
[wɪðˈdru, wɪθ-][wɪðˈdru:]

v.收回取[收]回( withdraw的过去式 )(使)撤退[出]提

  • Staff withdrew from the main part of the prison but secured the perimeter

    工作人员从监狱的主要区域 撤出,但外围仍派人守卫。

  • He reached into his pocket and withdrew a sheet of notepaper

    他把手伸进口袋, 掏出一张便签。

  • The UN withdrew its relief personnel because it judged the situation too dangerous

    联合国认为局势过于危险,因此 撤出 救济人员。

  • ' Perhaps it would be better if I withdrew altogether . ' — ' Certainly not ! '

    “也许,我完全 退出更好吧。”——“当然不是!”

  • Italy 's centre-left government teetered after two small parties withdrew their support .

    意大利的中心-留下在摇摇欲摆之后被的政府二个小的宴会 撤回 他们的架。

  • Cassandra withdrew her hand from Roger 's.

    卡桑德拉将手从罗杰手里 回来

  • I withdrew a lot of money from the bank yesterday .

    我昨天从银行 很多钱。

  • They withdrew their support after the President described the conference as a platform to cause political mischief .

    在总统称这次大会是在制造政治事端之后,他们 便 撤回 对这次会议的支持。

  • The other party withdrew all their investment from the joint venture .

    对方从合资公司中 投资。

  • The French were dealt another blow yesterday when Serge Viars withdrew from the squad .

    昨天塞尔日· 维亚尔 退出该队令法国人又遭遇了一记重击。

  • He withdrew the needle and placed a pad of cotton-wool over the spot .

    针头 出,在扎针处按了一块药棉。

  • One by one the pursuers withdrew from the competition .

    一个接一个,追求者 撤退

  • Troops withdrew from the north east of the country last March .

    军队去年3月从该国东北部 撤出

  • I withdrew some cash at the bank .

    我在银行 一些现金。

  • Unless Hitler withdrew his troops from Poland by 11 o'clock that morning a state of war would exist between Great Britain and Germany

    如果希特勒那天上午11点前不从波兰 撤兵,英德两国便将处于战争状态。

  • He withdrew to confer with his teacher before announcing a decision .


  • Finally when I felt that the organization was no longer needed I withdrew .

    随后我觉得不需要了,我就 退出

  • He pulled back forces from Mongolia and he withdrew from Afghanistan .

    他从蒙古撤军,并且 撤离阿富汗。

  • But after this period he withdrew from social activities .

    但是在这段时期之后,他 退出 社交活动。

  • The enemy withdrew after we made a show of strength .

    敌人在我们显示了实力后 撤退

  • He poured the wine and then withdrew again

    他斟完酒,然后就又 退

  • He talked to us for an hour and then withdrew .


  • He later withdrew the charges he made against her .

    后来他 撤回了对她的指控。

  • The company withdrew withdraw its offer blaming the political environment .

    这个公司 撤出 它的出价,并指责政治环境。

  • Unable to resist the siren call of the cards he withdrew their savings and headed for Las Vegas

    他无法抵挡赌牌的诱惑,便 提取 他们的存款前往拉斯韦加斯。

  • I told him if he withdrew it was on his own account .

    我告诉他,如果他 退出,责任自负。

  • The young gentlemen bowed and withdrew .

    这些年轻的先生们鞠了躬, 退出 房间

  • They withdrew 100 dollars from a bank account after checking out of their hotel .

    他们在旅馆结账后,从银行账户中 100美元。

  • He and the others withdrew to their rented rooms

    他和其他人 回到 他们租住的房间。

  • Kenworthy withdrew into his bedroom washed and shaved .

    肯沃西 回到自己卧室,洗脸,刮胡子。