terminal charges


  • However because of the small terminal screen and keyboard low computing capability narrow bandwidth and traffic charges current Mobile Search engine such as Google can not meet the users ' precise smart efficient and other requirements .

    移动 终端具有屏幕和键盘小、运算处理能力差、带宽窄以及流量 收费等特点,现有的移动搜索引擎如Google不能满足用户精确、智能、高效等方面的要求。

  • The analysis of the combination between the architectural energy-saving acceptance code and relative regulation code regulation of freight terminal charges

    建筑节能验收规范与相关验收规范融合的分析汽车货运 收费规则

  • We will continue to promote discussion within the industry with the aim of enhancing the transparency of terminal handling charges .

    我们亦会继续利便业界之间就 码头处理 进行磋商,以增加 收费的透明度。

  • The Solutions to the Terminal Handling Charges at Hong Kong Port

    香港 码头处理 问题的 困扰及其出路

  • Regulation of freight terminal charges

    汽车货运 收费规则

  • The communication mode of the mast-station and the load control terminal is GPRS which is online every time rapidly reactive speed and charges by the data flow to lower the cost .

    主站与负控 终端之间采用GPRS通讯方式,时时在线,反应速度快,而且按流量 收费,有效降低成本;

  • Regulation of freight terminal charges clearance of roadside traffic

    汽车货运 收费规则清理沿线各站货运办法

  • Regulation of freight terminal charges take or consume ( regularly ) .

    汽车货运 收费规则有规律地接受或消费。