


  • The police apparently chased some people from away from the stadium with teargas .

    很明显,警方用 催泪弹 一些人驱逐出体育馆。

  • Riot police used teargas and water cannons to disperse the protestors .

    防暴警察用 催泪弹和高压水枪将抗议者驱散。

  • Riot police responded by firing teargas while a bank branch had to be evacuated after the ground floor caught fire .

    防暴警察 喷射 催泪 瓦斯 还击,而一家银行的 营业网点在一楼着火后,不得不疏散了 在场人员。

  • They possess a formidable arsenal of rifles machine guns landmines and teargas .

    他们持有的步枪、机枪、地雷和 催泪弹 数量 惊人

  • Kenyan police used teargas and water cannons against several hundred anti-government protesters in Nairobi Kenya .

    肯尼亚警方用 催泪弹和高压水枪来对付奈洛比地区的反政府分子。

  • Police fired shots and used teargas to disperse the demonstrators

    警方鸣枪并使用 催泪弹来驱散示威者。