termination of contract

[ˌtə:məˈneʃən ʌv ˈkɑnˌtrækt][ˌtɜ:məˈneɪʃən ɔv kənˈtrækt]


  • The termination of contract is an important law system for contract .

    合同 解除是一项重要的合同法律制度。

  • The consequences of the termination of contract have two aspects : restoration to the original state and compensation for damages .

    合同 解除 溯及问题 合同 解除的重要 法律后果 关系 密切合同 解除 法律后果主要有两个方面:恢复原状与损害赔偿。

  • On termination of employment contract the employer should pay outstanding wages to the domestic helper .

    终止雇佣 合约时,雇主应支付任何未发放的工资给家务助理。

  • Layoff methods in practice mainly include : ( 1 ) termination of labor contract through negotiation between the employing unit and the laborer ;

    实践中裁员的方式主要包括(1)用人单位与劳动者协商 解除劳动 合同

  • The termination of the Contract shall not impair or affect any or all actions that have been taken by the Buyer or the right of undertaking remedies .

    合同 终止将不损害或影响买方已经采取或将要采取的任何行动或补救措施的权利。

  • Discrimination of the Termination of Contract

    合同 终止 辨析

  • Termination of Contract and the Liability the Guarantor 's

    合同 解除与保证人责任

  • This theory makes up the legal defect of direct effect theory and can realize the value and function of termination of contract more effectively than indirect effect theory and is more stable than the compromise effect theory .

    清算关系说,弥补了直接效果说逻辑上的缺陷,比间接效果说更能实现 合同 解除的价值和功能,比其折衷说更有确定性。

  • Fire protection system is consist of dissolution of contract and termination of contract .

    解雇保护制度主要包括劳动合同的解除与 终止两部分 内容

  • The post-contractual obligation is the statutory attached obligation that contracting parties should bear after the termination of contract .

    后契约义务是 合同权利义务 终止后,当事人负有的附随义务。

  • The performance of contract is both centralized reflection of effectiveness of contract and a main reason of termination of contract . Moreover perspicuity of legal requirements for performance of contract is a precondition to determine breach of contract and furthermore to determine liabilities for breach of contract .

    合同的履行既是合同效力的集中体现,也是 合同 消灭的主要原因,而且,明晰合同履行的法律要求,是认定违约进而确定违约责任的前提条件。

  • Traditional life danger books interest rate is fixed mostly when policy-holder buys insurance affirmatory already termination of contract can get gold of how many insurance .

    传统寿险预定利率大多是固定的,投保人买保险时,就已确定 合同 期满可领多少保险金。

  • The dissolution and termination of contract are two different systems in civil code of China .

    在大陆法系民法典中, 合同的解除与 终止是两种不同的制度。

  • Article 115 A party 's right to claim compensation for losses shall not be affected by the alteration or termination of a contract .

    第一百一十五条 合同的变更或者 解除,不影响当事人要求赔偿损失的权利。

  • The clearing relationship theory makes up this defect and establishes the foundation of logic for applying jointly of the termination of contract and compensation for damages .

    清算关系说,弥补了这一缺陷,为 合同 解除与损害赔偿应的共同适用奠定了逻辑基础。

  • The Principle of Changed Circumstances and Termination of Contract

    论情事变更原则与 合同 解除

  • The contractually agreed terms for the settlement of accounts and liquidation of a contract shall not become invalid because of the rescission or termination of the contract .

    合同约定的结算和清理条款,不因 合同的解除或者 终止而失去效力。其实东西方文化对创新的内涵有不同理解和定义。

  • Labor termination of contract laborer not can the enterprise when renew one 's subscription deny collection to groom cost ?

    劳动 合同 期满,劳动者不续订时企业可否收取培训费?

  • Termination of contract of contract law is an important issue in the field of .

    合同 解除是合同法领域的一个重要问题。

  • If the Event of Force Majeure last over days both parties shall negotiate on the performance or the termination of the Contract .

    如果不可抗力事件持续日以上,双方应就继续履行或 终止 合同事宜进行协商。

  • This clause shall continue in force notwithstanding the completion or earlier termination of this contract .

    即使本 合同完成或提前 终止,本款继续有效。

  • In the second part liability in restitution after termination of contract is discussed .

    在第二部分中,讨论了 合同 解除后的返还性债务关系。

  • Interpreting the termination of contract in the equalization view of Pacta sunt servanda and contract freedom which is hardly mentioned by the way of reducing contract termination history and implanting reasonable thought .

    在还原合同解除制度的历史后,注入理性的思考,从一个较少被人论述的视角&合同必须信守与合同自由冲突之衡平的角度出发,对 合同 法定 解除 制度的价值进行了解读。

  • The two parties to a labor contract may notify the other party to terminate the labor contract at any time either may they stipulate the period for advance notice for termination of the contract .

    劳动合同双方可以随时通知对方终止劳动合同,也可以约定 终止 劳动 合同的提前通知期。

  • These problems are mainly reflected in three aspects : the transaction process problems violation or termination of contract problems and litigation dispute processing problems .

    这些问题主要体现在三个方面:交易过程中存在的问题、违约或 解约情况下存在的问题和争议处理过程中存在的问题。

  • In case the Seller becomes bankrupt or insolvency the Buyer may at any time notify the Seller in a written form stating the termination of the Contract without paying compensation .

    如果卖方破产或无清偿能力,买方可在任何时候以书面形式通知卖方,提出 终止 合同而不给卖方补偿。

  • Restitution is the important content of restitution liability which is formed due to the exercise of the right to terminate based on party 's indication after termination of contract .

    返还给付,乃是 合同 解除后,因单方意思表示 &解除权的行使,而建立的返还性债务关系的主要内容。

  • The termination of contract should be according to the standard of protecting the party who did not break the contract and the legal benefit for both parties .

    合同 解除 ,以保护非 违约方或当事人双方的合法利益为衡量标准,原 合同有可能溯及合同成立时归于 消灭,产生 溯及 既往的效力,也有可能自合同解除时 消灭,不具有 溯及

  • This article survives after the termination of this contract .

    本条款在本 合同 终止后继续有效。