
[ˈwʊdlənd, -ˌlænd][ˈwʊdlənd]



  • From the house the garden drops away surrounded by a rural scene of woodland .

    从房子的 位置,花园 开始变低,四周 树木 葱郁,一 田园风光。

  • The open woodland that is their natural habitat .

    作为它们天然栖息地的开阔 林地

  • All the woodland is sacred .

    所有的 林地都是神圣的。

  • Unlike squirrels woodchucks and many other woodland animals bears do not actually hibernate .

    与松鼠、旱獭和其它别的 林地动物不同,熊并不真正地冬眠。

  • The woodland use right for timber stands economic forests and firewood forests ;

    用材林、经济林、薪炭林的 林地使用权;

  • They paint the cars with flames stripes or woodland scenes ;

    他们在汽车上画上火焰、条纹和 林地景观;

  • The remaining block of woodland is cut down to ground level .

    剩下的 树林被砍得精光。

  • A treeless usually grassy area in a woodland or forest .

    3林间空地:在 森林或林场长草的没有树木的区域。

  • On Wednesday we cleared a beach and woodland of litter .

    星期三我们清理了一块海滨 林地的垃圾。

  • The175 acres of field and woodland at the children 's international village is a heaven on earth .

    国际儿童村的175英亩田野和 林地的确是人间天堂。

  • Paths of bark chippings will help to give the impression of a woodland walkway .

    铺满碎树皮的小路有助于制造 林间小道的印象。

  • The lands that increased continuously are the paddy field building site sandy woodland .

    持续增加的是水田、建筑用地、有 沙地;

  • Pinus Koraiensis is a provincial tree spiece in the Northeast woodland of our country .

    红松是我国东北北部 林区的乡土树种。

  • Perennial woodland spring-flowering plant ; widely cultivated .

    一种春天开花的多年生 林地植物;现被广泛种植。

  • Study on Woodland Runoff and Erosion of Different Model Conversion of Farmland Back to Forests

    不同模式退耕还 林地上径流和侵蚀研究

  • Forest or woodland having a mature or overmature ecosystem more or less uninfluenced by human activity .

    森林或 林地,具成熟或过熟的或多或少没有被人类活动影响的生态系统。

  • Animals that live in woodland or thick forest .

    生活在 林地或茂密丛林中的动物。

  • I had to be versed in all the woodland creatures .

    我精通所有 森林生物的语言。

  • Ought not a bird to nest in deep woodland or fly over meadow and marsh ?

    它难道不应该在深 中作窝,在草地和沼泽上飞翔?

  • Christmas is coming : While the bear sleeps the other woodland animals get on with decorating the tree .

    圣诞节到了:熊睡去了, 树林中其他动物开始装饰树木。

  • The soil hydro-physical properties of artificial seabuckthorn woodland had been studied in arsenic sandstone areas .

    本文研究了砒砂岩地区沙棘人工 林地土壤水分物理性质及其变化规律。

  • The region is remarkable for its woodland scenery .

    这地区以 森林景色著称。

  • Woodland farmland and garden plot migrated to the west and north of Yuehu .


  • Any woodland plant of the genus Anemone grown for its beautiful flowers and whorls of dissected leaves .


  • Fragrant European perennial herb found at woodland margins on moist soils .

    欧洲多年生芳香草本植物,生长于 森林地带边缘或潮湿的土壤中。

  • Woodland carnivores are of all sizes from insects to animals like owls and foxes .


  • The main directions of land use types transfer were the conversions between woodland cropland and construction land the conversions between cropland and construction land .

    土地利用类型转移的主要方向是 林地转化为耕地和建设用地、耕地转化为建设用地;

  • Any of various woodland and meadow grasses of the genus Bromus ; native to temperate regions .

    雀麦属的任何一种 林地和草地草;原产于温带地区。

  • European woodland warbler with dull yellow plumage . Meanwhile orioles and other birds sing merrily .

    有暗黄色羽毛的欧洲 森林地区的莺。与之同时,黄莺和各种小鸟欢乐鸣唱。