


  • Temporality is an important issue in language teaching and learning both in first and second language acquisition .

    在母语及二语的习得过程中, 时间的表达是语言教学和语言学习的重点。

  • It also analyzes the expression and function of the temporality of common nouns in the Chinese time-expressing system .

    并讨论了普通名词的 时间 在汉语时间系统表达中的表现和作用。

  • It is characterized by temporality stability complexity and uniqueness .

    从特征看,它具有 暂时 、稳定性、复杂性、独创性等特点。

  • Temporality is important for privacy data and the key factor in some access control policies .

    时态 是隐私数据的重要 特性,也是隐私数据的访问控制策略中关键 的因素。

  • Compared with other firm marks entertainment performance mark has its different features as temporality and participation and always act as a prop .

    相对于其他的企业标志,娱乐表演标志具有 短暂 、参与 、道具 的特点。

  • When collecting and reporting on a soil sample it is common to only consider the soil 's lateral and vertical non-homogeneity but to ignore the temporality of the soil 's nutrient 's dynamic change .

    在对土壤样品的采集报道中,通常只考虑了土壤横向和纵向的不均一性,而忽视了土壤养分动态变化的 时间

  • The expression of temporality is essential in all natural languages and it has been extensively studied over the centuries .

    时间 概念的表达是所有自然语言的必要组成部分,千百年来 学者 时间的语言表达进行了广泛研究。

  • During the past three decades researchers have extensively studied the acquisition of temporality in second language acquisition .

    本文全面介绍了国外时 系统二语 习得研究的主要方法和发现。

  • Pyramids stand for the eternity of time and once again Feng inhabits the structures with the temporality of beauty and youth .

    金字塔代表了永恒的时间, 正杰再一次强调了美好事物和 人类青春的 短暂

  • This paper discusses the semantic and syntactic properties of the nouns of internal temporality and examines the nouns of external temporality .

    文章分析了内在 时间性名词的语义、句法特点,对外在时间性的名词进行了考察。

  • Therefore temporality of space is the essence of image narrative .

    因此,空间的 时间是图像叙事的本质。

  • The hope viewed from temporality is a utopia that is open to the future .

    时间 的角度来说,希望蕴涵着面向未来的敞开。

  • But Heidegger has forgotten the importance of the delay and defered reflection in the constitution of temporality .

    而海德格尔则遗忘了这种延迟、这种 后事之明对 时间性的建构意义。

  • But this change of the relationship between art and time also changes the temporality of art itself .

    但这种艺术与时间关系的变化也使艺术的 时间 和艺术本身也发生变化。

  • Death guilt temporality and historicity signify the predestined limited potentiality of being-there .

    死、罪责、 时间 、历史性说的是缘在命定的有限的可能性。

  • M · Dufrenne think that the temporality of aesthetic being chiefly means the temporality of human history .


  • This article elaborates characteristics of vehicles from three aspects : typicality subjectivity regionalism and temporality .

    文章从喻 的典型性、 主观性 时域 三个方面对喻 的特征进行了研究。

  • There exist the contradictions between temporality and protracted nature and between locality and entirety for development of productivity .

    生产力的发展还存在 暂时 与长期性,局部性和整体性的矛盾;

  • But it is now in a critical juxtaposition to the new institutions of state and eonomomy and therefore itself conveys this new temporality .


  • Well I think that we should always call matter'time matter'or matter of time so that we never for a moment forget its essential temporality and essential changefulness .

    我们应该把物质称为,时间物质,就不会 忘掉其,多变性。

  • A Study of Temporality of Common Nouns

    普通名词的 时间 研究

  • Indeed Dumont himself refers to different civilisations each having their own temporality ( p.242 ) .

    的确,杜蒙本人也提到了不同的文明,每一种文明有其存在的 时间(第242页)。

  • Thus the exhibition reveals the temporality and fluidity of borders and positions and thus the unaccountability and fallacy of being on one side of the fence or the other .

    这个展览试图揭示的是边界和立场的 临时性和不确定性,以及站在这一边和站在另外一边同时具备的不可靠性和虚假性。

  • Christianity makes the distinction between noumenon and appearance in its ontology . It can show loving care for the temporality by means of the personifying God in heaven .

    但是,基督教的本体论区分本体与现象,它以神的人格化完成了彼岸对 此岸的关照。

  • On the Temporality in Marx 's Doctoral Dissertation

    马克思《博士论文》中的 时间 视域

  • First this article demonstrate on the basis of further reflection on the problem of category Heidegger proposed significance is the conditions that all objects can be given and the exploration in-depth of the significance makes Heidegger traced it back to ecstatic and horizonal temporality .

    首先展示出,在对范畴问题的进一步思考的基础上,海德格尔提出了作为一切对象得以被给予的条件的意义,而对意义的深入探究使得海德格尔将它追溯到了 绽出的-境遇的 时间

  • From Subject to Existence and Temporality : The Study on Aesthetic 's Promotion to Aesthetic Education Theory in 30 Years

    从主体 走向存在与 时间 &30年以来美学 演进对美育学的推动从阐释学和接受美学的角度论 译者的主体

  • Chapter 1 mainly treats of internal psychological mechanism for the emergence of spatial manifestation of narrative medium of temporality and from the perspective of the symbolic essence of language analyzes types and idiosyncrasies of spatial manifestation .

    第一章主要论及 时间性叙事媒介空间表现现象出现的内在心理机制,并从语言的符号性本质这一角度分析了空间表现的类型及其特质。

  • This dissertation at the beginning differentiates time from temporality in the term of their concepts making a comparison of the concept of time of science with the intrinsic temporality of the activities of consciousness .

    本文首先对时间与 时间 在概念上做出了区分,把自然科学的时间观与意识活动的内在时间性做出了对比。