
[wɪθˈstænd, wɪð-][wɪðˈstænd]



  • This class will be mainly used for withstanding radial bearing load can withstand certain axial loads .

    该类轴承主要用以承受径向负荷,也可 承受一定的轴向负荷。

  • He said the crucial test of a financial system is its ability to withstand failure .

    他表示,“对金融系统的关键考验”在于其 承受失败的能力。

  • Big companies have more power to negotiate with suppliers and are better able to withstand the industry 's cycle .

    大公司拥有更多和供应商谈判的能力,以及更好 抵抗行业周期的能力。

  • The development and applications of wires that can withstand a combination of erosion and corrosion are also described .

    文章还描述了这种 焊丝的发展和应用能够更有效的 解决侵蚀和腐蚀的问题。

  • These withstand heavy loads and thermal stresses well .

    它们 很好地 耐受重负荷和热应力。

  • I am only looking for a frustrated you can withstand the back ;

    只想找一个在我失意时,可以 承受的脊背;

  • Piping systems shall be designed and supported so that they can withstand recreation forces due to discharge of fluids .

    管道系统应该这样来设计和被支撑,即,使它们能够 经受 由于流体的放泄所产生的反作用力。

  • She couldn 't withstand the lure of money and was dragged into the mire .

    她经不 金钱的引诱,被拉下水了。

  • The fabric is strong enough to withstand harsh processing .

    这种织物非常结实,能 经受粗加工。

  • The main deck bottom and side shell also form a tight envelope to withstand the sea locally .

    主甲板,船底和舷侧壳也组成了一个坚固的外壳来 抵挡当地的海水。

  • They are designed to withstand earthquakes and violent storms .

    它们是被设计来 耐得 地震与猛烈的暴风雨。

  • Power and might are in your hand and no one can withstand you .

    在你手中有大能大力,无人能 抵挡你。

  • She failed to withstand the stresses and strains of public life .

    承受 不了作为一个公众人物的生活压力和紧张。

  • So that we can calculate the bone can withstand the maximum load is how much .

    这样我们就可以计算出骨骼可以 承受的最大负荷是多少。

  • Many alloys also have high fracture toughness which means they can withstand impact and are durable .

    许多合金还具有高断裂韧性,这意味着它们能 经得起冲击并且是耐用的。

  • High-pressure pump type shielding shell is a pressure vessel so that pump can withstand the high system pressure .

    高压型屏蔽泵的外壳是一个高压容器,使泵能 承受很高的系统压力。

  • This material can not withstand strong stresses neither can it bear high temperature .

    这种材料不能 承受大的应力,也不能耐高温。

  • They can withstand severe tests .

    他们能 经得起严峻的考验。

  • As a politician he is able to withstand public criticism .

    作为一名政治家,他 经得住公众批评。

  • And the attack vulnerability index can assess the ability of the system to withstand node or line removal .

    攻击脆弱度指标可用于评估系统 抵御节点和线路移除的能力;

  • Their arguments do not withstand the most superficial scrutiny

    他们的论据经不 一点推敲。

  • But I really afraid someone would harm you if that you would withstand the pressure is too much .

    可是我真的很害怕别人去伤害你,因为你要 承受的压力太多了。

  • They can withstand extremes of temperature and weather without fading or cracking .

    它们能够 经受极端的气温和天气状况而不褪色、不破裂。

  • Have a good work ethic can withstand the pressure of work and actively to the challenge .

    具有良好的职业道德能 承受工作压力和积极面对挑战。

  • DO NOT USE ADAPTERS ! Use piping and equipment designed to withstand pressures to be encountered .

    禁止使用转换接头!使用设计得 能够 承受遇到的压力的管道和设备。

  • Induced Overvoltage Withstand Test and applied voltage withstand test .

    感应 耐压试验和外施耐压试验。

  • It can withstand the impulse voltage of high speed and frequent converting .

    具有 较强 电压冲击性, 经受高速,频繁变频时的脉冲电压。

  • Wallcoverings and floors should be able to withstand steam and splashes

    墙面材料和地板都应该能 耐热汽且防水。

  • New Wind Turbine Control Systems will be able to withstand extreme weather conditions to work .

    新的风轮机控制系统将可以在 极端天气条件下工作。

  • It is designed to withstand high temperatures .

    这是按 承受高温的要求设计的。