within touch

[wɪðˈɪn tʌtʃ][wiˈðin tʌtʃ]


  • With the mission to touch the resonance within may we continue to engage motivate inspire and touch hearts .

    秉着触动 内心共鸣的使命,愿我们持续的摄受,振奋,启发并 感动心灵。

  • Draw within a figure so as to touch in as many places as possible .

    一个图形 内画一个图形使其与原图形尽量的 接触

  • The woman created a deep peace within me with her very touch .

    这女人用她的 触摸我心中生出深沉的宁静。

  • This force this energy is set running in the wide kingdom that is within us by some Spirit touch . A soft tumult takes place in the life within ;

    这力量,这活力被某种精神 触觉所导引, 我们宽广的身体王国中奔跑。

  • Remain within the sight and touch of the Holy Spirit my beloved Spouse .

    请长 留在圣神的目光和 触感之中,祂是我心爱的净配。

  • To open it one must stand within the circle of cairn stones and touch them in a certain order .

    要开启它,必须有一个人站 石冢之中,并以特定的顺序 触动它们。

  • Before examining the sustaining role of the EMPO within the domain of Portfolio Management let 's first briefly touch on what Portfolio Management is all about .

    在分析项目组合管理领域 EMPO的持续角色之前,让我们来简要地了解一下什么是项目组合管理。

  • The sensation in dorsum of the foot recovered completely within 2 ~ 4 months after operation and the touch pain and temperature sensation of the donor area recovered within 3 ~ 6 months after operation .

    术后足背感觉 2~4个月完全恢复,供区3~6个月逐渐恢复 、痛、温觉。

  • I wished a companion to lie near me in the starlight silent and not moving but ever within touch .

    希望有位同伴躺在我身旁同沐星光,沉默而 安生,却能够 彼此 轻轻 触碰

  • News Corporation belongs to a region of the press that likes to think of itself as sitting comfortably and unpretentiously within the Front Page / Scoop tradition in closer touch with public tastes than with establishment ones and resistant to the self-regard that defines the broadsheet culture .

    新闻集团本身处在一个喜欢舒适和镇定的坐 头条和 独家新闻盛行传统的领域,这个领域更关注消费者喜欢什么而不是已经有了什么,同时也不接受那些定义了这个领域的各种文化。

  • Kindness expands the light within us and reaches out to touch the light in others as well giving us all a glimpse of the glow that has the power to enlighten our world .

    仁慈将我们 内在的光散发出去,并且和其他人散发的光相 连接,这将让我们所有人都能够 瞥见照亮这个世界的能量之流。

  • Within months he was fired from BP for being overbearing and out of touch .

    几个月后,他就因为傲慢和 脱离现实被英国石油解雇。