work style

[wɚk staɪl][wə:k stail]

[法] 工作作风

  • She took the initiative to various works and her strong working ability and benign work style won the highly valued .

    各种工作她身先士卒,以较强的工作能力和宽宏大度的 工作 作风赢得了高度评价。

  • This session genuinely embodies our Party 's work style namely that of seeking truth from facts .

    会议真正体现了我们党的实事求是的 作风

  • Organizationally we have become a sound Marxist-Leninist party with a correct work style .

    在组织上,形成了一个健全的马克思列宁主义的党,树立了一个正确的 党风

  • Talk to other graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in the laboratory and determine the work style of the laboratory .

    和实验室里其他的博士生博士后谈一谈一了解那个实验室的 工作 习惯

  • Adjust your work style and communication efforts to better mirror those of your boss .

    调整你的 工作 作风和沟通能力以彰显你的上司在这些方面的成就。

  • The mental outlook of a group work style the overall quality cohesion and efficient teamwork directly or indirectly reflects the head nurse 's organization command and management level .

    一个护理群体的精神面貌、 工作 作风、整体素质、凝聚力、高效出色完成任务的团队效应都直接或间接地反映了护士长的组织指挥能力和管理水平。

  • To this must be added a fine work style .

    业务知识,就能解决问题,还要有好的 作风

  • NAFLD may be related with age and its major risk factors include unhealthy life and work style .

    NAFLD主要危险因素为不良的生活和 工作 方式,不同性别其危险因素不尽相同。

  • A person 's work style is related to his ideology .

    人的 作风和思想是有连带关系的。

  • The essence of work style lies in changes of world outlook and sense of worth .


  • To understand your boss 's inability to communicate it 's vital to examine his work style .

    要了解你老板为什么不善于沟通,那就要好好对他的 工作 风格考察一番。

  • We should aim high in upholding the party 's fine traditions and work style !

    我们要在坚持党的优良传统 作风方面,力争上游!

  • If your employer offers a flexible work schedule take advantage of it to fit your own work style .

    如果你老板提供了弹性的工作时间,那么利用这个优势来适应你的 工作 风格

  • The practice of the party 's line work style in Qinghai adequately has reflected the regularity of its construction .

    青海党的 作风 建设的实践充分反映了党的 作风建设的规律性。

  • Your work style and context will determine how much value you get from the practice .

    您的 工作 风格和环境将决定您从实践中得到多少价值。

  • Proceeding from the xinjiang 's actual condition strengthen the leading cadre 's work style construction .

    从新疆实际出发切实加强领导干部 作风建设。

  • The Irish work style is informal and they pay less attention to schedules than to completing a task .

    爱尔兰人的 工作 风格是不拘礼节,比较随便,比起作息时间表,他们更注重的是完成一项任务。

  • The reform has stimulated the development of the productive forces and has resulted in a series of profound changes in economic life social life people 's work style and their mentality .

    改革促进了生产力的发展,引起了经济生活、社会生活、 工作 方式和精神状态的一系列深刻变化。

  • This article explores the work style of the fireproof wall and its classification and thus discusses the advantage and disadvantage of the fireproof wall of each kind .

    探讨了防火墙的 工作 方式及基本分类,并讨论了每一种防火墙的优缺点。

  • Tell me three positive qualities your coworkers would use to describe you and your work style .

    说说你的同事评价你的为人以及 工作 方式的三个积极方面。

  • OBJECTIVE : To provide a new work style for drug acceptance check in hospital .

    目的:为医院药品入库验收提供一种新的 工作 方式

  • Discussing on chinese work style and Chinese manner in the important thought of three-representative

    论“三个代表”重要思想的“中国 作风和中国气派”

  • How would your boss describe you and your work style ?

    你的老板会怎样评价你和你的 工作 方式

  • The company a clean and efficient work style for your job to provide strong protection .

    公司高效廉洁的 工作 作风为您的工作提供有力的保障。

  • The school that is best for you is the one that suits your talents and work style .

    这所学校是否适合你在于它是否适与您的天赋和 工作 风格相符合。

  • Do they have the kind of work ethic and work style which is going to fit ?

    他们的职业道德和 工作 作风能否融入公司?

  • The fine work style of the party should be carried on by our successors .

    好的 党风要继承下来,要由接班人传下来。

  • Such a work style is unpopular anywhere .

    这种 工作 作风到哪儿都吃不开。

  • As a result of hotel operator 's guiding ideology management idea and work style including value idea behavior criterion moral standard cultural tradition manners and customs and so on .

    由于酒店经营者的指导思想、经营理念和 工作 作风,包括价值观念、行为准则、道德规范、文化传统、风俗习惯等。