temporal interval

[ˈtɛmpərəl ˈɪntəvəl][ˈtempərəl ˈintəvəl]

[计] 时态区间, 时态间隔

  • However it has not been thoroughly investigated in software testing research .. This thesis proposes an approach to automatic generation of test oracle from restricted MITL ( Metric Interval Temporal Logic ) .

    本文提出了基于受限度量 区间 时序逻辑(Metric Interval TemporalLogic,MITL)的测试预言自动生成技术。

  • In a user defined time interval the predictive continuous range query continuously returns moving objects that will appear in a spatial query range during a future temporal query interval .

    预测性连续 时空区域查询在用户指定的时间范围期间持续地返回给定未来查询 时间范围期间将出现在查询区域的移动对象。

  • Temporal and spatial changes of soil organic matter ( SOM ) content in the sugarcane field after 19-year interval ( from 1980 to 1999 ) were evaluated using geostatistics and geographic information system ( GIS ) .

    采用地统计学和GIS相结合的方法,研究了甘蔗连作19年( 1980~1999年)的低丘陵红壤蔗区土壤有机质含量的 时空变异特征。

  • The approximate temporal association rules with valid bounds of attribute value and associated time interval were found by clustering all instances of rule patterns .

    此方法通过对特定关联模式的实例进行聚类,以找出满足给定条件的 时态关联规则,并给出规则中各属性取值和关联 间隔约束的有效范围。

  • Based on the pull behavior of actors during workflow runtime a temporal interval logic based associated work items mining approach is proposed .

    针对运行时工作项拉动分配模式,提出了一种基于 时段逻辑的关联工作项挖掘方法。

  • Different from the usual method using temporal evenly sub-sampling scheme this method uses average MAD between two adjacent sliding windows to detect the motion changes in the video sequences and then adaptively change the skip interval length .

    不同于常用的 时域均匀下采样帧率控制策略,该策略采用滑动窗技术以及帧间MAD实时侦测视频序列的运动情况,并相应地改变跳帧 间隔,从而达到自适应的帧率控制。

  • This paper analyzes the important effect of temporal reasoning in the situation assessment system introduces the temporal interval theory .

    分析了时间推理在态势估计系统中的重要作用,介绍了 时间 区间理论。

  • In addition the Temporal Interval and Time Point are analyzed and their temporal relations are described with the Temporal Operators .

    进而分析 时态 区间和时间点并描述两者间时态关系,并引入时态算子描述这些关系。

  • Add to it empty incident adjust the lagging value of the temporal interval .

    ▲加入空事件,调整 时间 区间的滞后值。

  • Temporal serialization description for the elements in the knowledge warehouse is realized by Temporal Model which is based on VTL ( Valid Time Interval ) .

    TM以有效时间 间隔VTL)为基础实现了知识仓库组成元素的时域串行化描述。

  • This article presents a new kind of temporal logic & first order interval temporal logic ( FOITL ) . It is first order logic augmented by interval operator in which there is no explicit reference point about time .

    提出一种新的 时态逻辑&一阶 间隔时态逻辑(FOITL),它是扩充了间隔时间算子的一阶时态逻辑。

  • For the BGK model of the Boltzman equation we show that for s > 2 the s-moments of the distributional solutions remain bounded on any temporal interval 0 T w_249 provided that the moments of order s of the initial data are finite .

    对Boltzman方程的BGK模型,我们证明了,对任意s>2,如果初始值的s阶矩有限,则其分布解的s阶矩在任何 时间 区间0,Tw_302上保持有界。

  • This paper first defines temporal interval operators and uses them to filter the database and merge temporal intervals for mining .

    本文首先利用 时态 区间代数操作实现原始数据库的过滤和挖掘时态区间的合并;

  • 400 to 2000.The result shows that there are characteristics of active in stages the spatial and temporal order in migration filling seismic gaps and epicenters repeat distribution of strong earthquakes be equal in distance . A STUDY ON STATISTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF MAGNITUDE AND INTERVAL TIME OF EARTHQUAKE

    结果表明,鄂尔多斯周缘强震活动具有时间分期性、 时空迁移有序性、填空性与重复性、大地震等间隔分布特点.地震震级和地震 间隔时间的统计分布研究

  • The paper presents a temporal knowledge reasoning algorithm based on Time Petri Nets ( TPN ) . At the base of existing algorithm the fuzzy time interval is used to develop the algorithm .

    介绍一种基于时间Petri网的 时间知识推理算法,它是在已有算法的基础上,引入模糊时间 区间的操作进行扩展而形成。

  • Temporal Reasoning Based on Interval Algebra in Artificial Intelligence

    人工智能应用中基于 区间代数的 时态推理

  • Secondly three main blanches of Temporal Logic which are Linear-time Temporal Logic Branching-time Temporal Logic and Interval Temporal Logic are further introduced .

    其次,进一步描述了时态逻辑的三大分支:线性时态逻辑、分支 时态逻辑以及分区 时态逻辑;

  • This paper introduces the problem of data mining based on temporal constrains . We create two new operators on temporal interval space and design an algorithm called TISS-DM by making advance of these operators .

    这部分工作还包括对 时态 区间、时态约束下的数据挖掘空间以及 时态 区间操作等进行了形式化,它们是TISS-DM的理论基础。