abbr.Tape Control Unit 纸带控制器

  • In DX-600KW entire solid state medium wave transmitter the new audio control board of TCU is Chief processor any fault will affect every PB at the same time .

    DX-600KW中波发射机 TCU机柜中的音频控制板作为各PB单元的音频总处理者,其板上所出的故障将同时影响各PB单元的音频通路。

  • In order to guarantee its reliable operation the stationary test for TCU is needed .

    为保证 TCU的可靠运行,需要对其进行静态测试。

  • Design of Embedded Software Programming Interface Library for TCU of DCT

    DCT 电控 单元嵌入式软件编程接口库设计

  • The Morphometric Study of Endometrial Spiral Arterioles before and after Insertion of γ CuI and TCu 220C Intrauterine Devices

    放置γCuI和 TCu220C宫内节育器前后子宫内膜螺旋动脉形态计量学研究

  • The Comparative Study of the Clinical Effects of TCu and VCu of Five Years

    TCu与VCu两种 宫内 节育 使用5年临床效果对比性研究

  • The electro-hydraulic control system is an important part for the whole continuously variable transmission which is composed of TCU hydraulic control system and mechanism .

    电液控制系统是无级变速 最重要的部分,包括 TCU、液压控制装置以及 执行机构 3 部分

  • The development of Transmission Control Unit ( TCU ) and the application of HIL system have been researched with modeling and simulation technology for automatic transmission and some of problems for products have been solved in this paper it is meaningful work for our automatic transmission product .

    本文结合自动变速 电控产品开发及其开发工具 HIL系统的应用进行自动变速器相关的建模与仿真技术及应用研究,解决了产品化过程中部分问题,对自动变速 电控系统的开发具有重要意义。

  • The results verified that the design can accurately control the valves ' states and position with the acquired information on vehicle status .

    结果表明,通过采集车辆信息, TCU可以精准地控制电磁阀的位置和状态。

  • The test-bed of TCU hardware circuit simulates all kinds of input signals of its control unit and states of all signals when the car is running . Test the performance of the TCU hardware circuit .

    TCU硬件电路的检测台,模拟 CVT 变速 对其控制器TCU的各种输入信号,并且模拟汽车运行时的各信号的状态,检测TCU硬件电路 的优劣。

  • Methods : According to the unified standard 1100 cases were selected and inserted Mcu IUD and Tcu 380A randomly ( each 550 cases ) in the six domestic clinical centers . Regular following-up was given .

    方法:在国内6个临床中心按统一标准选择1100例要求使用IUD避孕的妇女,随机放置McuIUD与 TCu380AIUD各550例,定期随访观察。

  • The fault diagnosis system consists several parts : the real-time diagnosis system of TCU that based on CVT .

    无级变速箱CVT 汽车 诊断系统由几个部分组成: TCU 电路 上的针对CVT汽车实时的诊断系统;

  • The software structure of the TCU is designed based on Real-Time-Operating-system and coding of basic software module is finished .

    设计了基于 实时操作系统的控制软件架构,完成了基本软件模块的设计和调试。

  • Still adjusting to college Carson Huey-You told TCU 360 that his first week was overwhelming but exciting and fun .

    卡尔森 休伊还在适应大学生活的过程中,他对得州基督大学360说,大学第一周十分忙碌,但同样非常有趣,令人兴奋。

  • The TCu 380A IUD appears to be suitable for postpartum insertion in Chinese women .


  • A randomized clinical comparative study of VCu 200 containing indomethacin ( drug V ) im-proved in structure and craft with VCu 200 and TCu 220 was conducted .

    用改进后的消炎痛VCu200(药V)与VCu200、 TCu220进行随机比较性研究,共300例。

  • Delegation of Shanghai Jiao Tong University visited TCU and signed Agreement of Exchange with College of Medicine of TCU .

    上海交通大学 贵宾 参访 慈济大学并与 医学院签订学术交流协定。

  • Study on the efficacy of Tcu 380A for emergency contraception

    宫内 节育 用于紧急避孕效果观察

  • The Simulation of TCU ′ s Input Signals Based on DSP

    基于DSP 无级 变速 控制 单元的输入信号模拟

  • A Preliminary Observation of Morphological Influences of a String of Copper Beads 394 IUD and TCu 220c on Endometrium

    串铜394和 TCu220c宫内节育器对子宫内膜形态学影响的初步观察

  • Conclusion : The clinical contraceptive effects of γ Cu 380 IUD are much better than that of TCu 380A IUD .

    结论:γCu380IUD临床避孕效果明显优于 TCu380AIUD;

  • On the basis of analyzing TCU structure and function a stationary test method is studied . Moreover an automatic testing system based on industrial PC and virtual instrument is developed to accomplish the stationary test .

    为此,在分析 TCU结构和功能的基础上,对 TCU静态测试方法进行了研究,并研制出基于工业控制计算机和虚拟仪器技术的微机测控装置,实现了 TCU 地面静态测试。

  • Design of Real-time Simulation Testing System for Metro TCU Based on xPC

    基于xPC的地铁 TCU实时仿真测试系统设计

  • DC-01 direct current locomotives of Shanghai Metro line one were imported from Germany . The driver locomotives were drove by direct current motors with the speed regulation method of chopper . TCUs ( Traction Control Unit ) and choppers are the main controllers of the driver locomotives .

    上海地铁一号线DC-01型直流机车系德国进口,其中动车采用直流电机驱动,利用斩波器进行调速,其主 TCU(牵引控制单元)和斩波器。

  • The study expanded the copper surface of the original γ Cu 220 IUD to 380 mm 2 to decrease the pregnancy rate with IUD in situ ( including ectopic pregnancy ) and achieve the contraceptive effects similar to TCu 380A IUD with lower sideeffects .

    本研究通过增加原γCu200IUD的铜表面积至380mm2,其目的为了进一步降低带器妊娠率(包括异位妊娠),以期达到 TCu380AIUD相似的避孕效果,而其副反应发生率明显低于TCu380AIUD。