with recourse

[wɪð ˈriˌkɔrs][wið ˈri:ˌkɔ:s]


  • The approximation solving of a kind of stochastic programming AN APPROXIMATE METHOD FOR STOCHASTIC PROGRAMMING WITH RECOURSE

    一类随机规划问题的逼近求解一种 解带 补偿的随机规划的逼近方法

  • A SSLE Algorithm for Stochastic Programming Problems with recourse


  • However there are lots of troubles and problems existing besides the achievements with recourse and environmental restriction among the most serious matter .

    但是在成绩的背后,也存在多方面的困难和问题, 其中 资源与环境的双约束难题成为越来越突出的问题。

  • This paper presents an asynchronized parallel algorithm for solving stochastic programming with simple recourse by using of proximal composition method for convex minimization problems .

    本文利用凸规划的近似分解方法,给出了求解 具有简单 补偿随机规划问题的一种异步并行算法。

  • The essay discusses such accounting issues as mortgage selling with and without recourse appearing in the obligation receivable financing of small-size enterprises and proposes definite accounting methods .

    本文针对小企业应收债权融资时出现质押、不 追索 的出售以及 追索 的出售等会计事项进行讨论,并给出了具体的会计处理方法。

  • A dual parallel algorithm for solving multistage stochastic programming with recourse

    多阶段 补偿问题的对偶并行算法

  • Dual parallel algorithm for stochastic linear programs with simple recourse

    简单 补偿随机线性规划的对偶并行算法

  • Indirect One Staging of General Multistage Problem with Recourse and Its Application

    一般多阶段 补偿问题的间接单阶段化及其应用

  • To deal with the complex problem presented with both discrete and continuous variables involved efficiently a hybrid stochastic approach is proposed which takes advantage of both two-stage stochastic programming with recourse ( SPR ) and chance constrained programming ( CCP ) .

    为了有效解决这样一个同时包含离散随机变量和连续随机变量的问题,文中提出了一个综合两阶段 求索随机规划和概率约束规划优点的混合随机算法。

  • Approximate ε - allow able direction method for solving stochastic programming problem with recourse linear inequality deterministic constraints

    求解具有确定性线性不等式约束的 补偿随机规划问题的近似ε&容许方向法

  • A new numerical method is proposed for solving two-stage stochastic programs with recourse .

    本文给出解决两阶段 求援随机规划的一种新的数值方法。

  • Project financing is one kind of special financing way taking the project property and the anticipated income as the guarantee with the limited recourse or without recourse .

    项目融资是一种以项目的资产和预期的收益为保证的, 具有有限 追索 或无追索权的特殊融资方式。

  • Based on different optimization criteria this problem is formulated as a chance constrained programming model and a stochastic programming model with recourse .

    根据不同的优化标准,分别构建了问题的机会约束规划模型以及 修正随机规划模型。

  • A new numerical method for stochastic programs with recourse


  • A Dual Subgradient Algorithm for Solving Nonlinear Non-differentiable Multistage Problem with Recourse

    求解可分非线性不可微多阶段 补偿问题的对偶次梯度算法

  • As to the nature about the assignment of accounts receivable with recourse this thesis thinks it ought to be treated differently .

    对于 附带 追索 的应收账款转让的性质,应作类型化的界定。

  • In the second chapter a new Wolfe-BFGS-SQP method based on the Quasi-Monte-Carlo stochastic simulation for the two-stage stochastic programming with recourse is presented .

    第二章给出了基于拟蒙特卡罗随机模拟的 Wolfe-BFGS-SQP法对二阶段 补偿的随机规划模型算法。

  • On stochastic programming model with recourse and chance control

    机会可控的 补偿随机规划模型

  • Penalty function methods for two-period stochastic linear programs with simple recourse

    求解 具有简单 偿付的二级随机线性规划的惩罚函数法

  • An Asynchronous Parallel Approximation Algorithm for Solving Stochastic Programming with Simple Recourse

    求解简单 补偿随机规划问题的一种异步并行算法

  • An approximate method for stochastic programming with recourse

    一种 解带 补偿的随机规划的逼近方法

  • The rest of this paper is organized as follows . Chapter 3 applies the method in Chapter 2 into two-stage stochastic programs with recourse generating the observations by Monte-Carlo ( MC ) method or by Quasi Monte-Carlo ( QMC ) method respectively .

    论文第三章介绍了将第二章给出的方法用于求解一种二阶段 补偿随机规划问题,分别给出基于Monte-Carlo(MC)方法产生观察点和基于拟Monte-Carlo(QMC)方法产生观察点的算法。

  • A stochastic linear programming model with simple recourse was developed to study the asset and liability management of banks under uncertainties based on the domestic economic environment .

    使用 带有简单 补偿的随机线性规划模型,研究不确定下的银行资产负债管理问题。

  • A subgradient aggregate approximating algorithm for solving stochastic programs with two-stage recourse

    二阶段 补偿随机规划问题的一种次梯度聚类近似算法

  • This paper discusses a method for two-stage stochastic programming with recourse in which the objective function is replaced by its empirical mean .

    探讨了以随机变量的 子样条件使用目标函数的经验均值 逼近法来求解 补偿二阶段问题,并分析了相关的 收敛性。

  • The running efficiency of the system in this paper is high with low system recourse cost and the maintenance is very simple .

    该系统运行效率比较高,占用系统 资源比较少,维护比较简单。

  • Taking account into demand uncertainty a two-stage stochastic programming model with recourse problem is established for synchronized procurement production and distribution plan .

    考虑需求的不确定性,建立 带有 补偿问题的供应链产供销计划同步二级随机规划模型。

  • A priori optimization strategy is provided for the problem and a stochastic programming with recourse model is built . The computation of the expected cost of recourse is complex and is discussed in detail .

    分析了问题的特性,给出了预优化求解策略,建立随机 补偿模型,并对问题求解中的期望额外总费用计算进行了详细的讨论。