


  • Ever since Tang and Song dynasties Chinese classical poetry has confronted with contradiction and entanglement of witticism and poetry rhyme .

    唐宋以后,中国古典诗学在 古问题上 形成诗法 妙悟 路线的对立与纠结。

  • Witticism and Poetry Rhyme & Development of classical poetry theory since Tang and Song dynasties


  • Kundera 's humor mainly contains laughing-at-himself and irony from poetic meditation besides jeer and witticism .

    “昆德拉式的幽默”除了揶揄、 谐趣之外,更多的 是基于“诗性沉思”的自嘲和反讽。

  • The Don nodded his head pleasantly acknowledging the flattering witticism and its truth .

    老爷子高兴地点了点头,承认了这个 并且承认了这个事实。

  • Witticism is an aesthetic way which was formed after Tang and Song Dynasties under the influence of zen .

    妙悟 是唐宋以后在禅宗影响下形成的审美方式;

  • This witticism reduced BOT of them to helpless laughter .

    俏皮 他俩 不由自主地大笑起来。

  • Once in a while after some witticism he would look down and his eyes would meet hers .

    每隔一 会儿, 什么 俏皮 以后,他就低下头,和她目光相交。

  • His witticism was as sharp as a marble . vapid utterances remarks comments etc

    他的 打趣 十分枯燥无味。枯燥无味的话语、言语、评语等

  • But this is a witticism not the truth .

    但这不过是一 俏皮 ,并非事实。

  • It was a simple idea but my grandfather told it to the family as if it were a brilliant witticism .

    这是一个简单的想法,但是我的外祖父把它当成一 妙趣横生的话告诉了家里人。

  • Can a robot interject a witticism or bon mot that adroitly lightens the mood ?

    机器人能像 我们 一样 谈笑风生妙语连珠地让气氛 活跃 起来吗?

  • The witticism as a kind of commonly used humorous language form by the people has obvious feature of the humorous pragmatic effect through the discord in word meaning and expression form .

    俏皮 作为一种人们常用的幽默语言形式,其特点明显。它往往通过语义的不和谐和语言表达模式的不和谐表达出俏皮幽默的语用效果。

  • The witticism is widely used by the people not only due to its own feature but also to meet people 's social psychologies such as pursuing pleasure imitating and running after the novelty .

    俏皮 被人们广泛使用,除其自身特点外,主要与人们追求轻松愉悦环境的心理、模仿心理、求新求异心理等社会心理有关。