abbr.Telecommunications Association <美>电信协会

  • Results : Compared with the false surgical group TCa and NO increased significantly in the HII group .

    结果:与假手术组比较, HII组脑 组织中总钙和NO均明显升高;

  • Objective : For reducing the cause of misdiagnosis in TCA by retrospective study .

    目的:通过回顾性分析, 找出 结肠 神经节 细胞 TCA)的误诊原因,以减少误诊。

  • TCA / acetone precipitation is used for extraction and purification SDS-PAGE is used to obtain extracellular enzyme spectrum .

    乙酸/丙酮沉淀法提取纯化 中胞外酶 ,利用SDS-PAGE电泳获得 胞外酶谱,进而对酶系差异进行分析。

  • The TCA was a parameter which must not be neglected in yield breeding .

    然而TCA 是产量育种不可忽视的参数。

  • The results showed that not all the TCA enzyme-deficiency affected the cell growth rate .

    实验结果表明, 羧酸循环酶的缺陷并不一定都会影响细胞的生长速率。

  • TCA causes anosmia the temporary lack of smell he writes .

    他写道: TCA会导致人暂时丧失嗅觉。

  • ConclusionUsing PSA combined with TCA can expose inferior and superior part of ambient cistern respectively .

    结论 锁孔经后颞下和经脉络裂入路可以分别显露环池下部和上部。

  • The preparation method of plant sample was mainly TCA / acetone strategy and plant organization graduation extraction process .

    植物样品制备方法主要为 TCA/丙酮法和植物组织分级提取法。

  • Influence of TCA on its immunity function were tested in the paper .

    本文研究了 牛磺 胆酸对小鼠免疫功能的影响。

  • Corrosion Behaviors of Zinc in Trichloroacetic Acid


  • The barium enema examination is the main method for TCA and can diagnose correctly aganglionosis .

    钡灌肠可以正确诊断 TCA,是目前诊断 TCA主要的影像检查方法,正确合理使用检查方法、掌握TCA影像特征表现,对早期诊断 TCA具有重大的意义。

  • Objective To discuss the effect and experience in treating acute myocardial infarction by PTCA and stent implantation .

    目的总结经 腔内 冠状 动脉 成形 P TCA)及支架置入术治疗急性心肌梗死的结果和经验。

  • Acid-precipitable radioactivity in urinary system and gastrointestinal system were the highest .

    TCA 沉淀 泌尿系统和胃肠道系统放射性最高。

  • The dosage therapeutic efficacy and side effects of TCA in smoking patients were compared with nonsmoking patients .

    对吸烟和不吸烟患者进行 TCA治疗剂量、疗效和副作用的比较。

  • The - SH content was in good linear relationship with that of TCA-soluble nitrogen .

    变性 蛋白中-SH含量与 TCA 可溶性较好线性关系。

  • Objective To observe the influence of the coumarins from Radix Angelicae pubescentis ( TCA ) on the hypnotic effects of pentobarbital sodium and barbital sodium .

    目的观察独活香豆素组分( TCA)对戊巴比妥钠及巴比妥钠催眠作用的影响。

  • MTT assay was used to explore the effect of interference on Tca / DDP cell growth .

    用MTT法检测转染对 Tca/DDP细胞生长的影响情况。

  • Effects of resveratrol on proliferation and apoptosis of human tongue cancer cell Tca

    白藜芦醇对人舌癌细胞 Tca增殖及凋亡影响的研究

  • The application of leica TCA monitoring system to dam deformation monitoring at Yantan hydropower station is introduced .

    文章介绍了徕卡 TCA监测系统在岩滩大坝变形监测中的应用。

  • Results showed positive relationship between TOC and the yields of MX DCA and TCA .

    结果发现,MX、DCA、 TCA的生成量与总有机碳(TOC)浓度呈正性相关;

  • Inhibition effects of silibinin on human tongue cancer cell line Tca

    水飞蓟宾对人舌癌细胞 Tca的抑制作用

  • We speculated that there was a close link between the glutamine metabolism and TCA cycle .

    因此,我们推测谷氨酰胺代谢和 羧酸 循环 TCA循环)中有着一定的联系。

  • The results showed that TCA can increase the activity of GSP-PX remarkably in plasma liver and brain at low dose and the activity of CAT in liver and brain But decrease the activity of GSH-PX significantly in plasma and brain .

    结果显示,低剂量 TCA能显著提高血浆、肝脏和脑组织中GSP-PX活力及肝脏和脑组织中CAT活力,显著降低血浆中GSH-PX活力和脑组织中GSH-PX活力。

  • Application of TCA system to the collimating line observation in Xiaolangdi dam


  • I also provide a comment on the deficiency of low social discount rate and a comparison of TCA and Cost-Benefit analysis as in environmental economics .

    同时,针对 人们 认识上的一些 误区,笔者对贴现率的选择做了评述,指出采用较低的社会 贴现率在理论上和实践上的不足。

  • The results show that high-speed centrifugal method is more appropriate than TCA precipitation method for silkworm organs .

    结果发现,对于家蚕丝腺等 样品组织,采用加 液氮 研磨、高速离心的方法比采用 TCA沉淀的方法更为合适, 蛋白 损失 图谱均匀清晰。

  • RESULTS : The assessable rate of ATP-TCA result is 90.8 % .

    结果: ATP TCA 系统结果可评估率为90.8%。

  • Carnoy solution has longer and stronger effects than TCA ;

    Carnoy液处理组作用起效时间和作用强度均大于 TCA处理组;

  • Residual adenoid was found in 20 cases in TCA group and none in the other two groups .

    TCA 中,有20例患者存在腺样体残留,其他两种术 无腺样体残留。