
v.作证( witness的现在分词 )表示(摆证据)…就是证据是…的迹象

  • We are witnessing a disturbing increase in the number of women and children who are victims of armed conflict .

    我们不安地 看到,越来越多的妇女和儿童成为武装冲突的受害者。

  • We are witnessing the disintegration of the country .

    我们在 目睹 这个国家的分裂。

  • At present we are witnessing another building boom .

    当前,我们又一次 处于建筑繁荣期。

  • We are witnessing a fundamental change in the consciousness of Americans about their homes .

    我们正 见证 美国人对其房产意识的根本性改变。

  • He found it distasteful to be offered drinks before witnessing the execution .

    他觉得在 目睹行刑前还要上酒让人很不舒服。

  • This book speaks about witnessing about stewardship and about prayer .

    使徒行传还谈论到 见证、作管家和祷告的大能。

  • The 20th century is witnessing a growing interest in the understanding of cultures other than one 's own .

    20世纪 见证了一种对了解外来文化的越来越浓的兴趣。

  • And I have no interest in witnessing it .

    我就不 留下 来看了。

  • We are witnessing the emergence of the data rich era in biology .

    我们正在 见证生物学中“数据丰富”时代的出现。

  • For we 're witnessing the glorious indomitable human spirit in action .

    因为我们 见证了人类行动中值得称颂的,不屈不挠的精神。

  • What we are witnessing in the west is a crisis of confidence not a crisis of capitalism .

    我们眼下在西方 看到的不是什么资本主义危机,而是一场信心危机。

  • We are witnessing an economic miracle .

    我们正 目睹一个经济奇迹。

  • Still something is lost in witnessing Kevin in the flesh instead of through Eva 's unreliable recollections .

    尽管如此,在通过本人而非经由伊娃那不可靠的回忆来 目击凯文的过程中,某些东西不见了。

  • He was in heaven witnessing a grand pageant of all the little child angels .

    梦里他到了天堂, 目睹了小天使们的盛会。

  • We are witnessing a global convergence of consensus on the imperative of sustainability .

    在严峻的可持续发展上我们 达成了全球共识。

  • We are witnessing the advent of new lifestyles and new waves of thinking ?

    我们是否在以这种方式 见证 新的生活方式和思维方式的到来?

  • Today we are witnessing a very great change for hydrocarbons .

    今天,我们正在 目睹碳氢 领域 发生非常巨大的变化。

  • The residence still remains there after longtime of hardships witnessing the vicissitudes of this family .

    这幢大宅历经风雨,仍然屹立在那里, 见证了这个家族的兴衰变迁。

  • Witnessing the most destructive mental illnesses I have gained extremely valuable insight into my future career .


  • What we are witnessing goes well beyond a cyclical economic shock and a consolidation of the financial sector .

    我们正在 见证 情形,远远超出了周期性经济冲击和金融业整合。

  • We all live on the same planet which is witnessing an alarmingly rapid increase in its atmospheric temperature .

    我们都生活在同一个地球上,而我们赖以生存的地球大气气温 以惊人的速度增长。

  • The world is witnessing an epochal global rebalancing .

    世界正在 见证一个划时代的全球再平衡。

  • We are witnessing a battle between the interests of international creditors and debtors .

    我们 看到,国际债权国和债务国之间正展开一场利益之战。

  • We were witnessing the most important scientific development of the century .

    我们 亲眼 见证本世纪最重要的科学进展。

  • The witnessing of this spiritual phenomenon changed Dr. Maria Montessori 's life .

    对这种精神现象的 目睹,改变了蒙台梭利博士的生活。

  • Now 25 years later it feels like we are once again witnessing the close of an era .

    如今,25年过去,我们似乎正再次 见证一个时代的结束。

  • We are witnessing the future .

    我们正从 纽约 见证未来。

  • We are looking forward to people from all walks of life together and witnessing the arrival of this glorious moment .

    我们将和各界人士共同期待和 见证这一绚烂时刻的到来。

  • We are witnessing not the triumph but the breakdown of bureaucracy .

    我们正 处于官僚政治崩溃而不是胜利的 时代