tea bag

[ti bæɡ][ti: bæɡ]


  • The typical American tea service consists of a mug paper cup or a little metal pot of hot water with a tea bag sitting beside it .

    典型的美国人是要这样饮茶的:一只大杯子,一只纸杯,或一小壶热水,旁边摆一 茶叶

  • CONCLUSION ① Sanchi tea bag dose not have effect on body mass of model mice with type 2 diabetes and normal mice .

    结论:①三七皂甙 袋泡茶对2型糖尿病模型和正常小鼠体质量无明显影响。

  • He said the tea bag to build and let its drink in the book can avoid doze .

    他说把建 送给 居士,让其饮了在参禅时可免打瞌睡。

  • The Quality Control of Qingtong Tea Bag

    清通浓缩 剂的质量研究

  • Tea bag into the cup 85 degrees Celsius water bag can pour tea3 ~ 5 times .


  • Fauna and Occurrence of Tea Bag worms in China

    我国 茶树 蛾区系与发生

  • But China 's tea culture is so rich and varied producing only a subsection of the tea bag market share there world impact ?

    但中国的茶文化如此丰富多彩,只生产某款市场占有率高的 袋泡茶就有世界影响了吗?显然不能。

  • At other times he forgets entirely to bring the tea bag and must be reminded .

    有时侯他压跟就忘了拿 茶叶来,还非得你提醒不可。

  • We have advanced tea bag package machines can produce and process varieties tea bag of assortment with multiple of standards by using resource of health food field .

    公司拥有国际先进的 袋泡茶包装机,充分利用绿色食品基地资源,生产、加工多样品种,多种规格的袋泡茶,保健茶。

  • How do you describe how a tea pouch differs from a tea bag ?

    你如何描述如何从一个 茶叶 茶叶袋不同?

  • Processing Technology of Formula Herbal Tea Bag of Lotus Leaf and Corn Silk

    荷叶玉米须复方 袋泡茶加工工艺研究

  • Which type of tea bag 's package do you prefer ?

    你觉得下面哪种 主题 茶包包装更吸引你?

  • A measured amount of tea in a bag for an individual serving of tea .

    一定量的 袋装 茶叶,用于个人沏茶。

  • Effect of sanchi tea bag on blood glucose of normal mice and diabetic model mice

    三七 袋泡茶对正常及糖尿病模型小鼠血糖的影响

  • Even a tea bag is made of paper !

    甚至连 茶包都是纸做的!

  • Hawthorn the Matrimony vine and tea are mixed with and then make the tea bag .

    用山楂,枸杞与茶叶混和后制成 袋泡茶

  • A tiny paper boat is tied to the tea bag which will sink in the hot water like an anchor purpose to improve the interest .

    它是在 的一端绑上了一个纸船,而 则像锚一样沉在杯中。即使是 也会因为这样的设计顿时品味倍增。

  • Objective : Through the pharmacodynamics experiment and the observation of chronic nasopharyngitis clinical curative effect this paper aims to obtain an objective evaluation of the anti-inflammatory effect of Qiju ( a kind of chrysanthemum ) tea bag and the therapeutic effects for the chronic nasopharyngitis patients .

    目的通过药效学实验及对慢性鼻咽炎的临床疗效观察,客观评价芪菊 袋泡茶的抗炎作用及对慢性鼻咽炎患者的治疗效果。

  • Each bedroom have a kettle tea bag and packet of instant coffee .

    每个房间都配备了一把壶、 和袋装速溶咖啡。

  • Tea bag is a typical example of fast food culture such that tea can be served in a minute .


  • The tea bag is in a three-dimensional shape formed by a bag bottom and a conical surface .

    由袋底及锥面组成立体状,所述 底为多边形,其锥面为正棱锥面。

  • Practice : the black tea bag and ginger add cup together with more than ninety degree water brew to wait to add to the temperature honey .

    做法:把 红茶 和生姜一起放入杯中,用九十度以上水冲泡,等稍温后放入蜂蜜。

  • The experimental study of polysaccharide extraction from Ganoderma lucidum tea bag with ultrasonic wave technology

    超声波法提取灵芝 袋泡茶多糖的实验研究

  • The bedroom has a kettle with tea bag and sachet of instant coffee .

    卧室里有茶壶、 和速溶咖啡。

  • If you put the Lighting Bag in a cup of chemical intermediate the tea bag will burst into flames and then the cup is lighting .

    这个 茶包 有化学介质的杯子里就会燃烧,然后杯子就被点亮了。

  • In public restaurants tea is served by giving you a cup or pot of hot water with a tea bag at the side . You can then make the tea as strong as you like it .

    在公众餐馆,给你端上茶杯或一壶开水,旁边 袋泡茶,然后你可以随便要多浓就多浓。

  • Many Chinese still use loose-leaf tea rather than tea bag .

    (许多老中还用散装茶叶,而不用 。)

  • Chemistry is not my cup of tea ; his bag now is learning to play golf ; marriage was scarcely his dish .

    化学不是我的 强项;他现在的 强项是学高尔夫球。

  • The English frown on the use of tea bag .

    英国人不喜欢用 茶叶 袋泡茶

  • The tea-bag packing machine model sd-dpc-6have general functions such as automatic ration filling heat-sealing of tea bag automatic plastering cotton thread and tag envelope is cold-sealed by tow-side in longitudinal direction .

    型包装机外袋采取冷压纵封方式压封两边,具有定量给料、热封内 、自动粘贴标签和 棉线的功能。