with suspicion

[wɪð səˈspɪʃən][wið səsˈpiʃən]

怀疑地[法] 有嫌疑,有怀疑

  • Lily treated everyone with suspicion no matter how well she knows him .

    丽丽对每个人都 怀疑 态度,不管她有多了解他。

  • He eyed me with suspicion .


  • So the court though still widely regarded in Africa with suspicion and sometimes even derision may yet prove to have teeth .

    因此,国际刑事法院尽管在非洲仍然受到广泛的 猜疑,有时甚至被嘲笑,但也许已经证明了其威慑力。

  • To gaze at someone with suspicion .

    怀疑地盯 某人。

  • The argument that leadership continuity invariably improves corporate performance should be treated with suspicion .

    这做得过头了。对所谓领导层的连续性定会改善企业绩效的观点,我们应用 质疑 眼光

  • The second day he ran into a patrol of British soldiers who eyed him and his wagon with suspicion .

    第二天他碰上了一队英国巡逻兵,他们 怀疑地打量他和他的马车。

  • Brazil needs to reduce bureaucracy and embrace Chinese business which it still views with suspicion .

    巴西则需要减少官僚作风,拥抱那些它仍 怀疑 眼光 看待的中国企业。

  • She always treated us with suspicion .

    她对我们老是 猜疑

  • He was viewed with suspicion by alec 's C.O.

    爱历克的指挥官 怀疑的态度看待他。

  • They were greeted with suspicion and hostility at first .

    刚开始他们遭到 怀疑与敌视。

  • The quake has altered at least temporarily the world 's perception of China whose growing economic and military might is viewed with suspicion and fear in many quarters .

    地震也改变了世界对中国的认识,至少暂时是这样的。在很多方面,中国不断增长的经济和军事力量带来的是 猜疑和恐惧。

  • The old lady watched the stranger with suspicion .

    老太太 怀疑 眼光注视着不速之客。

  • These new measures are regarded with suspicion and abhorrence by the majority of teachers .

    对这些新措施,大部分教师都感到 怀疑和厌恶。

  • But its size means that these days its forays are also occasionally treated with suspicion .

    但如今,谷歌的一些初步尝试偶尔也会招来 质疑,这都是其公司规模造成的。

  • No one is sure who owns what so investors are treating all counterparties with suspicion .

    没有人可以确定谁手里拿着什么东西,因此投资人对所有对手都 充满 怀疑

  • With suspicion and mistrust creeping into Palace halls .

    随着宫廷中悄然出现的 猜疑和不信任。

  • In a country where businessmen are viewed with suspicion his popularity is unusual .

    在这个有着“ 无商不奸”观念的国家里,他的受欢迎度显得不同寻常。

  • We can gain no lasting peace if we approach it with suspicion and mistrust or with fear .

    我们如果心存 疑虑或恐惧去寻求和平,就得不到持久的和平。

  • He took an heiress to wife and was regarded with suspicion by her family .

    他娶了个女继承人为妻子,女方家庭对他的结婚动机 抱有 怀疑

  • But now I find myself looking at them with suspicion and resentment .

    但现在,我发现自己看待它们的 眼光 充满怀疑和愤恨。

  • So we are right to view such novelties with suspicion .

    所以,我们 怀疑 眼光看待此类奇思异想是正确的。

  • His teachings were not fully appreciated in his lifetime and often he was viewed with suspicion as was government fearful of his influence .

    在一生中,他的学说并没受到赏识。政府担心这种学说的影响,常常 怀疑的眼光看待。

  • Cooperation can never coexist with suspicion .

    合作 怀疑永远不能共存。

  • Although this has been met with suspicion in Pakistan it has helped the United States sharing some of the burden of stabilizing Afghanistan and providing civilian support .

    虽然巴基斯坦 疑问,这些援助确实帮助美国分担了稳定阿富汗局势和非军事支援的负担。

  • Any action that appears to limit competition is viewed with suspicion and has to be objectively justifiable .

    我们将 怀疑 眼光来审视任何看起来似乎是限制竞争的行为,并且客观地证明其行为是否正当。

  • India and Japan China 's other big regional counterparts both view it with suspicion at best and at worst paranoia .

    中国的两个 最大其余最大的地区伙伴印度和日本,(对中国)在最好的情况 猜疑,在最坏的情况下偏执狂。

  • Displays of emotion are regarded with suspicion

    情感的 流露招致 猜疑