




  • The takeover provoked a tempest of criticism .

    这次收购引发了 潮水 的批评。

  • He could not confront again the loneliness and the tempest .

    他再也经不住孤单寂寞的侵袭和 暴风雨 冲击

  • Analysis of Mesoscale Circulation Characteristic on a Local Torrential Rain Event a tempest swept over the island .

    青岛一次局地大暴雨的中尺度环流特征分析 一阵 暴风雨 刮过小岛。

  • Caliban is always a difficult part to cast in the tempest .

    在《 暴风雨 这出戏里,卡利班一向是个难以寻找适当演员的角色。

  • A raging tempest sea w_219 The fury of the storm subsided .

    狂暴的 暴风雨海w_232狂怒的风暴减弱了。

  • No tempest is capable of shattering his firm determination .

    任何 惊涛骇浪都不能动摇他坚如磐石的决心。

  • On Capitol Hill senators today appear to view the matter as something of a tempest in a teapot .

    美国国会的参议员们今天似乎把这个问题 小题大做了。

  • The Tempest was William Shakespeare 's swan song in1612 .

    暴风雨 是威廉·莎士比亚于1612年的绝笔之作。

  • And he said unto them Take me up and cast me forth into the sea ; so shall the sea be calm unto you : for I know that for my sake this great tempest is upon you .

    他对他们说、你们将我抬起来、抛在海中、海就平静了.我知道你们 大风、是因我的缘故。

  • His most enigmatic paintings such as The Tempest and The Three Philosophers have no obvious subject .

    他最具神秘感的画作都没有明显的主题,像 风暴和三贤哲。

  • She had heard a piano arrangement of his overture to the tempest noble music !

    她听过他的 暴风雨 序曲的钢琴改编曲。

  • I hadn 't foreseen the tempest my request would cause

    我没有 料到我的请求会 掀起 这么 风波

  • Indeed they were at sea and the ship and crew were in peril of tempest .

    实际上它们也确是在海上,这只小船和它的船员 已面临 风暴 袭来的危险。

  • But what seems like a routine mission is anything but when the hurricane grows into a churning tempest .

    但似乎是任何东西,但是当飓风搅拌成 暴风雨增长像例行任务。

  • The ship was assailed by a severe storm The tempest beats against the house .

    那船遭到大风暴的袭击。 暴风雨冲击着这座房子。

  • I 'll sail on the flood of the tempest dark .

    浩瀚 黑的 风暴中起航。

  • Let the human tempest and hurricane rage at a distance the desolation is beyond the horizon of peace .

    让人类的 暴风骤雨在远方肆虐的荒凉超越了地平线上。

  • I believe there is always a tempest after a beautiful rainbow appear .

    我坚信,在 暴风骤雨后,总会有一条美丽的彩虹出现。

  • The tempest in my mind / Doth from my senses take all feeling

    我脑海中的 风暴/从我的感觉中迸发所有的情感

  • One of our favourite Watson moments was when she stepped out in this William Tempest sheer navy number .

    当她 穿着William Tempest 清透的海军蓝 裙款款走来 &这定格为沃特森最动人的瞬间之一。

  • And the tempest is coming dear one .


  • But even the brightes days can be darkened by an unseen tempest .

    但是即使是最明媚的日子里,也可能会被未知的 暴风雨所笼罩。

  • Then fear not the stormy tempest that is at this moment sweeping through your life .

    那麽,不要恐惧扫过你生命的 暴风雨试炼

  • The wind grew to a tempest .

    风势加剧成了 风暴

  • The tempest seems to be calming down .


  • A raging tempest sea w_769 a short rainstorm accompanied by thunder and lightning .

    狂暴的 暴风雨海w_784伴有雷电的短的风暴。

  • I speak in the tempest loud .

    我在响亮的 暴风雨里发言。

  • The ship fell on a tempest in theocean .

    这条船在大洋中遭遇到 暴风雨

  • Like the tempest she shakes the earth beneath us and the sky above us .

    她如 暴风雨 震动我们脚下的大地,摇撼我们头上的天空。

  • The tempest drove the ship on the rocks .
