with reservation

[wɪð ˌrɛzɚˈveʃən][wið ˌrezəˈveiʃən]

[法] 附有权益保留

  • Operations were done in 3 patients with reservation of the kidney 2 cases with nephro-ureterectomy and one case only with biopsy .

    3 例行 肾手术,2例行肾输尿管切除术,1例仅行活检术。

  • Because of the lack of experience with compact trees under a broad set of conditions suggestions on their use should be accepted with reservation .

    因为尚缺乏分布广泛的矮密果树的栽培经验,因此有关其应用的建议在 采用之前要 留有余地

  • The contract with capacity reservation options is the common instrument of supply chain coordination .

    生产能力 预定的期权契约是供应链协调的一种常见形式。

  • India as a nation is happy with reservation and corruption policies .

    印度作为一个国家, 腐败政策。

  • Maugham in the middle of the traditional realism and modernism towards the traditional culture had a mixed attitude-negating with reservation .

    毛姆是处于传统现实主义和现代主义之间的作家,他对传统文化持一种复杂的态度,既有否弃又 保留,是一种冷静的反思。

  • Patients usually interact with a reservation system over the phone or the Web .

    患者通常通过电话或网络 预约系统交互。

  • QoS Routing Research Combined with Resource Reservation

    资源 预留相结合的QoS路由问题研究

  • A topology-transparent Time Division Multiple Access ( TDMA ) with reservation for MIMO link is proposed for multi-hop Ad hoc networks in this paper .

    该文提出适合多跳adhoc网络的支持 MIM0的拓扑未知 预约时分多址接入协议。

  • Postoperative Care for Patients Undergoing Expansive Laminoplasty for Decompression of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis with Reservation of Spinous Ligament Complex


  • Of the group with reservation of laryngeal function was 38.1 % and of the group without reservation of laryngeal function was 33.3 % there was no significant difference between the latter two groups .

    喉功能 保留组为38%,未保留组为33%,两组差异无显著性。

  • Stress analysis with reservation core soil of annular excavation on wall rock in sandstone section of hydraulic tunnel

    水工隧洞砂岩段围岩环形开挖 预留核心 土法受力分析

  • On the Principle of Presumption of Innocence with Reservation


  • It must be used with some reservation .

    使用该物时一定要 谨慎

  • Preliminary clinical study of treating lumbar burst fracture with reservation of injured vertebral body and anterior decompression


  • Management with reservation of posterior ligamentous complex for thoracolumbar fractures

    保留后方韧带复合体在胸腰椎骨折 治疗中的意义

  • Restoration algorithm with wavelength reservation collision avoidance in ASON

    ASON中波长 预留冲突避免恢复算法

  • Some have learnt many Tricks of sly Evasion Instead of Truth they use Equivocation and eke it out with mental Reservation Which is to good Men an Abomination .

    一些人学会了玩狡猾借口的把戏,他们用含糊不清代替真相, 保留态度来竭力自圆其说,在好人看来这实在讨厌。

  • The Exploration of a Case about Sale with Reservation Ownership

    一起 保留所有权买卖案件的探究

  • Chapter 5 proposes a wireless fair scheduling algorithm combined with reservation resource compensation .

    第五章提出了一种 结合 预留资源进行补偿的无线公平调度算法。

  • 26 cases treating delayed radiation proctitis with reservation enema


  • They accepted the plan with the reservation that they might revise it later .

    他们 日后可以修改为条件接受了那项计划。

  • Conclusion : A parotidectomy with reservation and reconstruction of parotid fascia can efficiently prevent Frey 's syndrome .

    结论:切除腮腺 保留并重建腮腺咬肌筋膜对术后味觉出汗综合征的预防有显著效果。

  • The news commentator analyzed the situation with reservation .

    新闻评述员有所 保留地分析了那情况。

  • Based on the need of capital accommodation and chattel use sales with reservation ownership are widely adopted .

    市场经济资金融通和动产用益的需要, 保留所有权买卖被广泛采用。

  • Among them operation alone 31 cases combined treatment 65 cases operation with reservation of laryngeal function 42 cases ( 43.8 % ) without reservation of laryngeal function 54 cases ( 56.2 % ) .

    单纯手术31例,综合治疗65例。42例(44%)作了喉功能 保留手术,54例(56%)未保留喉功能。

  • I travelled with my colleagues some time with reservation in normal travel agencies we were used to it .

    我跟我同事有时 通过正常的旅行社 订票去旅行,我们过去常常这样做。

  • I am pleased to learn of my admission from your recent notice though with reservation to your masters program in computer science .

    从您最近的 来函得知我被批准攻读计算机硕士课程,尽管 限制条件。

  • The Club reserves the right to reject any guest with no reservation or refuse to sign the Registration Form .

    球会有权拒绝接待 预订及拒签登记表的来宾。