technical position

[ˈtɛknɪkəl pəˈzɪʃən][ˈteknikəl pəˈziʃən]


  • The first step towards the advanced level of international petroleum industry and occupying a technical dominant position with our country 's own style for building large floating root tanks has been made .

    在积极吸收消化国外 技术的同时,结合国情提高我国的技术水平,为形成我国建造大型浮顶罐的 技术 优势、以独特的 技术风格走向国际石油工程界迈出了一步。

  • However the Draft Law does not define the terms'non-technical position ' 'technical position'and'senior professional technical position ' .

    不过,《草案》并无界定“非技术性职位”、“技术性职位”及“高级专业 技术职位”。

  • In the 21st century the level of technical innovation directly determines the position of a country in the world competitions .

    在21世纪, 技术创新水平直接决定了一国在国际竞争中的 地位

  • This paper made systemic analysis on concept basic components technical route role and position of our sports information in the new times put forwarded the countermeasure and key job in constructing sports information .

    对体育信息化的概念、基本要素、 技术路线及体育信息化在新时期我国体育发展中的 地位与作用进行了系统的分析,提出了我国体育信息化建设的对策和工作重点。

  • Throughout the proposal process articulate and demonstrate SPS solutions influence customer 's technical requirements and position products relative to competition ;

    在整个建议过程,清晰地描述、论证SPS的解决方案以感化顾客的 技术要求、设定有 竞争力的产品;

  • Problems and measures of teaching material on technical ability training of position in national enterprise

    国有企业 岗位 技能培训教材建设的问题与对策

  • A Discussion on the Device and Technical Problems of PSD Position Measurement System

    PSD 位置测量系统的实现及 技术问题探讨

  • GIS is a basic technical support for position location navigation and map presentation in LBS.

    GIS是LBS的 位置定位、导航及地图表达的基础 技术支撑。

  • In the first place to say that social costs should be minimized or that external costs should be internalized is not a technical or a value-free position .

    首先,应该尽量减少社会成本或者外部成本应该内部化的说法不是站在 技术的或价值无涉的 立场

  • Such demand makes the vehicle monitoring system has gradually become a research hotspot at home and abroad and established wireless communication positioning GIS and other technical support position in the field .

    这类需求使得车辆监控系统逐渐成为国内外的研究热点,并确立了无线通信、定位、GIS等 技术在该领域的支撑 地位

  • Mr Mandelson also refused to bow to Chinese demands that it grant the country market economy status a technical position but one that it sees as a matter of pride .

    曼德尔森还回绝了中国的要求,拒绝承认其市场经济地位。虽然这只是一种 技术 层面 地位,但中国认为这是一个面子问题。

  • Asked by Cisco for a senior technical writer position .

    思科公司高级 技术文档撰稿 职位面试题。

  • Staff of the development of science and technology in company of new and high technology management declare by the individual after evaluating qualification via evaluating an orgnaization award professional technical position .

    高新技术企业中的科技开发、经营治理人员,由个人申报,经评审机构评审合格后,授予专业 技术 职务

  • This is a technical leadership position that requires the candidate to take ownership of projects and be able to guide and motivate development team engineers to produce quality designs on schedule .

    候选人必须主动积极热情地投入工程设计团队,有能力承担高效率高压力的工作此 技术设计领导的 职位需要全权负责项目的进展,指导和激发团队能按进度出产有品质的设计。

  • If it is technical engineer position may ask your SAT scores ( U.S. high school students enter the United States must participate in the University examination ) and the University of GPA ( grade point average ) .

    如果是 应聘 技术工程师的 岗位,他们可能还会问你的SAT分数(美国高考成绩)和大学GPA(平均成绩点数)。

  • As technology intensive industry technology is the lifeline of the equipment manufacturing industry . Only guarantee the technical level in a leading position can maintain the overall competitiveness of the industry .

    作为技术密集型产业,装备制造业视技术为生命线,只有长期保证 技术水平居于领先 地位,才能维持行业总体竞争力。

  • Years working experiences in Schindler or other elevator companies as a minimum . Technical position is preferred .

    为迅达或其它电梯公司至少工作过3年。 技术 岗位为佳。

  • Based on position technology in the actual process of different locations in the particular form of expression and technical characteristics of the field position of the main technical features of the five categories analyzed and summarized the main technical characteristics of each location . 4 .

    根据位置技术在实战过程当中不同位置所表现的特定形式及 技术特征,对场上五个 位置主要技术特征进行类别划分,分析总结各个位置的主要技术特征。

  • There is grave danger in requiring teachers to publish for a higher technical position while they are burdened with heavy teaching tasks based on some regulations .

    如果政策规定教师在承担繁重的教学任务同时还要发表文章以取得更高 技术 职称,那么将会出现严重的危机。

  • Flows may take time to turn but the technical position already bodes well for performance in 2014 .

    资金流转向需要时间,但当前 技术 预示着,2014年新兴市场会有良好表现。

  • The actual results show that system performance meets the technical requirements . Position error is less than ± 1 mm . Success probability of butt joint is more than 90 percent .

    实际运行结果表明:系统综合性能指标符合 工艺要求, 裁断误差小于±1mm,对接成功率高于90%。

  • Unqualified to assessment person want low hire or dismiss major technical position assessment is outstanding person can abnormality is rising and professional technical position .

    对于考核不合格者,要低聘或解聘专业 技术 职务,考核优秀者可以破格晋升专业技术职务。

  • What should break professional technical position is lifelong make strengthen assessment management build perfect and handy scientific and easy travel sound assessment system will assess result and use close connection to rise .

    要打破专业 技术 职务的终身制,加强考核治理,建立健全简便易行、科学合理的考核制度,将考核结果与使用紧密联系起来。

  • The east and western economic cooperation should mainly in the infrastructure development cooperation the natural resource development cooperation the technical development cooperation position resources development cooperation launch and so on .

    东西部地区的经济合作主要应在基础设施开发合作、自然资源开发合作、 技术开发合作、 区位资源开发合作等领域展开。

  • Agile Manufacturing of Mechanical ( Mold ) Part Application of Technical Stand Position

    机械(模具)零件的敏捷制造& 工艺基准 定位系统的应用

  • In addition financial work is also a professional very technical work different position requires the employees have matched professional quality and professional skills .

    另外,财务工作也是一项专业 技术性很强的工作,不同的 岗位需要从业人员具备相匹配的职业素质和专业技能。

  • The innovation of this paper is predicting not only the demand gross of the technician but also the personnel structure such as age educational level title of technical post and position .

    本文的创新在于不但对专业技术人员的需求总量做了预测,还对其年龄、学历、 职称以及 岗位结构等也做了预测分析。