term policy

[tɚm ˈpɑlɪsi][tə:m ˈpɔləsi]


  • After the third Middle East War considering the existing situation America pushed beside its usual way of roping Arab States started a long term policy of supporting Israel and keeping its military advantages .

    第三次中东战争结束后,鉴于形势的变化,美国彻底摆脱以往以争取阿拉伯国家为重心的惯性思维,开始将扶植以色列、确保以色列的军事优势作为一项 长期 政策

  • In the long term nuclear non-proliferation policy of Russia will remain unchanged and Russia will strengthen the cooperation with the United States on nuclear non-proliferation seeking to reform and improve the nuclear non-proliferation mechanism .

    长远 看来,俄罗斯的核不扩散 政策不会有所变化,在与美国加强核不扩散合作的同时,寻求对核不扩散机制的改革与完善。

  • Since coal as the main energy in form is a long term energy policy in China .

    能源构成以煤为主,煤炭燃烧产生的大气污染是我国大气 污染的主要 特征

  • The term policy data refers to all types of data to make business or technical decisions .

    术语 策略数据( policydata)指做业务或技术决定的所有数据类型。

  • Therefore we must adopt several measures to expand domestic demands : improving the social security system readjusting the consuming preference and pattern of consumption quickening the structural adjustment optimizing the effective supply establishing middle and long term policy systems of consumption etc.

    因此,必须采取完善社会保障制度、调整消费倾向和消费方式、加快结构调整、优化有效供给、建立我国中 长期消费 政策体系等对策,以扩大内需。

  • Keeping a reasonable timber use and trying to save timber resource shall be a long term technological policy .

    坚持木材合理利用、节约利用应成为一项 长期的技术 政策

  • China commercial house price long term going up 's policy factor analysis

    中国商品房价格 长期上行的 政策性因素分析

  • During Bush 's second term the policy of America to Iran is also the focal point of its foreign policy .

    小布什第二 任期,美国对伊朗的 政策依然是美国对外政策的重点。

  • Traffic structure is the long term result of traffic policy directly determines the operation efficiency of urban traffic system .

    交通结构是城市交通 政策 长期作用的结果,直接决定着城市交通系统的运行效率。

  • Other short term policy measures in Britain and New York tempered heavy selling .

    英国和纽约采取的 短期 政策措施降低了市场抛售浪潮。

  • Export Tax Rebate is a long term Tax policy of our country . The implement of this Tax policy is very important to the export and economic growth of our country . The key factor of making the Export Tax Rebate effective is management of Export Rebate .

    出口退税作为我国的一项 长期税收 政策,它的实施对于促进对外贸易和国家经济增长起着十分重要的作用,而出口退税管理正是将这项制度落到实处的关键。

  • Term policy provides insurance against the death of a person during a specific period .

    期限 保险单只对在一段特定的时间内被保险人死亡承保。

  • At present there are many defects such as low ratio long term and linearity depreciation policy in our nation 's tax law depreciation policy which is not favorable with development of enterprise and nation macro-economy .

    目前我国税法折旧政策存在着严重的缺陷,采用低比率、长 期限、直线性的折旧 政策,无论是对企业自身发展还是对国家宏观经济的长远发展都是不利的。

  • We coined the term National Competition Policy both to emphasise that we needed policies about where and how competition could be better used and to emphasise that those policies should be national .

    我们创造了 全国竞争 政策”这样 种说法,是为了强调我们需要一项关于在何处和如何更好地进行竞争,同时强调了这些政策应是全国统一的。

  • Premiums are guaranteed throughout the term of the policy .

    保单 有效 ,所缴纳的保险费是有保障的。

  • We have recently reiterated to the public that the Government is determined to implement the long term housing policy .

    我们最近已向市民重申,政府有决心落实 长远的房屋 政策

  • Based on the General Algebraic Modeling System ( GAMS ) a Computable General Equilibrium ( CGE ) model is established for medium term and long term forecast and policy analysis .

    用通用数学建模系统软件GAMS建立了一个可以用于中 长期预测和 政策模拟的可计算一般均衡(CGE)模型系统.本系统由人口增长模型、生产模型和消费与储蓄模型组成。

  • How to Make Long - Term Policy

    中期 政策& 第二次提高 存款 准备金率企业如何进行长期 投资 决策

  • Basic development condition of small fertilizer plant is introduced . Related long term development programming and policy suggestions for the selection of chemical fertilizer variety are put forward here .

    介绍我国小型化肥发展的基本情况,提出化肥工业 长远发展规划和 方针,并对化肥品种的选择提出建议。

  • When the applicant has consigned the insurance premium of certain term life insurance policy has begun enjoying the cash value and has the non-forfeiture value . Therefore the realization of the warranted obligation has become reliable .

    而人身保险单(主要是人寿保险 )在投保人交付一定 期限的保险费后,开始享有现金价值,此时的保险单不丧失价值,因此在担保债权的实现上具有可靠性。

  • Energy saving is a long term strategic policy of our country .

    节约能源是我国 长期的战略 国策

  • The Clinton Administration in Its Second Term : Readjusting US Policy toward China

    克林顿政府第二 任期对华 政策的调整

  • Party B shall maintain at all the times during the term of this Agreement a policy of Products liability insurance in respect of the Products at level of cover to be reasonably determined by Party B.

    乙方在协议期间,应该始终按照这份协议 条款中规定的 产品责任险”的 政策,以乙方认为合理的投保范围来投保合同相关产品。

  • Hence setting up a society involving manufacture agriculture and city with water conservation system should be founded as a long term national policy .

    因此,建立包括节水型农业,节水型工业、节水型城市的节水型社会应作为 长期基本 国策

  • Research on the Medium-and-long Term Policy to Insure the National Economic Security & From the View of Legislation

    保障国家经济安全的中 长期 对策研究&基于立法视角

  • Energy Resources Saving is Our Long Term National Policy

    节约资源是我国 长期 国策

  • The term policy is somewhat overloaded and is being used in many different contexts even when looking at how it â™ s used in just the world of IT systems .

    即使仅考虑在IT系统领域中的使用方式, 策略这个 术语也具有多重含义,并在许多不同的上下文中使用。

  • On the Negative Influence of the Long - term Active Financial Policy

    论长期 实行积极财政 政策的负面影响