


  • According to preliminary findings by the New Jersey State Police the Nashes were in a taxicab traveling southbound near Monroe when their driver lost control of the vehicle .

    根据新泽西州警方的初步调查结果,当司机失去对车辆的控制时,纳什夫妇正在门罗镇附近南行的 出租车内。

  • On Confirming the Compensation Duty Subject in Traffic Accidents of Taxicab Operation


  • Five years ago I learned this lesson . I learned it in the back of a taxicab in Indianapolis . Here 's what happened .

    这一课我是在五年前学到的。当时,我 正坐在印第安纳波利斯的一 的士的后座上,下面就是事情的经过。

  • In all my years of driving a taxicab I have never had any trouble with the public not even with drunks .


  • However in the latter part of this essay the sight of a woman and a man getting into a taxicab makes her construct the theory of androgyny .

    但是在这篇短文的后半部分,当伍尔夫看到一个男人和一个女人走进一 出租车时,她开始构建雌雄同体理论。

  • I slammed my head getting out of a taxicab .

    我下 出租车的时候把头撞到了。

  • Then I could hook up another ambulance and a taxicab a police car a fire truck .

    接着我可以联接另一辆救护车和 出租车,警车和消防车。

  • I 've been in the taxicab business for thirty-five years and I know there is a lot about it that is not so good .

    出租车这一行已经三十五个年头,知道这一 有很多不好的 地方

  • Taxicab drivers have to be rough and tumble fellows to be able to take it in New York .

    的士司机得凶狠粗暴才能在纽约 这一

  • Thirdly in allusion to the major influence factor combine the opinion and theory of marketing service putting forward the improving measure of taxicab service in Chengdu .

    第三步、针对主要影响因素,结合服务营销学的观点和理念,提出成都 出租 汽车服务 质量改进的措施。

  • 1912-Japan 's first taxicab service begins in Ginza Tokyo .

    1912年的今天,日本首个 出租车服务在东京的银座开始。

  • Flying driving a rental car or taking a taxicab would fall into that category .

    乘飞机、驾驶租用的汽车或搭乘 出租车都属于这个类别。

  • As an important part of the public transport system in our city the taxicab is not only related to the construction development and image of our city but also related to our daily life and production closely .

    出租 汽车作为现代城市公共交通的重要组成部分,不仅关系到城市的建设、发展和形象,也和广大市民的生产生活息息相关。

  • Her taxicab has a thick perspex partition between the passengers ' seats and the driver .

    她的 出租车 乘客座位和驾驶员之间装着厚厚的有机玻璃隔板。

  • Suggestions on Structural Regulation of Taxicab Passenger Transport Trade in Our Province

    关于我省 出租 汽车客运行业结构调整的探讨

  • Accordingly what the government department and taxicab operator concern is how to improve service quality and transportation circumstance for attracting more passenger .

    因此,对政府主管单位与经营者而言,如何提高 出租 汽车服务质量吸引乘客,改善 成都 市民的交通出行环境与提升 出租 汽车 行业 形象一直是他们关心的问题;

  • A short time after he contracted gonorrhea from a sales girl in a loop department store while riding in a taxicab through Lincoln Park .

    而此时他正乘 的士穿过林肯公园, 却是部门小仓库里与某个销售女郎春风一度, 代价是染上淋病。

  • We 've got a marine down here who 's been hit by a taxicab .

    我们这里有个被 出租车 撞倒的海军 战队的。

  • The man took her to safety helped her get assistance and put her into a taxicab .

    那位男子开车把她送到安全地方,找人帮她的忙并为她叫来了一 出租车

  • In this image the photographer combined two famous London features : a London taxicab and Westminster Abbey .

    在这个图像,摄影师组合两个伦敦著名的容貌:伦敦 出租车和威斯敏斯特教堂。

  • With a renewed thrill he thought of taxicab .

    他想到 出租 汽车心头重新激动起来。

  • One of the girls work at this taxicab place .

    第一个女孩子在这 计程车 公司 做事

  • Danny chooses the taxicab because driving is about the only marketable skill he possessed .

    丹尼选择 计程车因为开车差不多是他拥有的唯一可以出售的技术。

  • The taxicab swung out into traffic .


  • This paper points out that taxicab industry has three managing characteristics : degree of irreplaceable ; flow and individualized services ; the taxi-driver is a piece-worker subject to the supervision and guidance of the company .

    本文指出 出租车行业三个运营特点:一定程度的不可替代性;流动的、个体化的服务;出租车司机是受公司监督指导的计件工。

  • In recent years crime case aiming at the taxicab driver such as robbery and assault have experienced frequent occurrence .

    近年来,针对 出租车司机实施的抢劫、暴力伤害等犯罪案件频繁发生。

  • Each taxicab is fitted with a meter ticking off the fare due .

    出租 汽车都有一个 算出应付车费的计程表。

  • By piggybacking a corrected gene onto a virus – the taxicab that will deliver the gene-doctors will replace the disease-causing faulty gene in the retina with the corrected version .

    通过搭载一到一个病毒基因更正-的 出租车,将提供该基因-医生将替换在修正版本与视网膜疾病的基因缺陷引起。

  • Compared with the existing taxicab dispatching system the system which based on the analog wireless voice channel can transmission the digital signal with the advantage of cost-saving no need to dial-up and connect faster .

    经过对现有 出租车调度系统的分析比较,提出一种基于模拟无线话音信道传输数字信令的方法,具有节省费用、无需拨号、连线快捷的优点。

  • In the development of politic and economic it has also developed in the business of taxicab in recently twenty years .

    随着 成都市政治、经济的发展, 出租 汽车 行业近二十年来也取得了长足的发展。