wood molding

[wʊd ˈmoldɪŋ][wud ˈməuldiŋ]


  • Molding tool profession : Can incise various molding tool the wood the aviation wood mold propeller automobile foam molding tool .

    模具行业:可雕刻机各种模具,木模,航空 木模,螺旋桨,汽车泡沫 模具

  • The present status and developing tread of wood and plastic composite molding technology and equipment

    木塑复合材料 成型技术装备的研究现状和发展方向

  • This paper briefly introduces the wood molding in terms of its structure main characteristics and technological process and makes clear the points for attention and safety measures gained in the practice of construction .

    介绍了 结构、主要特点和施工工艺,并给出了施工实践中形成的具有针对性的注意事项和安全措施。

  • Machining wood and wood based materials by any kind of tools with knifes like milling molding sawing and drilling is one of the most important procedures in wood industry . After cutting the various surfaces and shapes can be obtained .

    切削加工是木材与 木质材料 加工的重要方法。经切削加工能达到所需要的形状和表面,铣、刨、锯以及钻等都属于此种方法。

  • The Wood Pattern Construction Design and Pattern Manufacturing Technique for the Resin sand Molding

    用于树脂砂 造型 木模结构设计及制作工艺

  • But in construction industry large numbers of clay brick and wood molding are used in reinforced concrete construction and masonry construction .

    而土建行业中,砌体结构与钢筋混凝土结构等传统建筑模式需要大量使用粘土砖与 模板

  • Cylinder for the special wood from the die temperature of heating oil precision temperature control for Phenolic Molding .

    料管为特殊电 木料管,由模温机供油加温,温度控制精确,适合电木 成型

  • Shot capacity and injection pressure affect the appearance of samples melt liquidity become worse along with the increase of wood flour content in one-step injection molding process .

    注射量和注射压力对试样外观造成影响;在一步法 成型过程中 粉含量的增加导致熔体流动性变差,并造成试样缺陷。