

v.结束( terminate的现在分词 )使终结解雇(公共汽车或火车)到达终点站

  • The act of terminating someone 's employment .


  • In this paper the problem of stochastic optimal control with uncertain terminating time is discussed .

    文章研究了 时不确定的随机最优控制问题。

  • SIP is an application layer control / signaling protocol for creating modifying and terminating sessions with one or more participants .

    SIP是一个应用层的、用于生成、修改和 终止一人或多人参加的会话的控制/信令协议。

  • Terminating a project needs delicate handling and finesse .

    想要 中止项目,需要精妙的处理方法和技巧。

  • In appreciation of your time patience and cost implications to yourself we are terminating this call .

    考虑到您的时间、耐心和相关费用,我们将 终止此次通话。

  • I was consumed in pain and agony began to wish for terminating my own life .

    我在极度痛苦中消磨着自己的生命,我开始想 终结这一切。

  • Terminating pregnancy is illegal in this country .


  • Checkpoint process is terminating due to a fatal exception .

    由于严重异常错误,检查点进程 终止

  • There 's a procedure in place for terminating a pregnancy joe .

    乔, 中止怀孕是要手续的。

  • Conditions for terminating the labour contract ;

    )劳动合同 终止的条件;

  • In a sense I 'm terminating this lecture with another triumph for behavioral economics .

    某种意义上,我 通过 课再次证明了,行为经济学的胜利。

  • Indicates how long to wait while establishing a connection before terminating the attempt and generating an error .

    指示在建立连接时,在 终止尝试并生成错误之前等待的时间。

  • The filter process has not responded in three minutes . Terminating operation .

    筛选过程已停止响应3分钟, 正在 终止操作。

  • You must destroy any input context you create before terminating your application .


  • The buffer size argument includes the space for the terminating null character .

    缓冲区的大小参数包括这个 null 结束字符的空间。

  • ( music ) the act or manner of terminating a musical phrase or tone .

    (音) 结束乐音或乐句的一种 收尾方式。

  • User cancelled Setup . Setup terminating .

    用户已取消安装。安装程序 正在 终止

  • Article21a member may not transfer its membership to others but can apply for changing or terminating its membership .

    第二十一条会员不得转让其会员资格,但可以申请变更或者 终止会员资格。

  • Studies on terminating early pregnancy of laser in rabbits and mice

    激光照射 胚泡对家兔和小鼠的 早孕研究

  • Making modification or terminating without approval ;

    未经批准变更、 终止的;

  • It is technically possible for dialogs not to have terminating commands .

    在技术上,对话框没有 终止命令也是有可能的。

  • I 'm terminating your presidency as of this moment .

    我此刻 中止你的任期。

  • The methods and machinery for preventing or terminating conflicts have taken many forms .

    防止冲突和 制止冲突的方法和机构采用了多种形式。

  • This prevents you from terminating important system services and the processes of other users .

    这可以防止您 终止重要的系统服务和其他用户的进程。

  • A cross with equal arms each terminating in a small crossbar .

    四边相等的十字架;每个中 节点都在一个 横木上。

  • The LOOP statement has no terminating condition clause .

    LOOP语句没有 终止条件子句。

  • Use consistent terminating commands for modeless dialog boxes .

    为非模态对话框提供一致的 终止命令。

  • When you type in the if statement and the terminating colon then press Return ( or Enter ) on your keyboard the Python interpreter realizes you have entered a compound statement .

    当键入if语句和 终止的冒号,并按键盘上的回车键时,Python解释器就知道您输入了一个复合语句。

  • Can form a terminating hairpin structure that stops transcription of the operon .

    能形成 终止型发夹结构而使在操纵子进行的转录停止。

  • Party B can not release or terminate this Agreement arbitrarily except the releasing or terminating situation stipulated by this Agreement .

    除非发生本协议规定的解除或 终止情形,乙方不得擅自解除或终止本协议。