


  • I can 't go out for a beer tonight because my taskmaster wants me to finish an important report .

    今晚我不能去喝啤酒,因为我的 上司想让我完成一份重要报告。

  • Nature can be a stern taskmaster .

    大自然是严厉的 监工

  • He is a hard taskmaster . The police kept the criminal under strict surveillance .

    囚犯受到严密监视。他是个严苛的 监工

  • It is a role that requires him to be a diplomat intermediary taskmaster and spokesman .

    这个工作需要他同时扮演外交家、中间人、 工头和发言人的角色。

  • Instead of the International Monetary Fund Germany is acting as the taskmaster imposing fiscal discipline .

    现在是德国、而非国际货币基金组织(IMF)在充当敦促 各国 遵守财政纪律的 工头

  • And it will be even better if we can convince the taskmaster to pay the bill !

    如果我们能说服 头儿 掏钱,那就更好了!

  • A stern taskmaster teacher parent etc.

    严厉的 监工、教师、父亲等。

  • I see the evil taskmaster with arms crossed and foot tapping .

    甚至 看到那邪恶的 工头 面前,双臂交叉,脚尖 打着拍子。

  • It was the kobolds'task to keep the streets of Narbondellyn absolutely free of debris and their devotion to duty was ensured by an ogre taskmaster armed with whip and daggers .

    这是狗头人的任务,要保持 纳邦德林一尘不染,而它们对职责的忠心耿耿全靠一个手持鞭子和匕首的食人魔来保证。

  • Their staple food is the fungus cultivated by slaves under the oversight of a taskmaster .

    他们的主食是 工头监督下奴隶种植的菌类。

  • The Chinese dream is a tough taskmaster .

    中国梦是一个严厉的 工头

  • With a deal done and both players having had their respective wishes granted Gallas has wasted no time in issuing a frank and forthright appraisal of his former taskmaster .

    协议达成,两个球员都各得其所。加拉斯立刻坦率而直接的向他的前 头发

  • They 're both tough taskmasters but Stephen is much more supportive .

    他们俩都是严厉的 工头,不过斯蒂芬更 喜欢帮助 他人

  • I shall now enter on the duties to which my fellow-citizens have again called me . The profession of medicine is a stern taskmaster .

    如今,我要承担同胞们再次 托付给我的重任。医生这个职业总要求其从事 承担繁重的任务。

  • Mourinho 's assistant Steve Clarke has reiterated the words of his taskmaster confident that the club are already fine-tuned for the forthcoming campaign .


  • His father was a hard-to-please taskmaster ; was very hard to please .

    他的父亲是个苛刻的 工头;非常苛刻。

  • You only have a little more to go before you are done with this taskmaster planet .

    你只需要再努力多一点 时间,你就会 逃离土星这个 考验 魔掌

  • After killing a brutal Egyptian taskmaster he fled to Midian where Yahweh ( God ) revealed himself in a burning bush and called Moses to deliver the Israelites from Egypt .

    在他杀害残忍的埃及 工头之后,他逃到米甸,雅赫维(即上帝) 在此显身于燃烧的树丛中,召唤摩西将以色列人带出埃及。

  • Then King Rehoboam sent Adoram who was taskmaster over the forced labor and all Israel stoned him to death with stones .
