term transfer

[tɚm trænsˈfɚ][tə:m trænsˈfə:]


  • Comparison on the long term characteristics from two transfer techniques on satellite time and frequency

    卫星时间频率两种 传递技术的 长期特性比较

  • The uncertainty of flux measurement has been studied in term of the theory of error transfer and also the influence extent of flux measurement has been analyzed from the parameter of equation .

    根据误差 传递理论,对风量测量的不确定度进行了研究,并分析了其方程式各参数对风量测量的影响程度。

  • When the coefficients and the source term in the stochastic heat transfer equations are white Gaussion processes some solutions of the unsteady partial differential equations for expectation and correlation distribution of stochastic heat transfer are presented .

    当在随机热 传递方程中系数项和源 是白高斯过程时,关于随机热传递的期望分布和相关分布的不稳定的偏微分方程的某些解被给出。

  • Short term precursor of the geomagnetic horizontal field transfer functions

    地磁水平场 转换函数的 短期前兆

  • With the ray tracking method tracks of the rays in the grid are used to compute the energy source term by radiation transfer equation .

    利用光线追踪法,根据光线在网格中的传播路径信息,运用辐射 方程,得到流场的能量源

  • Part four : The application to enterprises tax planning for optimization models is studied where two typical models are studied emphatically one is profit or loss compensation optimization model which is long term the other is transfer price optimization model which is short term .

    第四部分:研究了优化模型在企业纳税筹划中的应用,其中重点研究了两个具有代表性的模型,一个是 长期的盈亏抵补优化模型,另一个是短期的 转让定价优化模型。

  • But in short term industrial division and industrial transfer in Yangtze River Delta will not emerge substantively because some restrictive factors exit currently .

    值得注意的是,当前还存在着生产要素流动性不强,地方政府的限制等制约产业分工、产业 转移的因素,因此 短期内长三角地区的产业分工和产业 转移并不会大规模出现。

  • The term for a technology transfer agreement is generally no longer that 10 years and it shall be approved by the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade .

    技术 转让协议 期限一般不超过十年,协议须经对外经济贸易部批准。

  • The next term she would transfer from Brown to another university to accomplish her study .

    这个 秋季她将很快从布朗大学 转到其他学校继续学业。

  • The main heating term is the vertical transfer of sensible heat from the earth 's surface Lilly 's conservative space difference scheme and Matsuno 's time difference scheme are used in the model .

    计算采用守恒的Lilly空间差分格式及 Matsuno的时间差分格式。

  • It is unfair that issuing banks set a single standard term to transfer all loss to cardholders before the loss of credit card is reported because the banks ignore the design risk of credit card and the diversity of credit card losing .

    发卡行通过拟定单一的格式 条款忽视信用卡本身存在的设计风险和持卡人信用卡遗失情况的多样性,而将挂失前信用卡冒用造成的损失全部 转移给持卡人显然是不合理的。

  • Including a thermal dispersion term in the conduction-convection heat transfer equation does not improve the model significantly .

    在传导一对流热 传输方程中加入热弥散 不能显著改善模型的预测结果。

  • Identification of nonlinear source term of a heat transfer equation

    一类热 传导方程非线性源 识别问题

  • Secondly summarizes the two measures of safeguard farmers ' land rights and interests : stabilize the rural land contract relations over the long term ; improve the rural land management rights transfer .

    第二,归纳了维护农民土地权益的两大措施:稳定农村上地承包关系 长久 不变;完善农村土地经营权 流转

  • After having estimated the price of the project we can confirm the term of transfer the products price of the project .

    项目经营权 转让价格确定后,才能根据 投资合理 回报要求来确定 转让 期限和项目产品价格。

  • Through cooperation with psychologist design questionnaire initial investigation get the standard value of every term and then transfer to computer system to processing systematically .

    通过和心理学专家合作,设计问卷、经初步调查获得 各项常规指标后, 转换到计算机系统进行系统化处理。

  • The smoothing method reduces the data sampling rate of the pseudo-range measurement and improves the short term stability of the time transfer .

    最后,研究了GPSCP平滑码伪距测量,平滑方法缩短了码测量的数据采样率,提高了时间 传递 短期稳定度。

  • When a foreign investor transfers technology to China and when such technology is advanced in nature or the term of such transfer is favorable its corporate income tax and business tax will be exempted ;

    外商向中国境内 转让技术,凡属技术先进或 条件优惠的,可免征营业税和企业所得税;

  • The term of a technology transfer agreement shall not in general exceed 10 years ;

    (三)技术 转让协议的 期限一般不超过十年。

  • Objective To report the methods and long term outcomes of multiple donor nerves transfer for the treatment of brachial plexus total roots avulsion .

    目的探讨多组神经 移位治疗臂丛神经根性撕脱伤的方法和 疗效

  • A modified Wiener filter ( WF ) model was proposed in which the reference term of WF ′ s transfer function was synthesized using the mean of training images . So the modified WF is capable of discerning rotation distortion .

    提出一种改进的维纳滤波器(WF)模型,用训练图像的均值合成维纳滤波 传递函数中的参考函数,使 WF具有了旋转不变识别的能力。

  • According to the data published by Time Bulletin of the BIPM Time Section during 2000 year by using the analyzing method of time domain statistical analysis and comparison for their long term characteristics on two transfer techniques have been carried out .

    根据国际计量局(BIPM)时间部2000年时间公报公布的数据,用时域分析方法,对这两种 传递技术的 长期特性进行了统计分析和比较。

  • Real estate business as the term is used in this Law includes real estate transfer real estate mortgage and premises lease .

    本法所 房地产交易,包括房地产 转让、房地产抵押和房屋租赁。

  • The term income from transfer of properly shall mean income derived by individuals from the assignment of negotiable securities share rights structures land use rights machinery equipment means of transportation and other property .

    转让所得,是 个人转让有价证券、权、筑物、地使用权、器设备、船以及其他财产取得的所得。

  • The term for royalty payment is the same as the term for technology transfer agreement stipulated in Article 19 of this contract .

    提成支付 期限按照本合同第十九条规定的 转让期限为 期限

  • Finally an information retrieval system based on the LSI is implemented the term transfer relation for the information retrieval initial results are selected and the results by document clustering algorithm are adjusted .

    最后本文实现了一个基于潜在语义索引的文本检索系统,对检索的初始结果进行 特征 传递关系选择并通过聚类手段调整检索结果。

  • In this paper the phase term in the transfer function of lossy transmission lines is firstly modified and a more accurate model is presented .

    本文对有耗传输线系统 函数的相位 因子进行了修正,得出了更为精确的模型。

  • The term for the technology transfer agreement is signed by Party A and the Solely Foreign-owned Enterprise and it shall be approved by the approval authority .

    技术 转让协议的 期限由甲方与独资企业签订并经审批机关批准。