


  • At his side was a beautiful young woman

    他旁边是个年轻漂亮的 女子

  • That 's Judith Croft the CND woman .

    那个就是 朱迪丝·克罗夫特,核裁军运动 代表。

  • You 're an intelligent woman surely you realize by now that I 'm helping you

    你是个聪明的 女人,想必你现在明白了我是在帮你。

  • I talked to social workers and the police — that had stamped me as a bad woman

    我和社会福利工作者及警方都谈过话——因此我便成了坏 女人

  • It seems to me your wife was a shallow woman and you 're well rid of her .

    在我看来你妻子是一个浅薄的 女人,幸好你离开了她。

  • She is a married woman .

    她是个已婚的 女人

  • Do you realize woman the scandal and publicity that will be involved ?


  • I 'm too old to have a dog now . I 'm a cat woman .


  • She is a vainglorious woman .

    她是个爱虚荣的 女性

  • I hope some day you will find the woman who will make you happy

    我希望有一天你能找到一个会让你幸福的 女人

  • I felt the pressure of being the first woman in the job .

    作为第一个从事这一工作的 女性,我感到有压力。

  • She 's a very sweet woman as you no doubt know by now .

    她是一个非常温柔的 女人,你现在肯定知道了。

  • She was a woman utterly without self-knowledge .

    她是一个完全没有自知之明的 女人

  • Yet another successful Labour woman took her seat

    又有一位成功的工党 代表就任议员。

  • She 's an evil woman .

    她是个邪恶的 女人

  • She 'd blossomed into a self-confident young woman .

    她已长大成为了一个自信的年轻 女性

  • She is an avid outdoors woman


  • She knew she had made the right decision . She was her own woman again .

    她知道她作了一个正确的决定。她又 独立自主了。

  • I know my woman will never leave me .

    我知道我的 女人永远不会离开我。

  • I want him to respect me as a career woman

    我希望他把我当作一个职业 女性来尊重。

  • For a year I dated a woman who was a research assistant

    我曾与一位 研究助理约会了一年的时间。

  • She was apparently a very nervous woman and that affected her career .

    她显然是一个很神经质的 女人,这一点影响了她的事业。

  • She was a very beautiful woman

    她是个大 美女

  • The headmistress was an Oxford woman .


  • She pursued the man who had stolen a woman 's bag .

    她追赶那个偷了一个 妇女提包的男人。

  • No-one minds that she 's a woman that 's no sweat at all .

    没有人在意她是个 女人,这完全没有关系。

  • Her husband had moved in with a younger woman

    她丈夫和一个比她年轻的 女人 同居了。

  • A middle-aged woman answered the door .

    一个中年 妇女应声开了门。

  • The man shamelessly abandoned his wife and child for another woman .

    那个男人无耻地遗弃了妻儿,另寻 新欢