without authority

[wɪðˈaʊt əˈθɔrɪti][wiˈðaut ɔ:ˈθɔriti]

[法] 未得准许

  • Any person who without the authority of the director of social welfare communicates with any child or juvenile while detained in a place of refuge shall be guilty of an offence : penalty : a fine of $ 1000or imprisonment for3 months .

    任何人 未获社会福利署署长的 批准而与被羁留在收容所的任何儿童或少年通讯,即属犯罪,可处罚款$1000或监禁3个月。

  • They 've been acting illegally and without authority from the council .

    他们的行为是违法的, 并未得到市政会的 批准

  • The people trying to drive through change are forced to use ad hoc arbitrary organisations without authority – it is a classic global governance problem .

    试图通过变革推动发展的人们,被迫利用 没有 权力的特别仲裁组织&这是一个典型的全球治理问题。

  • I will not have you running around the countryside without my authority .


  • Without lawful authority or reasonable excuse

    合法 权限或合理辩解

  • According to the author of this paper the expression attorneyship is in form a special kind of attorneyship without authority .

    通过对表见代理性质的探讨,本文认为表见代理属于一种特殊的 无权代理形态。

  • The comparative study of the disposition without authority ;


  • It is composed of two aspects : first it uses the Java sandbox to control the access of host resource thus it can prevent the host resource from being accessed by agents without authority ;

    该方案主要包括两个方面内容:一、利用Java2沙箱控制主机资源的存取,防止主机资源被移动代理 授权访问;

  • Taxes should not be levied without the authority of Parliament .

    议会 授权不得征税。

  • White House officials have said the Pacific trade accord cannot be completed without that authority .

    白宫官员曾表示, 如果 没有贸易促进 ,TPP将无法完成。

  • No one may enter without my authority .


  • Establishment of acting as agency without authority ;

    表见代理 概念的确立。

  • It was clear that the clerk had gone beyond his duty in doing so without authority .

    很显然,这位工作人员未 许可就这样做是超越他的职责 范围的。

  • Analysing the concepts of disposition without authority ;


  • So we should reconstruct the system of disposition without authority considering the logic and justice on the condition that doesn 't give rise to big change in civil law 's system .

    因此,应在尽量不对民法体系“伤筋动骨”的前提下,兼顾逻辑与公平,重建我国的 无权处分制度。

  • The illegal convening procedure could be divided into such two categories as convening the shareholder meeting by convener without authority and the defect of notice .

    而召集程序违法又分为股东会由 召集人 召集和通知的瑕疵两种。

  • The secret performing technique of Bianlian or face-changing in one of the oldest forms of Chinese opera-Sichuan Opera-has been revealed by some performers without authority allowance .

    中国的最古老的戏剧形式之一的川剧的变脸技术被一些演员在 没有 官方许可的情况下泄漏了。

  • Non-residents were refused entry into the region without authority from their own district

    非本地区居民 所在地 许可,不得进入该区域。

  • Under no circumstances are trains or engineering vehicles allowed to enter or to move within the depot signalled areas without the authority of the depot controller .

    车辆段控制员的 许可,任何情况下都 允许列车或工程车辆驶入车辆段有信号区域或在车辆段有信号区域内运行。

  • The responsibility system is bound to fail if there is only responsibility without authority .

    只交责任, 权力,责任制 落空不可。

  • But the company has a very sophisticated image recognition system that helps it find when images are being used without its authority .

    但Getty有一套非常成熟的图像识别体系,可以帮助它找出 授权使用的图像。

  • Do you accept OCL 's behaviour in transferring your personal data to third parties without your authority ?

    你是否已允许八达通公司可以在 你的 授权底下去把你的个人资料给第三者?

  • They quitted the throne with gravity but without authority ;

    他们大模大样地,但 不是 威风凛凛地, 离开了宝座。

  • Hidden in the net is the mystery of the invisible hand & control without authority .

    暗藏在网络之中的是神秘的看不见的手&一种 没有 权威存在的控制。

  • Provision 51 in Contract Act is the major provision dealing with the disposition without authority the unusual but very important issue in current justice arena in China .

    我国《合同法》第51条,是目前司法界处理 无权处分&这一非常态而又是十分重要的物权变动行为的主要法律 依据

  • Although the directors had acted without authority the company ratified their action .

    尽管董事们的行为 没有获得合适的 授权,公司还是认可了他们。

  • Copying of this document and giving it to others and the use or communication of the contents thereof are forbidden without express authority .

    明示 授权,严禁复制本文件、将本文件传递给他人并且严禁使用或传播本文件内容。