term A B


  • A voice that had far more carry to it than at any time in the term thus far ( bJimmy Breslin )

    这是目前为止 远的声音( b 吉米 布雷斯林

  • Results ① The short term effective rates of A and B group were 75 % and 87.5 % respectively . The total effective rates was 81.3 % the difference was not significant ( P > 0.05 ) .

    结果① AB 组胸水控制 短期有效率分别为75%和87.5%,总有效率为81.3%,两组比较无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

  • And this entropy term here when A and B come together and start mixing up .

    在熵这 上,当 A B项羽并混合。

  • Using the B-spline basis this paper presents a comprehensive research on the spline-based estimation models of the term structure of interest rates . Theoretical derivation and parameters ' estimation are given based on which an empirical comparison is made furthermore .

    B 为基点,综合研究利率 期限结构的样条估计模型,对多种样条模型进行理论推导和参数估计求解,并在此基础上做出实证比较分析。

  • During the term of operation of the company neither Party A nor Party B shall be entitled to announce unilaterally the cancellation or termination of the contract .

    公司经营 期间,任何 方都 无权单方面宣布合同的废除与终止。

  • If Party B accepts special skill training funded by Party A during the term of this contract Party A and Party B may covenant the term of service .

    乙方在合同期间接受甲方提供的出资进行专项技术培训, 甲方可以与 乙方约定服务期。

  • In American literature the term black humor is associated with a group of novelists including John Barth Thomas Pynchon Joseph Heller Ken Kesey Bruce Jay Friedman William S. Burroughs and Kurt Vonnegut .

    黑色幽默文学的代表作家有约翰·巴思、托马斯·品钦、约瑟夫·海勒、 肯·凯西B · J ·弗里德曼、 W·S · 法洛斯以及库特·冯尼格等。

  • During the term of this agreement A shall insure B subject to the terms and conditions pursuant to labor insurance regulations and national health insurance regulations .

    乙方 受聘(雇)用期间, 甲方应善尽投保劳工保险及全民健康保险之义务。

  • 1 : Johnny tells everybody he got an A for every subject last term . I 'm afraid he 's telling a fib-I happen to know he got at least one B but he 's too embarrassed to admit it .

    他说:Johnny告诉大家自己上 学期门门功课都得了A,恐怕他撒了个小谎,我碰巧知道他至少有一个 B。他只是不好意思承认。

  • Results The short term response rate ( CR + PR ) in group A and group B was 66.6 % and 39 % respectively with the difference being significant ( P 0.05 ) .

    结果 A近期有效率(CR+PR)66.6%, B组39%,两组有显著性差异(P0.05)。

  • Results : The short term effective rate in Group A and B was 53.6 % and 67.6 % respectively ( P < 0 05 ) .

    结果: AB两组 近期有效率为536%、676%(P>005)。

  • Lease Term is ( years )( months ) . Party A shall hand over the rooms to Party B on and take them back on .

    租赁 共年零月,出租方 年月日起将出租办公室交付承租方使用,至年月日收回。

  • Four solutes were selected for experimental factors and the initial simplex was built in term of the uniform design method .

    选择己二酸( A)、 磷酸 B)、 水合 抑制剂(C)和吸氢剂(D)等四种 溶质为考察因素,采用均匀设计法构成初始 单纯形

  • So the first term now contains two items ( a ) the punishment of Japanese war criminals and ( b ) the punishment of civil war criminals .

    这样,这一 就有两个项目,即是:( )惩办日本战争罪犯;

  • Conclusion : ⑴ This study showed the patients with abnormal glucose metabolism had a high morbidity of cardiovascular events in short term . In group A only 3 mothers had abnormal glucose metabolism and all delivered before 30 weeks ' gestation .

    结论:⑴急性心肌梗死后糖代谢异常者 近期心血管事件发生率较高。 A 妊娠期糖代谢异常者仅占75%(3/40),分娩孕周均小于30周, B 糖代谢异常者3例。

  • The schematic flow of low temperature geothermal fluids through a power station in Italy is presented in example B. I 'd like some information about Italian courses next term .

    例子 B是意大利 电站利用低温地热流体的流程示意图 我想了解下 学期有关意大利语课程的一些信息。

  • If the divergent sequence is limited within some intervals and its term 's distribution is uniform and dense called uniform distribution .

    当这类 发散数列被限制在区间( ab)内时,其 的分布保持“均匀稠密”,称该数列在 a,b w_1644上是一致分配。

  • The closest to a general term seems to be mobile devices but that ( a ) applies to any mobile phone and ( b ) doesn 't really capture what 's distinctive about the iPad .

    最接近可以用于总括的 词语看来是“移动设备”了,但是 只应用在某些移动电话,而并不能包含与众不同的ipad。