terminal variable

[ˈtɚmənəl ˈvɛriəbəl][ˈtə:minəl ˈvɛəriəbl]

[计] 终结变量

  • In this paper a kind of intelligent control terminal using yield monitor and variable rate task based on CAN bus was developed .

    开发了一套基于CAN总线的能够实现产量监测和 变量作业功能的智能控制 终端

  • When you create an input or output terminal you must give it a variable name .

    当你创建输入输出 端子,你必须给它一个 变量名称。

  • A value that is connected to the input terminal of such an expression represents assignment of the value to the variable or field .

    被连接到此种表达式的输入 终端的值表示对该 变量或字段的赋值。

  • A terminal guidance law for side jet control missile based on adaptive fuzzy variable structure control ( AFVSC ) is proposed .

    针对采用直接侧向力控制的敏捷性导弹,提出了一种适用于拦截大机动目标的自适应模糊 结构 制导律。

  • According to the nonlinear dynamical system of the batch fermentation the terminal optimal control model is established with the initial state as its control variable and the optimal solution is obtained according to an actual problem . 2 .

    针对间歇发酵过程的非线性动力系统,以初始状态为控制 变量,建立了 终端最优控制模型,并求得实际问题的最优解。

  • The Service Invoke primitive has a single input terminal and a variable number of output terminals .

    服务调用原语具有单个输入 末端和不 数目的输出末端。

  • The union of the control invariant sets is treated as the terminal constraint set of predictive control . The feasibility and stability of the novel dual-mode model predictive control are investigated with both variable and fixed horizon .

    本文将控制不变集的并集作为双模预测控制的 终端约束集,研究了 时域和固定时域模式下双模预测控制的可行性与稳定性。

  • Replacing the sign function with fuzzy control logic the fuzzy terminal variable structure guidance law is proposed . The stability of fuzzy controller is analyzed and proved by Lyapunov stability theory .

    采用模糊控制逻辑取代符号切换函数,提出了模糊 Terminal 滑模 结构导引律,利用Lyapunov稳定性理论对模糊Terminal 滑模 结构控制器的稳定性进行了分析与证明。

  • Based on the good properties of exponential fast terminal sliding mode a novel sliding mode variable structure control for high-order uncertain nonlinear systems is proposed .

    针对一类高阶不确定非线性系统,基于指数型快速 终端滑模的良好特性,提出了一种新的滑模 结构控制。

  • The Prediction-Based Control Strategy with Terminal - Reheating for Variable Air Volume Systems

    风量空调系统中基于预测的 末端再热控制策略

  • Relationship of the loss and the stator terminal voltage have been discussed separately when the load is constant and variable .

    对于恒转矩和 转矩两种不同性质的负载,分别讨论了损耗与定子 电压的关系,论证了两种不同负载情况下降压节能的依据。

  • Research on 3D Terminal Guidance Laws Based on Actively Self-homing Spiral Variable Trajectory

    基于主动螺旋 变轨的三维 制导律研究

  • B.the signal sequence at N-terminal and the transmembrane sequence at C terminal were highly conserved however the antigenic regions located at N-terminal half of E1 were variable especially at the region of amino acid residues 702-742 ; C.

    E1糖蛋白N端的信号肽序列及C 的跨膜区序列是比较保守的,然而位于N端的抗原区序列是非保守的,其中氨基酸 变异较大的区域大约在702~742氨基酸残基之间。

  • In your X terminal echo the environment variable DISPLAY ; it 'll probably be : 0.0 .

    在X 终端中,回显环境 变量DISPLAY。这个 变量的值可能是“:0.0”。

  • On Design of Spring in Venturi Terminal Variable Air Valve

    文丘里型 末端 风量阀弹簧设计探讨

  • Then two terminal guidance laws are given . that is variable structure guidance which is suitable for passive radar guidance . and optimal guidance which is suitable for active radar guidance ;

    接着研究了两种 制导律,即用于被动雷达末制导的 结构制导律和用于主动雷达导引头的最优末制导律,均适用于复合制导末制导段;

  • This paper analyses the primay pump terminal variable flow control the flow of invariable chilled-water refrigeration systems and cooling water systems on the side of units .

    本文对中央空调中普遍使用的一次泵, 末端 流量,机组侧定流量空调冷冻水系统与冷却水系统的流量进行了研究。

  • Diversity of cagA gene 3 ' terminal variable region and its corresponding protein in Helicobacter pylori

    不同地区幽门螺杆菌cagA基因羧基 可变区及其蛋白序列差异分析

  • To avoid the nonsingular problem of common terminal sliding mode and eliminate the inherent chattering problem of Sliding Mode Variable Structure Control a dynamic nonsingular terminal sliding mode control method was brought forward for the uncertainty multivariable linear system namely state transition of uncertainty multivariable linear system .

    为避免普通 终端滑模的非奇异性问题和消除滑模 结构控制所固有的抖振问题,针对不确定多变量线性系统,提出了一种动态非奇异终端滑模控制方法。

  • The nonsingular terminal sliding mode could keep fast convergence of terminal sliding mode control and avoid singularity problem is applied to second-order system with uncertainty control parameters and design the corresponding sliding model variable structure control law .

    非奇异终端滑模可保持 终端滑模的快速收敛性和避免奇异性问题,将其应用到带有不确定性控制参数的二阶系统中,并设计出相应的滑模 结构控制规律。

  • Simulation results show that the designed controller are well and possesses strong ability of anti-noise and anti-changing to model parameters terminal sliding mode variable structure model following controller has good following performance .

    仿真结果表明,所设计的两种控制器的控制效果良好,对外界干扰和参数摄动有很强的抑制能力, 最终滑动模态 结构模型跟踪控制器具有良好的跟踪能力。

  • This guidance law can satisfy the requirements of miss distance and terminal angle thus it guarantees that all phases of the large-space variable trajectory smoothly link .

    该导引律能同时满足脱靶量要求和 末端 角要求,保证了大空域 变轨弹道的各段弹道平滑衔接。