





  • I wonder how Sam got on with him .


  • The wonder is that Olivier was not seriously hurt .

    奥利维尔伤得不重, 奇迹

  • Mickelson was hailed as the wonder boy of American golf

    米克尔森被誉为美国高尔夫球界的 神奇小子。

  • But there was something else too . Not hard evidence but it made me wonder .

    但还有些别的东西,虽没有确凿的证据,却让我 疑惑

  • I wondered what that noise was

    纳闷 那是什么声音。

  • I 'm wondering if that was the spirit in the courtroom too .


  • We all wonder you 're still alive .

    我们都 惊讶你居然还活着。

  • I just wonder what you make of all that

    我只是 纳闷 你是怎么看待这一切的。

  • No wonder you can 't find anybody here ; they 're all away at a meeting .


  • Rushton has done wonders for the industry .

    拉什顿 创造了行业 奇迹

  • Under such circumstances it is little wonder that they experience difficulties

    在这种情形下,他们遇到困难就 不足为怪了。

  • He liked to sit and wonder at all that had happened

    他喜欢坐着对发生的一切 惊叹 不已

  • A few moments of relaxation can work wonders

    放松一会儿就可以 收到 奇效

  • ' That 's right ! ' Bobby exclaimed in wonder . ' How did you remember that ? '

    “对呀!”博比 惊奇地叫道。“你是怎么想起那件事的?”

  • It makes you wonder about the effect on men 's behaviour

    这让人 怀疑其对男性行为的影响。

  • I was expressing some amazement and wonder at her good fortune

    我对她的好运既 惊奇又感叹。

  • ' Why does she want to get in there ? ' Pete wondered

    “她为什么想进那里面?”皮特 心想

  • He had made a thorough investigation . No wonder he knew so much about it .

    他对此事做了彻底的调查, 不得他了解得那么多。

  • Walk down Castle Street admire our little jewel of a cathedral then wonder at the castle

    沿着城堡街走下去,欣赏我们视若珍宝的教堂,继而 叹服于城堡的壮观。

  • No wonder my brother wasn 't feeling well


  • Brad was Jane 's brother ! No wonder he reminded me so much of her !

    布拉德是简的兄弟! 不得他老是让我想起她呢!

  • I was just wondering if you could help me


  • Some supernova researchers wondered if it might be just a nine-day wonder .

    有些超新星研究者怀疑,这可能只是 昙花一现

  • Dr Williams describes it as a potential wonder drug .

    威廉斯医生称其可能 成为 特效药。

  • Small wonder that he decided to take no part in the debate .


  • It 's a wonder that it took almost ten years

    这差不多用了10年的时间,真是 奇事

  • I have never witnessed such a wonder child as he .

    我从来没有见过像他那样的 神童

  • ' He claims to be her father ' said Max. ' We 've been wondering about him . '

    “他自称是她父亲,”马克斯说,“我们一直都 怀疑他。”

  • The East Window is a wonder of medieval glazing .

    东窗是中世纪玻璃安装工艺的 奇迹