term element

[tɚm ˈɛləmənt][tə:m ˈelimənt]

[计] 术语元

  • As a literary term a motif is the smallest element in a tale having a power to persist in tradition .

    “Motif”一 ,用作研究民间故事之 术语时,指故事中最小之完整叙事 单元,胡适将之音译为“母题”。

  • Bullough used psychical distance as a term in his paper Psychical distance as an art element and aesthetic principle .

    布洛在其《作为艺术 要素和审美原理的心理距离》这篇文章中第一次使用了心理距离的 概念

  • We look upon the exponential nonlinearity term as a unitary functions to constitute the finite element approximations for the domain functions which can derive the system of nonlinear equations with the simple and regular format .

    将非线性指数 作为一个整体构造区域函数的有限 近似构造一个格式简单规范的非线性方程组。

  • The following query uses full-text search information to filter those documents having the term disappointing in the message XML element .

    以下查询使用全文搜索信息过滤出在“message”XML 元素中有“ disappointing”的那些文档。

  • This query returns all pid s of those products that have the term pattern and creamer or sugar in the description element .

    这个查询返回在description 元素中有“pattern”并且有“ creamer”或“sugar”的所有产品的“pid”。

  • Although often used as synonyms with contract agreement is a broader term e.g.an agreement might lack an essential element of a contact .

    尽管合同与协议是同义 ,但是协议的意思更为广泛。如协议可能缺乏合同的基本 要件

  • The term element refers to a pure substance with atoms all of a single kind . At present 107 chemical elements are known .

    元素 术语是指由单一种类的原子所组成的纯物质。现在已经知道有107种元素。

  • We use the term descriptor for the value part of the symbol table element .

    我们把符号表 元素的值部分 称作描述信息。

  • We use the term element to mean the lowest value .

    我们 基本值,意味着是最小值。

  • Adding a corrected term to the central finite element scheme the second order and first order finite element schemes are constructed .

    通过对中心型有限 格式加修正 的方法本文成功地构造出二阶迎风型有限元格式和一阶迎风型有限元格式。

  • The term by term expansions of the standard and a modified finite element approximations for two-point boundary value problems

    两点边值问题标准与非标准有限 解的 逐项渐近展式

  • Common address term is a language element which must be used in interpersonal communication and one of the important factors that can affect interpersonal relationships .

    通用 称谓 是人际交往中必须运用的语言 要素,也是影响人际交往能否顺利进行的重要因素之一。

  • The Research on Long - Term Creep Behavior and Finite Element Analysis of Geogrids

    土工格栅 长期蠕变行为研究及有限 分析

  • In relation to an integrated circuit ; a term that indicates small element size and high packing density .

    集成电路技术中的一种 修饰 术语,表示 元件体积小而且封装密度高。

  • For a class of delay-differential equations the linear and nonlinear delay-equation with one-delay term and multi-delay terms this paper systemic studies the finite element methods and their superconvergence .

    本文研究了一类延时微分方程,即对具有单 时和多延时的线性和非线性问题的有限 方法及其超收敛性,进行了系统的研究。

  • For example searching for the name of a product with the stemmed form of the term disappointing in the message element of its comment can be expressed as follows

    例如,要搜索在评论的“message” 元素中有“ disappointing”词根形式的产品的名称,可以编写下面的查询

  • Numerical simulation has been carried out for blasting demolition of rolling compact concrete cofferdam in crosswise direction of which belongs to the third term of the Three-gorge project using dynamic finite element program LS-DYNA .

    用动力有限 程序LS-DYNA对长江三峡水利枢纽工程三 碾压混凝土横向围堰爆破拆除进行了数值模拟。

  • In term of coal dust the metal element contents were rather low .

    煤尘中金属 元素含量较低。

  • Air suspension system is a generic term for the suspensions which make air spring as its elastic element .

    空气悬架系统是以空气弹簧作为弹性 元件的悬架 总称

  • The upwind difference method is used in convective term and the finite element method is used in other term in order to simulate the flow at high Reynolds number and high Rayleigh number .

    对流 采用迎风差分格式,其余的计算均采用四边形 单元 有限 法,适应了高Reynolds数及高Raylaigh数的要求,对复杂流动域具有很灵活的适应性。

  • For the semilinear differential equations with nonlinear term f ( u ) this paper introduces a simplified finite element method called as interpolated coefficient finite element method which requests that / (? / is replaced by interpolation Ihf ( uh ) in numerical computation .

    本文针对半线性微分方程中含有的非线性 f(u),在有限元计算中将插值Ihf(uh)代替f(uh),从而得到一种简化的有限 法-插值系数有限元法。

  • Finite element simulation of mechanical-thermal was processed during milling and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of milling insert was carried in term of finite element analysis result of coupled physics field .

    本文对铣刀片铣削过程中的力-热耦合物理场进行了有限元模拟,并以耦合物理场的有限 分析结果为 前提,对铣刀片进行了模糊综合评判。

  • The first term of this transition matrix element is a divergent pluralism when the incident and scattered waves are chosen as plane wave .

    跃迁矩阵元被表示为两项,当入射电子和散射电子近似为平面波时,跃迁矩阵 的第一 是一个发散的复数;

  • Each italicized term refers to another abstract element in the grammar .

    每一个斜体的 术语表示引用该语法中的一个抽象 元素

  • A name has an object term and a property term and if it is a simple element a representation term .

    名称具有一个对象术语(objectterm)和一个属性 术语(property term),如果它是一个简单的 元素,那么还有一个表示术语(representationterm)。

  • The SELECT statement returns all name elements of the products with the term creamer and the term pattern in any sequence in the respective name element .

    SELECT语句返回在“name” 元素中有任何次序的单词“ creamer”和“pattern”的所有产品的name元素。

  • Within this class documentation the term list refers to a data collection within the hosted data source and item denotes a single element .

    在此类文档中, 术语 列表”表示寄宿数据源中的一个数据集合,“项”表示单个 元素

  • In this paper a new second order form of rectangular element for solving the Stokes problem is presented by adding a high order term to ACM element . The whole degrees of this element is less than that of some other formulae before .

    本文通过对ACM 增加一个高阶 ,构造了一个求解Stokes问题的新的二阶格式,其自由度比原来的某些二阶格式少。

  • We have found the experimental formulas of the relations between the subscripts of every term of the developments and the element addresses to store all intermediate objects .

    我们找出展开式各项的 下标 单元地址的对应关系的经验公式来存放全部中间结果。