

  • Ingredients : 2 pcs Chicken breasts 150g Bean spouts 1 tbsp Roasted sesame seeds .

    材料:鸡胸肉2件、豆芽150克、炒 白芝麻1 汤匙

  • Pour stock into heated wok.Add1/2 tsp of salt and2 tbsp of caltrop starch and mix well .

    把上汤倒入热镬中,下半茶匙盐、2 汤匙生粉,拌匀。

  • Saute shallots in 2 tbsp oil . Add beef and stir-fry until almost done .

    用2 汤匙爆香乾葱,加入牛 9 成熟

  • Heat 2 tbsp oil . Saute ginger until fragrant . Add black mushrooms baby corn carrot and stir-fry for 1 minute .

    烧热2 汤匙油,爆香姜片,加入鲜冬菇、露笋及甘笋,炒香1分钟。

  • Saute shallots in 1 / 2 tbsp oil . Stir in sauce mix and heat through . Pour over fish steaks . Garnish with shredded green onion .

    用1/2 汤匙油爆香乾葱, 芡汁 至热透,淋在鱼扒上,饰以葱丝。

  • Heat 3 tbsp oil . Saute onion minced garlic green onions red chilies and curry powder until fragrant .

    烧热3 汤匙油,爆香洋葱、蒜蓉、葱、红辣椒及咖喱粉。

  • Seasonings : 1 tbsp Light soya sauce 4 tbsps Dark soya sauce 1 / 2pc Slab sugar 1 cup Chicken stock .

    调味汁:生抽1 汤匙、老抽4汤匙、片糖半块、清鸡汤约1杯。

  • Stir-fry pork in 2 tbsp oil until almost done . Add green bell pepper and Lee Kum Kee Premium Oyster Sauce . Stir well until pork is done .

    用2 汤匙肉丝炒 9 成熟,加入甜青椒及李锦记旧庄特级蚝油,炒匀至肉丝熟透。

  • Seasonings : 1 / 2 tsp Salt 1 tsp Cornstarch 1 tbsp Egg white a little Pepper & Sesame oil .

    调味:盐1/2茶匙、粟粉1茶匙、蛋白1 汤匙、胡椒粉及麻油少许。

  • Saute ginger and green onion in 1 tbsp oil . Add lobster chicken and stir-fry until one .

    制法:1.用1 汤匙油爆香姜及葱,下龙虾肉及鸡肉炒熟。

  • Seasonings : 100ml Chicken Broth 1 tbsp Shaoxing wine .

    调味:鸡上汤100毫升、绍酒1 汤匙

  • Tip in tomato pur è e tomatoes and2 tbsp water then stir to break up tomatoes .

    这时,倒入番茄酱,番茄以及2 水,继续搅拌把番茄弄碎。

  • Saute onion in 2 tbsp oil until fragrant . Add prawns bell pepper and sauce mix . Stir well until heated through .

    用2 汤匙油爆香洋葱,加入中虾、甜黄椒及芡汁,炒匀至热透。

  • Stir-fry prawn meat scallop gingko nuts red bell pepper asparagus and carrot in 2 tbsp oil until done . Stir in seasoning mix roasted cashew nuts and heat through .

    用2 汤匙虾肉、带子、白果、甜红椒、芦笋及甘笋炒熟,拌入调味料及腰果,炒 热透。

  • Stir-fry vegetarian abalone in 2 tbsp oil . Add sugar snaps lily bulb carrot sauce mix and heat through .

    用2 汤匙油炒香素鲍鱼,加入蜜糖豆、鲜百合、甘笋及芡汁, 热透。

  • Add2 tbsp oil to saute the peppercorn add back pork cheeks and toss well .

    烧热2 汤匙油,中火爆香青胡椒,猪颈肉回镬 匀;

  • Tbsp coarsely chopped parsley

    4 汤勺切碎的欧芹

  • I just saw him Yaoleyi Tbsp salad is a cross into China .

    只见他舀了一大 沙拉又塞进了十字中。

  • Saute red chili and garlic in 1 tbsp oil . Add sauce mix heat through and pour over fish fillet .

    用1 汤匙油爆香红辣椒及蒜头,加入芡汁煮热,淋在鱼柳上。

  • Seasonings ( eggs ): 1 / 4 tsp Salt 1 tbsp Oil a little Pepper .

    鸡蛋调味:盐1/4茶匙、油1 汤匙、胡椒粉少许。

  • Saute red chili in 1 tbsp oil . Add fried prawns seasoning mix and stir well quickly . Then stir in fried minced garlic . Sprinkle with shredded green onion .

    用1 汤匙油爆香红椒丝,加入中虾及调味料快手炒匀,再加入金蒜 ,洒上葱丝。

  • Saute garlic in 2 tbsp oil . Add beef and stir-fry until done . Stir in bell pepper sauce mix and heat through .

    制法:1.用2 汤匙油爆香蒜头,加入牛 炒熟, 甜椒及芡汁炒 至热透。

  • Put tomatoes garlic 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil vinegar in a bowl and mix .

    把番茄、大蒜、初 橄榄油和醋搅拌均匀。

  • Heat 1 tbsp of oil . Stir fry chopped garlic and shredded onion until fragrant . Add all powdered spices . Stir fry .

    烧热1 汤匙油,将蒜茸、洋?丝炒香,加入全部粉状材料,炒匀。

  • Heat 1 tbsp oil . Add seasoning mix and heat through . Pour over fish steaks . Sprinkle with shredded green onion .

    烧热1 汤匙油,下调味料 至热透,淋在鱼扒上,洒下葱丝。

  • Heat oil put the flank beef in the wok and add chopped garlic chopped ginger and 2 tbsp . chu-hau paste in to stir-fry .

    烧热油,牛腩下镬,加入蒜茸、姜茸各一 汤匙及柱侯酱两 汤匙同炒。

  • Break the yolk add2 tbsp water mix well .

    将剩余的一个蛋黄打散,加入2大 清水,搅拌均匀。

  • Stir-fry beef fillet in 2 tbsp oil until done . Stir in Lee Kum Kee Black Pepper Sauce and heat through .

    用2 汤匙油炒熟牛柳,加入李锦记黑椒汁及大蒜,炒 至热透。

  • Cook pak choi carrot in boiling water with 1 tsp salt and sugar 1 tbsp oil remove to the plate .

    小唐菜与红萝卜放滚水内,加盐及糖各1茶匙,油1 汤匙 ,取出