


  • In the page design we need to retrieve both taxonomy components .

    在该页面设计中,我们需要检索两个 分类组件。

  • In addition it presents a practical taxonomy for collecting managing and using the reference architecture effectively .

    此外,本文还提出了一个实践性的 分类 方法,用以有效地收集、管理和使用参考体系结构。

  • The existing problems were discussed and the suggestion on the taxonomy of the genus Oryza was given .

    就稻属 分类中存在的一些问题进行了讨论,并提出了对稻属的 分类建议。

  • A numerical taxonomy of Sphagnum species .

    Title泥炭藓植物数量 分类 研究

  • In our Web site we use language information as a taxonomy and different languages are different categories .

    在我们的站点中,使用语言信息作为 分类 标准,不同的语言具有不同的类别。

  • A preliminary study on the taxonomy of the family Magnoliaceae .

    木兰科 分类 系统的初步研究。

  • This includes the name and comment portions of the ontology and all the classes defined in the classification taxonomy .

    这包括主体的name和comment部分,以及类别分类中定义的所有 分类

  • Methods Entomological taxonomy and zoogeography principles and Methods were used in this study .

    方法采用昆虫 分类学和动物地理学原理与方法。

  • Thomisidae new species new record taxonomy Gaoligong Mountains China .

    蟹蛛科新种新纪录种 分类高黎贡山中国。

  • You already created the skill categories using the Taxonomy Editor in the DesignStudio section .

    您已经在DesignStudio部分使用 TaxonomyEditor创建了技能类别。

  • In this paper the peculiarity of RAPD and its superiority in insect taxonomy are discussed .

    本文就RAPD技术的特点及其在解决昆虫 分类中的问题时的优势作一 简介

  • Finally I added a custom taxonomy for the WS-I conformance taxonomy .

    最后,我添加了一个用于符合WS-I的分类法的自定义 分类

  • This article describes the taxonomy of Enterprise MDM-related architecture patterns .

    本文描述与企业MDM相关的体系结构模式的 分类方法。

  • Entries in taxonomy and indexes are also considered to be instance metadata .


  • More recently griseofulvin has become an important phenotypic marker in Penicillium taxonomy .

    近来,灰黄霉素成为青霉属 分类学中的一个重要的表型标志物。

  • The model comprises the USBD taxonomy and ontology .

    该模型包括USBD的 分类 和存在论。

  • Is a new taxonomy of human disease based on molecular and cell biology needed ?

    是否需要一种基于分子和细胞生物学的人类疾病 分类 方法

  • The objective of this course is to introduce the history principles and analysis methods of numerical taxonomy .

    本课程主要介绍数值 分类学的发展历史、基本原理和 分类 运算分析方法;

  • Investigation results show that chemistry is not very important in taxonomy of the genus .

    研究结果表明,化学成分在本属的 分类中并不是很重要。

  • The following list of values are defined in the UDDI : types taxonomy .

    下面列表中的值都是在UDDI类别 分类 中定义的。

  • Classification systems are typically comprised of a hierarchy of classes that define the entities in the taxonomy .

    分类系统通常包含分类的层次结构,这些 分类定义了该 分类中的实体。

  • Application of RAPD Technique in Insect Taxonomy

    RAPD技术在昆虫 分类学 研究中的应用

  • It includes glossary controlled vocabulary data dictionary data model taxonomy and ontology per Wikipedia .

    它包括词汇表、控制词汇、数据词典、数据模型、 分类 和维基百科中的本体。

  • Taxonomy can lay claim to being the oldest the most basic and the most all-embracing of the biological sciences .


  • Workshop is a powerful modeling application used by expert modelers and taxonomy editors to administer corporate taxonomies .

    Workshop是一个强大的建模应用程序,建模专家和 分类 编辑人员可以使用它管理公司的分类法。

  • In the described setup you need to publish a taxonomy both to ICM and OmniFind .

    根据前面描述的设置,需要将 分类 发布给ICM和OmniFind。

  • We defined the Geography feature with the Taxonomy data type for this purpose .

    为此,我们使用 Taxonomy数据类型定义了Geography特性。

  • Table 1 shows the main taxonomy of WAI-ARIA contents .

    表1显示了WAI-ARIA内容的主要 分类

  • However some people consider glossary and taxonomy as metadata as well .

    不过,有些人认为词汇表和 分类 也属于元数据的 范畴

  • Each term is defined with a description and other metadata and is positioned in a taxonomy .

    每个词汇的定义包含描述和其他元数据,以及它在 分类 中的位置。