temper brittleness


  • The effect of rare earth mischmetal on the temper brittleness of two low alloy steels containing manganese and phosphorus

    稀土对两种锰磷低合金钢 回火 的影响

  • By analysis the different factors that influence the temper brittleness it will submit the controlling requirements for the special requirements of manufacturing and inspection during the designing process .

    通过对影响 回火 脆性的各种因素的分析,从而在设计过程中对其制造、检验提出控制要求。

  • Plotting the curve of temper brittleness transition temperature by computer

    用计算机绘制 回火 脆性转变温度曲线

  • The temper - brittleness of Bainitic Steels

    石氏体的 回火 脆性

  • It is shown by crystal boundary analyses that there is no obvious inclusion elements partial gather at the crystal boundary so it is considered that the high temperature temper brittleness has no direct relative to the brittle fracture of the wire .

    通过对断口晶界的分析表明,断口晶界处并无明显杂质元素偏聚的迹象,可以认为高温 回火 脆性与钢丝脆断并无直接关系。

  • The nature and characteristic of the second temper brittleness in big forgings of Cr - Mo - V seires gun steel were studied .

    研究了Cr-Mo-V系炮钢大锻件中第二类 回火 脆性本质和特性。

  • Temper Brittleness of High Temperature Reactor Fabricated by Cr-Mo Steel and its Reactors

    Cr-Mo钢高温反应器的 回火 脆性控制

  • A study on high temperature temper brittleness by internal friction measurements

    结构 高温 回火 的内耗法研究

  • Temper brittleness of Cr-Mo steel in hydrogenated reactor

    加氢反应器用铬钼钢 回火 脆性

  • Combine the non-equilibrium grain-boundary segregation theory of P analysis the major effect factor of temper brittleness .

    结合P的非平衡晶界偏聚理论,分析 回火 脆性的主要影响因素。

  • Temper Brittleness of Cr - Mo Steel and Its Evaluation

    Cr-Mo钢的 回火 脆性及其评定

  • This paper briefly describes various factors affecting temper brittleness of Cr-Mo steel introduces step cooling embrittling treatment process and evaluation method with respect to temper brittleness of Cr-Mo steel .

    本文简述了影响Cr-Mo钢 回火 脆性的各种因素,介绍了步冷脆化处理工艺和Cr-Mo钢回火脆性的评定方法。

  • Analysis of Weld Property and Temper Brittleness for Cr-Mo Steel

    Cr-Mo钢的焊接性和 回火 脆性分析

  • The effect of high temperature temper brittleness on the microstructure and mechanical properties of carbonic steel was studied .

    研究了碳素结构钢的高温 回火 脆性及其对显微组织和有关性能的影响;

  • In many reasons resulted in steel brittleness the amphiprotic temper brittleness is a predominant influencing factor .

    在导致钢脆性的诸多因素中,二类 回火 脆性是比较突出的一个影响因素。

  • At the same time temper brittleness appeared when cooled with slower speed and using water-cooling can effectively avoid the occurrence of temper brittleness .

    同时该 也存在一定的 回火 脆性,但采用水冷可以有效避免回火脆性的发生。

  • Compared with other structural steel the temperature range of irreversible temper brittleness of GDL-1 steel will be enhanced about 200 ℃ .

    该材料的不可逆 回火 脆性出现的温度范围与大多数合金结构钢相比提高约200℃。

  • The residual deleterious elements in steel lead to products occurring red brittleness surface crack and temper brittleness and lead to hot strength of heat resistant steel decreasing .

    钢中的残余有害元素致使钢材产生红脆性表面裂纹和具有 回火 脆性 倾向,并使耐热钢的热强性降低。

  • However a temper brittleness has appeared after high temper .

    后高温回火产生 回火 脆性

  • This kind of steel demands a super pure control in order to solve the problem of the temper brittleness .

    为解决 低压 转子在工作 温度条件下的 回火 脆性问题,要求该类钢需进行超纯净控制。

  • The test results showed that the mechanical properties are related to forging deformation ratio dimensional effect temper brittleness - Fe and so on .

    工艺试验结果表明,该钢的力学性能主要与锻造变形程度、尺寸效应、 回火 脆性和δ-F。组织等因素有关。

  • Scab can debase the strength of the bar but can not bring delay fracture . Eliminating second class temper brittleness can lessen or eliminate delay fracture .

    结疤会降低钢棒强度,但不会引起滞后断裂,消除第二类 回火 脆性可减少或消除滞后断裂。

  • After the transverse rolling camshaft plasticity toughness and anti-fatigue property can be ameliorated and temper brittleness notch sensitiveness be reduced by sub-temperature quenching technology . Thus steel inner stress and deformation craze of the parts can be removed .

    凸轮轴在横轧后,采用亚温淬火工艺,提高了零件的塑性、韧性及抗疲劳性能,降低了钢的 回火 脆性和缺口敏感性,从而消除钢的内应力,解决工件的变形开裂问题。

  • The fracture is brittle fracture and the reason is that material of forming dies takes place the temper brittleness .

    引起脆性断裂的原因是成型模产生了 回火 脆性

  • Temper ductility emerges minimum values at 500 ~ 540 ℃ because of the effects of temper brittleness ;

    在500~540℃区间内由于 回火 脆性的影响,使回火韧性出现最低值;

  • The temper brittleness of Cr-Mo Steel and its assessment and control are briefly stated the effects of different composition of Si P content on material temper brittleness are compared in this paper .

    简要论述了铬钼钢的 回火 及其评定和控制,比较了Si、P含量的不同组合对材料回火脆化的影响。