target area

[ˈtɑrɡɪt ˈɛriə][ˈtɑ:ɡit ˈɛəriə]


  • When the valid part of the weapon touched the target area of the opponent 's body the system will record it automatically .

    当剑的有效部分触击了身体的 有效 部位,系统就会生日快乐自动记录下来。

  • The contents and methods of designing the horizontal well target area are discussed on the basis ofthe reservoir dip orientation and the requirments for oil field development .

    根据油层的倾斜方向和油田开发要求,本文讨论了水平并 设计的内容和方法。

  • He did not hit the target area so the electronic system did not record a point .

    因为他击中的不是 有效 部位,所以电子系统没有记分。

  • Flame Strike - Conjures a pillar of fire which damages ground units in a target area over time .

    火焰冲击-施放一个火柱攻击 目标 区域的地面单位一定时间。

  • Target Point ; Target Line ; Target Area ( circle ); Target Area ( rectangle )

    目标点;目标线; 目标 (圆);目标区(矩形)

  • The right dorsal lobe was selected as the target area .


  • The target area is considered to be an area of specified width positioned at the beginning of this descriptor 's data area .

    目标 区域可以认为是具有指定宽度并从且描述符数据区起点处开始的区域。

  • Image Matching Algorithm Owing to Host Target Area Form Invariable Regulation

    基于主 目标 区域形状不变矩的图像匹配算法

  • Gray theory can be used in mineral resources evaluation for prediction area with little information ; it can predict target area and supervise ore prospecting .

    在矿产资源评价中,可以利用灰色理论的特点,来对目前只有少量信息的预测区进行评价和排序,确定预测 ,指导找矿工作。

  • One target area for the new fund will be technology-intensive companies in the auto industry the environmental and clean energy sector and in aerospace .

    这只新基金的 目标 领域之一将是汽车、环境、清洁能源以及航空领域的技术密集型企业。

  • In the computation of infrared radiation the choosing marking and calculation of a target area are prerequisite to the quantitative processing .

    在红外辐射计算中, 目标 区域的选择、标示及 面积计算是进行定量处理的前提条件。

  • The report came from the target area that all attempts had completely missed the target .

    他对着靶子打了几枪, 传来报告说他一枪未中。

  • Through the relation studying of three-dimensional geosciences information and synthesis information prospecting model definite and optimal prospecting target area .


  • Solution of Distributed Constraint Satisfaction for Target Area Planning

    面向 目标 区域规划的分布式约束满足求解方法

  • Use to indicate a datum target area line or point .

    用于指示基准 目标 区域、线条或点。

  • The village is within the main target area .

    这个村子在主要 目标 以内。

  • I 've got a direct terminal in the laser target area .

    我在激光 目标 有一个直接终端。

  • In the meantime analysed on the market and exploitation effect of coalbed gas in Liaoning province and submitted major target area and suggestions of exploitation and application .

    同时对辽宁省煤层气市场与煤层气开发效益进行了分析,并提出了重点 目标 和开发利用建议。

  • Firstly an infrared image pre-processing method based on mathematical morphology is researched to suppress the effect of noises and to enhance the target area .

    该方法首先采用基于数学形态学的滤波技术对红外图像进行预处理,有效地增强了 目标 区域,便于 目标特征的提取;

  • The segmentation of the pathological lungs adhesion tumor division is the radiotherapy target area limits key .

    病理性肺部粘连肿瘤的分割是放射治疗 界定的关键。

  • Source data is copied into and aligned within this target area according to the specified alignment instruction .

    源数据按照一定的位置被拷贝到这个 区域,而 具体 位置则要根据具体的位置指示而定。

  • Thermal Stability Analysis and Research of Switchyard in ICF Driver 's Target Area

    ICF驱动器 靶场编组站热稳定性分析研究

  • Secondly a new method of dim target detection and tracking based the feature of target area is proposed .

    其次,本文利用 目标 邻域的特征,提出了基于邻域特征的弱小目标检测和跟踪方法。

  • Weighted abundance approach is suitable for the quantitative prediction in a target area with multi-mineral mineralizing series .

    加权丰度适合于多矿种的矿化系列的 定量预测。

  • The results show that the indices selected can reveal the structure and change of the target area which can ensure the scientificity of ecological environmental impact assessment .

    结果表明,选取的景观格局指数能够反映研究 生态系统的结构状况及其变化,能够保证生态环境影响评价的科学性。

  • You can select a Web Part drag it to the target area or zone on the page and drop it into place .

    可以选择一个WebPart,将其拖至页面上的 目标 区域目标区,然后放到该位置上。

  • Separate the areas in the element security control cube by target area definitions and by IF statements according to the business logic you need .

    根据您需要的业务逻辑,按照 目标 区域定义和IF语句分离元素安全性控制多维数据集中的区域。

  • You also need to study a map of your target area and note any landmarks .

    你还需要研究你的 目标 地区的地图,并注意任何陆标。

  • Gave us an initial target area .

    我们得到了初步的 目标 范围

  • The monitoring and early warning of deep mining are achieved through the comprehensive monitoring of the rock steady state and dynamics of the target area .

    通过研究达到全面监控 目标 区域的岩石稳定状况和动态,实现了深部开采的监测和预警。