technical parameter

[ˈtɛknɪkəl pəˈræmɪtɚ][ˈteknikəl pəˈræmitə]


  • Construction main technical parameter working process of ZQF-300 tiltable ball grinder were introduced .

    介绍了ZQF-300型倾翻式球磨机的结构、主要 技术 参数及工作过程。

  • This paper briefly introduces the main technical parameter assembly structure types and design characteristics of the coach for rural areas .

    简要介绍村村通客车的主要 技术 参数、总成结构型式及设计特点。

  • When measurement uncertainty is used as a technical parameter of reference material and single parameter of measurment or verifying instruments the authors have shared their own understandings .

    当测量不确定度作为标准物质、单一参数的计量仪器和检定装置的 技术 参数时,应如何理解,作者提出了自己的看法。

  • In the support project of soft-rock tunnel the pullout resistance of the Self-screwed Slip Casting Tube Bolt is the critical technical parameter that related to the security of anchorage system .

    在软岩隧道支护中,自旋注浆锚管的抗拔力是至关重要的 技术 参数,关系到锚固体系的安全。

  • Technical Parameter Optimization of Rapid Tooling Filling Process

    快速模具模塑成形充模过程的 工艺 参数优化

  • The thermal conductivity is an important thermal performance parameter of the refractory is also an important thermal technical parameter of the kiln design .

    导热系数是耐火材料重要的热学性能参数,也是炉窑设计重要的热工 技术 参数

  • Idiographic type each technical parameter please call ore-mail !

    具体的型号规格、各项 技术 参数,请来电或E-mail咨询!

  • The technical parameter of this product is in conformity with international standards .

    各项 技术 指标均符合国家标准要求。

  • The metal carburized layer depth is one of the major technical parameter to evaluate the quality of carburized components .

    渗碳层深度是衡量渗碳件质量的主要 技术 指标之一。

  • The scanning resolution is the key technical parameter in determining the detailed quality of pictures .

    扫描分辨率是衡量图像细节表现力的重要 技术 参数

  • Study on Technical Parameter Optimization and Mathematical Model for Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Common Cromwell Oil

    超临界二氧化碳萃取紫草油的 工艺 参数优化及数学模型研究

  • This factory design the manufacture gantry crane the related technical parameter may also according to the user request determination .

    本厂设计、制造的龙门起重机,有关 技术 参数也均可按用户要求确定。

  • List of test-bed and all technical parameter tables ;

    所有试验台清单和 技术 参数表;

  • Basic technical parameter and methods of measurement of teletext channel

    GB/T15771-1995图文电视通道基本 技术 参数及测试方法

  • Kind remind : the color of sample machine may differ from the actual one please noted we would not make further notification on technical parameter modification .

    温馨提示:样张机器颜色可能与实际略有差异:上述 技术 参数如有变更,恕不另行通知。

  • Three movements are fitted together which many kinds o-materials mix evenly Technical Parameter .

    三种运动的组合使多种 物料实现均匀混合。

  • If this hoist crane sample technical parameter has the change further notice user .

    本起重机样本 技术 参数若有变动,不另行通知用户。

  • The specification and type technical parameter operation points of primary machines were introduced .

    介绍了主要设备的规格型号、 技术 参数和操作要点。

  • The whole production line is controlled by one electrical cabinet and displayed on big screen on which all the technical parameter can be adjusted easily and quickly .

    整条生产线采用一个电器柜集中控制,大屏幕显示,所有的 工艺 参数均可通过屏幕调整,简单快捷。

  • This paper describes the utilize of active carbon in the evaporation control of the gasoline vehicle main technical parameter and working principle .

    文中介绍了活性炭在汽油车蒸发排放控制中的应用,车用活性炭的主要 技术 指标与工作原理。

  • Optimization of the Technical Parameter for Persimmon Vinegar with One-step Fermentation Methodology The process for the treatment of the waste acid from crude benzol refining with calcining process is studied the optimum operation data are discussed and the process is optimized .

    一步发酵法加工柿果醋 工艺 参数优化研究了焙烧法处理粗苯精制废酸的工艺过程,探讨了最佳运行参数,优化了工艺流程。

  • Size mixing and try one 's best to keep original viscidity firm content sizing rate thick liquid yarn machine keeping the original technical parameter not changing in the course .

    调浆过程中尽量保持原来的粘度、固含量、上浆率、浆纱机保持原来的 技术 参数不变。

  • Grounding resistance is an important technical parameter of grounding system of electric power plant and transformer substation .

    接地电阻值是发电厂、变电站接地系统的重要 技术 指标

  • Leakage is one of main technical parameter for cryo-insulation pressure vessels .

    低温绝热纸是制造多层 绝热低温容器的重要材料之一。

  • Technical parameter of field digital dental care vehicles

    野战数字化口腔医疗车的 技术 参数的研究

  • In addition it pollutes the interface with a technical parameter .

    除此之外,引入一个 技术 参数会污染接口。

  • This paper puts forward a array direction finding system based on single channel introduces its composition and operating principle analyzes the main technical parameter .

    提出了一种基于单通道的阵列测向系统,介绍了其组成及工作原理,分析了系统主要 技术 参数

  • Based on our Mie-scattering lidar system and its technical parameter the results of the overlap function are calculated in two ways which is approximatetly equivalent .

    文章介绍了离轴式米散射激光雷达系统的重叠因子,结合自行研制的一台激光雷达系统的 技术 参数,给出重叠因子的理论计算结果及实验反演结果。

  • Under the specific topography condition the effective and reasonable layout of hoisting cableway and the main technical parameter properly were chosed and the calculation was checked .

    在特定的地形地质条件下,进行有效合理的索道布局,以及主要 技术 参数的选择,并进行校核。

  • The launching height is an important technical parameter for the signal flare .

    信号弹的发射高度是信号弹的重要 技术 参数