[ˌti:'bi:][ˌti: ˈbi:]

abbr.tuberculosis 肺结核tile base 瓷砖基地turbine 叶轮机turretbase 炮塔基

  • This is the first successful demonstration of any protective effect against TB in HIV / AIDS patients .

    这是首次成功地证明了 结核病 疫苗在艾滋病感染者/患者身上具有抵抗 结核病的效果。

  • All completed a five-symptom questionnaire and underwent sputum TB culture and HIV testing .

    他们均完成了一张关于五种症状的调查问卷,并进行了 结核菌痰培养和HIV检测。

  • Tuberculosis ( TB ) is an airborne infectious disease that can be prevented and cured .


  • AIDS TB dual infection in the individual and public health hazards are great .

    艾滋病 结核病双重感染对于个人和公共卫生都带来很大危害。

  • More funding is necessary Chaisson and other TB specialists say to improve TB diagnosis and treatment .

    Chaisson和其他 TB专家认为,更多的用于提高TB诊断和治疗的资金支持是必须的。

  • Widespread communicable diseases include HIV / AIDS malaria TB sleeping sickness typhoid fever and meningitis .

    广泛存在的传染病包括艾滋病毒/艾滋病、疟疾、 结核、昏睡病、伤寒和脑膜炎。

  • The partnership has brought down the cost of research and development in TB psoriasis diabetes and arthritis .

    这个伙伴关系降低了 治疗 结核病、牛皮癣、糖尿病和关节炎的研发费用。

  • This has been aggravated by the spread of multi-drug resistant TB and HIV / AIDS .

    多药抗药性 结核病和艾滋病的传播加重了这一情况。

  • And South Africa reported funding for TB research for the first time .

    南非也只是首次报告了其 结核病研究资助情况。

  • Drug-resistant TB creates enormous additional demands and pressure on components of the health system that are already weak .

    耐药 结核病对卫生系统本已脆弱的环节造成了巨大的额外需求和压力。

  • Improved dengue case management and diagnostics for diseases like TB and syphilis ;

    改善了登革热病例管理和对 结核病和梅毒等疾病的诊断;

  • Q : How is drug resistance hampering TB treatment and control ?

    问:耐药性如何妨碍 结核病的治疗和控制?

  • Yet misdiagnosis of TB can be harmful both to patients and to public health .

    然而, 结核病的误诊可能对病人和公共卫生都有害。

  • Then they combined the bacteriophages with TB bacteria .

    然后他们把噬菌体和 TB细菌结合起来。

  • China 's Health Ministry Tuesday detailed a plan to fight co-infection of HIV and tuberculosis ( TB ) .

    中国卫生部周二发布了对抗艾滋病病毒和 结核菌双重感染的方案细节。

  • It also lowers the risk of HIV and TB transmission .

    这样做还可降低艾滋病毒和 结核传播风险。

  • In people living with HIV screening for TB and access to preventive therapy for TB more than doubled .

    在艾滋病毒携带者中,筛查 结核病和获得预防结核病治疗的人数增加了一倍。

  • However HIV-associated TB and multidrug-resistant TB are harder to diagnose and cure .

    但是,艾滋病毒相关 结核病和耐多药结核病更难诊断和治愈。

  • People with HIV and TB infection are much more likely to develop TB .

    合并感染艾滋病毒和 结核的人更容易引发结核。

  • The ward was full of children infected with tb .

    病房里住满了感染上 结核病的孩子。

  • Another growing challenge is the increasing number of people infected with TB who are also living with HIV .

    另一个不断增长的挑战是同时感染 结核病和艾滋病的人数的增加。

  • The Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome was sequencedexactly ten years ago and we have still not solved the problem of TB .

    测出结核分枝杆菌基因组序列已经整整10年了,而我们仍然没有解决 结核病的问题。

  • TB can also lead to a granulomatous pericarditis that may calcify and produce a constrictive pericarditis .


  • More than a quarter of the avoidable deaths in the developing world are caused by TB

    发展中国家的可避免死亡中超过1/4是由 结核引起的。

  • There are signs of progress in both developing new drugs to treat TB and in detecting the disease .

    有迹象表明,在 结核病治疗新药开发和 结核病检测两方面均取得了进展。

  • We will build greater momentum to control malaria TB and neglected infectious diseases .

    我们将加强势头以控制疟疾、 结核和被忽视的传染病。

  • Co-infection and the growth in drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis present the greatest challenges to combating TB .

    联合感染和耐药结核病的增长是控制 结核病的最大挑战。

  • This means adopting WHO policies for HIV-linked TB and drug-resistant disease and bolstering service quality .

    这意味着采用世卫组织针对与HIV相关的 结核和具有抗药性疾病的政策并提高服务质量。

  • Drug resistance arises due to the improper use of antibiotics in chemotherapy of drug-susceptible TB patients .

    耐药性产生的起因是对药物敏感的 结核病患者进行化疗时,不恰当地使用了抗菌素。

  • Earlier this month another team reported similar results in patients with MDR and XDR TB in Peru .

    本月早些时候另外一个在秘鲁的团队报告了在MDR和 XDR患者作出的相似的结果。