[医] 磺胺噻二唑

  • Confocal laser scanning results showed that in the early blastula implantation Tb4 protein expressed higher in the side of implantation revealed Tb4 could regulate the embryo implantation by actived the actin depolymerization activity processes . 5 .

    激光共聚焦结果显示在早期着床囊胚中, Tb4蛋白在着床侧细胞的表达水平较高,揭示Tb4蛋白可能通过调节微丝解聚活动对胚胎着床活动产生重要的影响。

  • This molecule expressed weekly in nucleus and cytoplasm of primary follicle oocytes . But during later stages of follicle maturation Tb4 was increasing in cytoplasm particularly in the nuclear membrane while the expression was weak in nuclear .

    该分子在初级卵泡的卵母细胞核、质 区域 呈现较弱表达,而在卵泡发育后期的卵母细胞质中表达 明显升高,同时在 核膜 表达明显,而在细胞核内 呈现较弱表达。

  • Confocal laser scanning results also showed that Tb4 in mouse oocytes maturation and early embryonic development process there are differences of expression and localization .

    激光共聚焦结果揭示, Tb4 蛋白在小鼠卵母细胞成熟和早期胚胎发育过程中,存在差异性的表达和定位 变化

  • Mouse ovarian immuno-histochemistry results showed that during follicle development Tb4 protein expression gradually increased in the oocytes .

    本实验获得的结果表明:1.小鼠卵巢免疫组织化学结果显示,伴随卵泡发育, Tb4蛋白在卵母细胞中的表达量逐渐增高。

  • Confocal laser scanning results showed that Tb4 protein expressed with a different location in GV stage oocytes which divided in different groups by chromatin configuration . 3 .

    激光共聚焦结果表明,以染色质构型差异划分的三 发育 潜力不同的GV期卵母细胞当中, Tb4蛋白的定位表达有 显著差异。

  • Current researches had showed that Tb4 is an important G-actin sequestering factor in cells which could regular the activity of G-actin in various microfilaments events .

    现代研究证实了 Tb4是一种重要的G-actin活性隐蔽因子,在细胞微丝活动中有着调节G-actin活性的作用。

  • Purification of monoclonal antibody against TB4 antigen of mycobacterium tuberculosis H_ ( 37 ) Rv Strain

    人型结核杆菌H(37)Rv株 菌体 异性抗原 TB4单克隆抗体的纯化

  • This study offers certain base for the research of antigens TB4 in tuberculosis diagnosis .

    上述 工作进一步研究 TB4抗原在结核病诊断中的 作用奠定了一定的基础。

  • Objective To evaluate the value for detecting serum anti-TB_4 antibody ( TB_4-IgG ) in diagnosis of tuberculosis .

    目的评价结核分支杆菌H37RV多肽( TB4)抗体对结核病的诊断价值。

  • In vitro cultured early embryos Tb4 mRNA began to increase from the zygotes stage until the morula and blastula stages the expression reached a peak .

    在早期胚胎体外培养的过程中, Tb4mRNA从合子时期开始 出现 上调 表达,直到桑椹胚和囊胚,其表达 达到峰值。