witness box

[ˈwɪtnɪs bɑks][ˈwitnis bɔks]


  • The British ambassador was called back The witness is recalled to the witness box .

    英国大使被 召回

  • In this paper the Witness software for discrete event dynamic simulation use to study the production of high-speed gear box assembly process and establish a simulation model based on the Witness gear assembly process .

    本文采用针对离散事件进行动态仿真的 Witness软件,研究高速齿轮 的生产装配工艺,建立基于Witness的齿轮装配过程的仿真模型。

  • The witness was put in the witness box by the counsel .

    证人被律师带上了 证人

  • In the include witness Server dialog box click yes and then click next .

    在“包括 见证服务器” 对话框 ,单击“是”,再单击“下一步”。

  • Ms Pao entered the witness box this week and the case has shown what the top venture firms clustered around Sand Hill Road in Silicon Valley need to worry about most .

    不久前鲍康如进入了 证人 ,该案表明,集中在硅谷SandHillRoad周围的顶级风投公司最需要担心什么。

  • He imagines Ryder in the witness box swheresthe court clerk is administering the oath on the Bible that is customary before a person gives testimony .

    他想像赖德站在 证人 上,法院书记员正授命她凭借圣经给予的精神力量宣誓,这是证人给出证词前的一种仪式。

  • The priest in the Fermanagh will case in the witness box . The taxpayer does not have locus standing in this court .

    弗马纳的神父站在 证人 上陈述。该纳税人没有在法庭上的陈述权。

  • In the choose servers to configure dialog box the witness server instance check box is automatically checked .

    在“选择要配置的服务器”对话框中,将自动选中“ 见证服务器实例”复选

  • On the witness server instance dialog box click connect .

    在“ 见证服务器实例” 对话框 ,单击“连接”。

  • She thumped her hand on the witness box

    她抬手重重地砸在 证人

  • The witness is recalled to the witness box .

    证人被召回到 证人

  • He smiled at his parents as he went into the witness box .

    他走进 证人 的时候对他的父母笑了笑。

  • If he had gone into the witness box he would have been cross-examined on any evidence he gave .

    他当时如果走进 证人 ,他就会就自己所提供的任何证词受到反诘问。