taxation bureau

[tækˈseʃən ˈbjʊro][tækˈseɪʃən ˈbjuərəu]

[经] 税务局(署)

  • This paper develops an empirical study on the relationship between local economic growth and local tax revenue based on the data derived from Beijing Local Taxation Bureau with the method of qualitative and quantitative analysis .

    本文试图采取定性和定量分析的方法,在此方面做出努力,用北京市 地税的有关数据对地方经济增长和地税税收收入之间的关系进行实证研究,以丰富这方面的经验证据。

  • In2002 our company was given the reward from Nanping National Taxation Bureau as Ten Best Cordial Rate paying Enterprise .

    公司坚持合法经营,诚信 纳税 原则,2002年被 国税 评为外商投资企业“十佳诚信纳税企业”。

  • The software is designed to satisfy the demand of the Taxation Fisc and Bank Transverse Online System ( TFBTOS ) which is aimed to realize the data-exchange between Taxation bureau and Banks .

    本文论述一种为满足税库行横向联网系统要求的用于 税务与国库进行数据交换使用的、依托现代计算机网络及数据库技术的数据接口软件的设计与开发。

  • No taxation bureau may change the above-mentioned tax payment places without authorization as it may disturb the normal order of tax collection .


  • Henan State Taxation Bureau has issued a new inspection mode according to the related regulations of National Taxation Bureau and Henan conditions .

    河南省国家 税务 根据国家税务总局的有关规定,结合河南的实际情况颁行了一 整套稽查新模式。

  • The Design and Implementation of Tax Collection and Management System for Changyi Local Taxation Bureau

    昌邑市地方 税务 税收征管系统的设计与实现

  • Since the system of Anhui online tax return system was tested in 2006 Tongling Municipal Local Taxation Bureau has been vigorously promoting this system which has provided taxpayers with quality online tax service and great economic and social benefits .

    铜陵市地方 税务 自2006年在全市开始运行安徽省网上纳税申报系统以来,大力推广应用该系统,为纳税人提供在线申报纳税服务,带来了较大的经济效益和社会效益。

  • Then XX Provincial Local Taxation Bureau video conferencing system should be implemented and how to achieve and system design principles .

    接着分析了XX省 地税 视频会议系统应该实现的功能和如何实现,并且提出了系统的设计原则。

  • National Taxation Bureau of Liaoning Horizontal Interconnection Problems in the Implementation of the Pilot and Suggestions

    辽宁省国家 税务 横向联网系统试点推行中的问题分析及对策建议

  • Tax Analysis System Research & Item of Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area ( Teda ) Branch of Tianjin Local Taxation Bureau Execute

    税收分析系统研究&天津地方 税务 经济技术开发区分局项目实施

  • OK . He can get a refund . Please fill out the application for an income refund issued by Nanjing Local Taxation Bureau .

    谢:好的。他可以申请退税。请填写《南京市地方 税务 收放退还申请单》。

  • Comprehensive taxation management information system is developed by Shandong Provincial Taxation Bureau to adapt to the new model of tax administration and achieve expected effect of monitoring and managing tax source .

    综合治税管理信息系统是山东省地方 税务 为适应综合治税税收管理新模式的需要,达到预期的税源监控、管理成效而开发的。

  • The subject of the thesis is The Information Website Development of Huludao Local Taxation Bureau .

    本论文题目为葫芦岛市地方 税务 信息网站开发。

  • Tax official : In this case the taxation bureau will assess the taxable income Since the expense has been considered in the assessment the actor will not pay personal income tax .

    税务局:在这种情况下,团体的应税s所得由 税务 核定,而核定中已考虑到其开支的情况,因此演员不纳税。

  • W : Good morning sir . We are inspectors from the tax inspection deparment Nanjing Local Taxation Bureau .

    魏:你好!我们是南京市地方 税务 稽查 的稽查人员。

  • The system has been applied on line in Jinan taxation bureau which changes service module of tax organizations and provides a good platform for modern tax administration to realize electronic taxation .

    本系统已成功在市 国税 网站上线使用,从根本上改变了税务机关的服务模式,为现代化税务管理提供了良好的平台,真正实现了电子化报税。

  • At first The Dalian Municipal State Taxation Bureau information management taxes are analyzed the achievements are summarized .

    先对大连市 国税 信息管税的现状进行了分析,对取得的成效进行了总结,提出了我国信息管税工作中存在的问题。

  • All the resources and cases of informatization capability of tax collection and administration are from Hunan State Taxation Bureau China .

    对湖南省国家 税务 税收征管信息化能力评价进行了案例分析和实证研究。

  • Study of Taxpaying Service of Xi'an Local Taxation Bureau Based on New Public Management

    基于新公共管理的西安 地税纳税服务 优化研究

  • Meanwhile the local taxation bureau also ensured that personal information remains strictly confidential .

    同时,当地 税务 也保证,对于私人信息会进行严格保密。

  • He was a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of Beijing Local Taxation Bureau .

    曾任北京市地方 税务 党组成员、副局长。

  • Local Taxation Bureau of Xiamen .

    厦门市地方 税务

  • State Taxation Bureau of Qingdao .

    青岛市国家 税务

  • Ren was told that an invoice would cost him20 yuan and he subsequently reported the incident to the taxation bureau .

    任乐亮被告知,如要发票还需再交20元的发票钱。于是,他将电脑城此 行为举报到洛阳 西工区 国家 税务

  • In 2004 the writer had organized to develop and apply the social insurance collection system based on C / S structure at Yunnan Local Taxation bureau to a certain extent it reduce the workload increase the efficiency of fee collection and convenient the payers .

    2004年,作者曾在云南省地方 税务 组织开发应用了基于C/S架构的社会保险费征缴系统,一定程度上减轻了工作量,提高了费款征缴效率,方便了缴费人。

  • Analysis on Problems and Countermeasures for Management of Tax Auditing in State Taxation Bureau of Bengbu City

    蚌埠市 国税稽查管理存在问题及对策分析

  • Guangzhou Local Taxation Bureau provides a character-based translation link free of charge in this web site .

    广州市地方 税务 (以下简称“地税 ”),在本网站免费提供一个文字转换软件链接。

  • A taxation bureau office w_1545

    国税 税捐处w_1551

  • Education and training as the effective means of human resources management and development has got more and more attention of Shaanxi province Local Taxation Bureau abbr.

    教育培训工作作为组织进行人力资源管理和开发的有效手段,得到了陕西省 地税 的重视。