with violence

[wɪð ˈvaɪələns][wið ˈvaiələns]


  • Smoking increases the risk of cancer for those in the vicinity of the smoker ; alcohol abuse and gambling are strongly associated with violence and family breakdown .

    吸烟增加了吸烟者周围的人患癌症的风险,而酗酒和赌博则 暴力 事件及家庭破裂密切相关。

  • The young man was charged with robbery with violence .

    这个年轻人被控 暴力抢劫。

  • Then he placed in conflict with violence : the poetic compassion and bloody ancient and present light and darkness etc.

    于是他在画中设置了种种冲突:诗意 暴力、慈悲与血腥、古代与当下、光亮与黑暗等等。

  • I don 't suspect him of robbery still less of robbery with violence .

    我没有怀疑他抢劫,更不用说 暴力抢劫了。

  • Religions have had a close relationship not only with violence but with economic exploitation .

    宗教不但 暴力,也与经济剥削曾有着密切的关系。

  • A Study of the Defying with Violence and It 's Control in Law-Enforcing of City Administration

    城市管理综合执法中 暴力抗法及其治理研究

  • Their attempts to register to vote in the South often were met with violence .

    在南方试图登记参加选举的非洲裔美国人经常遭到 暴力

  • Distortion energy plasticity condition to compress with violence out of natural shape or condition .

    形状变形能塑性条件 猛烈地压缩使其变形或改变条件。

  • Jungle Mother your womb rattle with violence a beast resides kicking and screaming to .

    丛林妈妈,你的子宫拼命的 颤抖,让一个畜牲 据有,踢扯还叫着。

  • They threaten them with violence .

    他们对 进行 暴力威胁。

  • Be unleashed ; burst forth with violence or noise as of an emotion or an expression of emotion .

    释放;感情或感情的表达 伴随 暴力或噪音释放。

  • In the same day also will I punish all those that leap on the threshold which fill their masters'houses with violence and deceit .

    到那日,我必惩罚一切跳过门槛,将 强暴和诡诈得来之物充满主人房屋的。

  • The teen had a morbid fascination with violence .

    这名青少年 对于 暴力 著病态的迷恋。

  • It is a criminal offence to threaten someone with violence .


  • Look for severe childhood disturbances associated with violence .

    试找寻 暴力有关的童年创伤吧。

  • The young man is being tried for robbery with violence .

    正试图证明那个年轻人 武力抢劫。

  • The kitchen and living room were like a crime scene the whole house imbued with violence and death .

    厨房和起居室像犯罪现场一样,整栋房子都 充满暴力和死亡的气息。

  • You always need your villains to have multiple layers and to be able to kill you with kindness as much as they can kill you with violence she said .

    你总是希望你的反面角色是个多面手,他得能够在假装仁慈时趁你不备杀了你,也能 暴力直接解决你。

  • We are bombarded with violence division fracture and betrayal .

    我们周围都是 暴力,分裂,断层和背叛。

  • Gandhi and his followers responded not with violence but with an organized campaign of non-cooperation .

    甘地和他的追随者没有 暴力回应,而采取了一场有序的不合作运动。

  • He threatened me with violence .


  • The man was serving a sentence for robbery with violence .

    这个男子 暴力抢劫而正在服刑。

  • Tom is being tried for robbery with violence .

    汤姆 暴力抢劫罪而受审。

  • By contemporary standards the Grimms ' original stories are packed with violence and sex .

    以当代标准来看,格林兄弟的原版故事中充满性 暴力

  • Who solves their problems with violence .


  • You do realize that we live in a world filled with violence and oppression right ?

    你一定意识到了,我们生活的世界 充满 暴力和压抑,不是么?

  • Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence .

    只有在这时,我们才决定 暴力反抗暴力。

  • My last offence was robbery with violence .

    我最后一次犯罪是 暴力抢劫。

  • A country numb with violence .
