word of art

[wɚd ʌv ɑrt][wə:d ɔv ɑ:t]

[法] 新词录

  • The theater manager kept his word and presented Arditi with a baton that was a work of art in its own right .

    剧院经理也履行 诺言,送给了阿迪蒂那根指挥棒&它本身就堪称一件 艺术品

  • On the analysis of previous word in the dream window on the basis of inheriting rhetoric art rich development and apply former poetry rhetoric has its own characteristics .

    在分析梦窗 在对前人修辞 艺术继承的基础上,又丰富、发展了前人诗词修辞运用,有着自己的特色。

  • In a word the thinking of art truth and Being are three missions of The Origin of the Work of Art .

    本文认为 追思 艺术、真理、存在是《本源》的三重思想任务。

  • The Art Word of Modern Retired Scholar Art

    现代居士 艺术家的散文艺术 世界

  • This article studies the calque art of Dream of the Red Building think that there are three relationship in the calquing word and the original word : converse contrast of recursive and analyses the features of the calque art .

    文章探讨了《红楼梦》的仿词艺术,认为其仿词与原 之间有3种关系:相反、相对、相递,并进一步分析了其仿词 艺术的特色。

  • The poet breaks normal word order and line order based on the features of poetry art symbols .

    它根据诗歌 艺术符号的特点,打乱诗句的正常 语序,破坏诗行的常规排列。

  • The Scriptures and other apocryphal works were passed down either by word of mouth and through song and much later in works of art that did much to instruct the believer .

    经文和其他伪经作品或者是通过 口头和唱颂,更加后期的是通过 艺术作品来流传下来,对信仰者有很大的指引。

  • True to his word the painting went above the fireplace pushing aside thousands of dollars worth of art .

    信守 诺言,画像被挂在了壁炉的上面,价值数千美元的 艺术品被推到了一边。

  • And it is precisely the period that the art is the word really has meaning of modern . That is the subject of the status of art itself in that era was established .

    而且恰恰是在这个时期,艺术 这个 才真正具有我们现代的认识和含义,也就是说, 艺术家自身的主体性地位是在那个时代开始确立的。

  • In one word the genuine identity of art namely the imaginative creation has fallen into oblivion .


  • In a word the art test has improved the level of Chinese social art education and promoted Chinese art quality .

    应该 20年的艺术考级活动对于提高我国的社会 艺术教育水平,促进国民艺术素质起到了不可估量的作用。

  • It is disappointing hat Provisions on the Implementation of the International Copyright Treaties states the protection of foreign works of applied art while states not a word referring to national works of applied art protection .

    但是,我国法律仅在《实施国际著作权条约的规定》中对外国的实用艺术品进行了明确的保护规定,而对于我国国民的实用 艺术品保护却没有 任何 文字性规定。

  • At last the writer gives an explanation to theV + N 、 V + N1 + DE + N2with the theory of Word Order Universals . On the Classification of Arts and the Construction of Art Subjects

    最后对V+N和V+N1+的+N2歧义结构的构成给予了语言类型学 语序蕴含共性方面的解释。论艺术类型学的分类方式与 艺术学学科的构建

  • In a word entering a world of rising and developing aesthetic circle is the grand target of our art .

    走入不断上升、发展的圆美之境,是我们 艺术追求的宏伟目标。

  • The features of the opera word phonation are realized by the forming of word phonation while the forming of word phonation is an art feature itself .

    戏曲字音的艺术特点是通过字音构形实现的,戏曲 字音的构形原理本身也是一个 艺术特点。

  • Taiyuan Le Lotus has an important historical position : half a century Taiyuan Lotus drop known become word of mouth loved by a folk art form .

    太原莲花乐具有重要的历史地位:半个世纪以来,太原莲花落家喻户晓,成为人们 口耳相传、喜闻乐见的一种民间 艺术形式。

  • Secondly the word model in the model and criteria in the multi ecology of art is difficult to be accepted by the art circles .

    其二多元 艺术生态中的样板与标准中之样板二 实难为艺术界接受。

  • Wu : We mentioned that hope to remove ourselves away from the disciplined objects in another word self marginalized in my view it is the base of the experimental art .

    巫:我们说到希望把自己从规律性的东西移开,也就是我常 的“自我边缘化”,在我看来这是实验 艺术的基础。

  • In a word it is a classic containing the prototype material s of the Chinese literature and art .

    集古代社会早期文化的经典,一部 蕴含中国文学 艺术原生态素材的经典。

  • The Metaphysical Essence of the Argumentation on Word and Meaning and Its Global Influence on Chinese Classical Theory of Literature and Art

    论玄学 意之辩的宗致及其对古代 的全方位影响

  • You can use the word abstract to identify a type of art or to describe something that is difficult to explain .

    你可以通过 摘要”来认识一类 艺术或描述难以解释的事物。

  • And it 's just the pursuing of the word of art that makes Chinese classical gardens are so distinctive in art and be famous all over the world .

    本文通过对中国古典园林 意境的文化内涵和营造 手法 研究,目的在于: 第一,指出这正是中国当代很多建筑 及其环境设计中所缺失的东西。

  • Characteristic and Valuation on Elegant Word of Dale Art

    山谷雅词 艺术特征及评价

  • In the18th century some of the classical theory to a mockery of the word home has a peculiar style of art .

    在18世纪,一些古典主义理论家用 这个 来嘲弄具有奇特风格 艺术

  • The concept of the word of art has a very long process of developing in Chinese art history .

    意境 这一概念,在我国 文艺史上有着漫长的发展过程。

  • A final word : begin your practice of this gracious and beautiful art early & begin now .

    最后 :早些开始实践这门优雅美妙的 艺术&从现在做起。

  • In another word the word ' folk ' not only embodies the general public as the unified subject of folk art production consumption and value clarification but also reflects the share and broad participation of local people on folk art .

    也就是 ,民间既体现了广大民众作为民间 艺术生产、消费、价值阐释的统一主体 ,又体现了地方民众对民间艺术的共享和广泛参与。

  • Unknowingly art has become probably the most overused word of the21st Century and apotheoses and devilries deriving from art abound .

    曾几何时,“ 艺术”成为了二十一世纪最泛滥的 ,由它而制造的神化和恶行不盛枚举。