权 工作 任重而道远。

  • This study adopted such tasks as the information-gap task the problem-solving task and the project work task which were carried out in class or out of class .

    采用了课堂任务和课后 任务,如信息差型任务、解决问题型任务和调查研究型 任务

  • The second consumer gets the lock ( it can proceed because it was notified ) and tries to work a task but now the queue is empty .

    第二个consumer获得锁(因为通知了它所以它可以继续向下进行)并试图 运行 任务,但是现在队列是空的。

  • Although we would all love to be Ms Popular at home and in the office at work the task is not to be liked but to be effective says computer sales executive Andrea .

    电脑销售主管安德莉认为,虽然我们都想成为家里或办公室的受欢迎人士,可 工作 性质不是要求人们要招人喜爱,而是一定要有工作效率。

  • For example that work task you 've been putting off for weeks or months ?

    例如,某些 工作 任务经被拖上几周甚至数月。

  • Task management is distributed in project definition management and project template management . In project definition management module task is called work task ;

    任务管理被分布在项目管理和项目模板管理中,在项目中管理的任务称为 工作 任务,在项目模板中管理的任务称为模板 任务

  • These factors include heavy work task life pressure low wages poor housing conditions and unequal rate between male and female workers .

    劳动强度大,工资收入低,居住条件差,生活压力大和男女性别比例失衡是产生农民工性 问题的重要原因。

  • Complete work task assigned by higher leader .

    完成上级交付的其他 工作 任务

  • Traffic police work task arduous working pressure increasingly sustained increase Job Burnout has become a kind of occupational disease which injure physical and mental health of traffic policeman in China .

    交通警察的 工作 任务随之日益繁重,工作压力持续增大,工作倦怠已经成为危害我国交通警察身心健康的一种职业病。

  • Also Convenience in The scene of the convenient staff and background management personnel the system construction of the convenient work task and lightning protection management department and the meteorological supervision department task .

    方便现场的工作人员和后台管理人员,该系统的搭建方便了 工作 任务以及防雷管理部门和气象监管部门的任务。

  • The Employee shall devote the whole of his time attention and skill in his working hours to the complete his assigned work or task in a competent and efficient manner .

    雇员在工作期间必须全力付出,毫无保留地用自己的工作技能来有效地完成雇主所分配的 工作 内容任务