


  • The clarinet fltae saxophone and bassoon are all woodwind instruments .

    单簧管、长客、萨克斯管及大管都是 木管乐器。

  • A group of musicians playing brass and woodwind and percussion instruments .

    演奏铜管乐器、 木管 乐器和打击乐器的一组音乐家。

  • The sounds are like a kind of woodwind the same as the sound of the cranes but without the tremolo .

    它们的声音像一种 管乐,和鹤的声音相似,不过没有颤音。

  • The bass clarinet forms a solid bass for the woodwind group .

    低音单簧管在 木管 组中形成浓重的低音。

  • The first item on the program is woodwind quintet .

    节目单上的第一个节目是 木管五重奏。

  • The woodwind quartet is composed by Mozart .

    这支 木管四重奏是由莫扎特作曲的。

  • This piece is scored for strings and woodwind .

    这是为弦乐和 木管 总谱

  • The arrangement or orchestration resulting from such practice . There are the usual strings woodwind brass and percussion of a western orchestra .

    谱写器乐为管弦乐队改编或 谱写乐曲有常用的弦乐 木管 乐器、铜管和打击乐器。

  • There are the usual string woodwind brass and percussion of Western orchestra .

    有西洋管弦乐队常见的弦乐 木管和铜管 乐器,还有打击乐器。

  • Performing group of diverse instruments in various cultures ; in western art music an ensemble of multiple strings with various woodwind brass and percussion instruments .

    不同文化中多种乐器的演奏组合;在西方的艺术音乐中,是多种弦乐器与各种 木管 乐器、铜管乐器和敲击乐器的合奏。

  • They were round and had a square hole in the center . a single-reed woodwind with a conical bore .

    它们是圆形的,中间有一个 方形的孔。

  • The section of a band or an orchestra composed of woodwind instruments .

    木管乐队乐队中的一部分或由 木管 乐器组成的管弦乐队。

  • The clarinet is a woodwind instrument .

    单簧管是一种 木管乐器。

  • Examples : The woodwind section complements the strings in this piece of music .

    木管 乐器的乐章弥补了这首曲子中弦乐部分的不足。

  • A double-reed woodwind similar to an oboe by lower in pitch . 80 would live in substandard housing ;

    类似于低调 双簧管的双簧木制乐器。80个人的住房低于最低标准;

  • Military bands usually play brass woodwind and percussion instruments .

    军乐 通常使用铜管 乐器木管 乐器和打击乐器演奏。

  • It contains some main contents : 1 . Background the style of the work . Woodwind quintet which has obtained the comprehensive development and reached a higher level of art is a common form of chamber music in the Western Musical Tradition .

    其中包含了以下几个主要内容:一、作品的 创作缘由及其风格, 木管五重奏在西方传统音乐中是较常见的室内乐形式,并且已经得到了全面的发展并达到了较高的艺术水平。

  • A woodwind that has a double reed .

    有两个簧片的 木管 乐器

  • The Saxophone Ensemble performs under the direction of Dr Michael Duke the Conservatorium 's Lecturer in Woodwind and the first full-time classical saxophone teacher at an Australian university .

    萨克斯管乐团由音乐学院 木管 乐器讲师、澳洲大学首位全职古典萨克斯管教师MichaelDuke(迈克尔•杜克)博士进行指导。

  • A Renaissance woodwind with a double reed and a curving tube ( crooked horn ) . Examples : The woodwind section complements the strings in this piece of music .

    文艺复兴时期的 带有双簧片和弯管的 木管乐器。木管乐器的乐章弥补了这首曲子中弦乐部分的不足。

  • Originally flute is belong to woodwind later made by metal .

    长笛原来属于 木管 乐器,后来改用金属制造。

  • A woodwind with a vertical pipe and 8 finger holes and a whistle mouthpiece .

    带有垂直管和八个孔和一个 风琴管口哨的 木管 乐器

  • A woodwind say an oBoe . a single-reed instrument with a straight tube .

    木管 乐器,比如说双簧管带有直管的单簧管乐器。

  • A symphony orchestra is composed of a variety of brass woodwind percussion and stringed instruments .

    交响乐队是由许多不同的铜 乐器木管 乐器,打击乐器,弦乐器组成。

  • Their skillful combination of a single guitar and woodwind produces music that is both intimate and grande in scope .

    吉他与 木管 乐器的纯熟配合 展现出的音乐 气势宏大、浑然天成。

  • A double-reed woodwind instrument similar to but larger than the oboe and pitched lower by a fifth .

    一种 双簧的木制管乐器,类似于双簧管,但音高比双簧管低五度。

  • An ancient ( now obsolete ) single-reed woodwind ; usually made of bone .

    古代的一种单簧 木管 乐器;通常由骨头制成。

  • The bassoon is a woodwind instrument .

    低音管是 木管乐器。